Wetback Ass Drunk Driver Headed Down Topanga Admits To Coming Around To Harass Me

Wetback Ass Drunk Driver Headed Down Topanga Admits To Coming Around To Harass Me

These are some SICK MOFOS…..

In the tape you can hear him ADMIT to watching me then his sick friend tapes me…..


Here their license plate:

California license plate # 7HAL817

WHY come around here to start shit with a homeless woman, living in her car and then you wonder why I call you all the demon seeds of Quetzalcoatl…..

Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians

I did go ahead and report his ass to the cops:

I think him and some of his fucking friends just drove by and threw some shit at my car…..

You ARE a low mofo to fuck with somebody living in her vehicle, alone. A real cowardly mofo. An evil mofo. White folks don’t do this to me, black folks don’t…. just those cowardly mofos trying to get energy cause they pride is busted ?? whaaah poor babies – cause of a black woman speaking the truth!

It is an energy of cowardliness and energy stealing, PROVING EVERYTHING I SAY TO BE TRUE ABOUT THEM!

They want me to back down, to be a subdued woman – a coward. I am anybody but! But you ain’t getting this energy, coward, and you all are proving my point which is why I will keep speaking THE TRUTH!

Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians

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