Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump:
Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things.....
I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time.
So I am not a simple person.
These are some SICK MOFOS….. In the tape you can hear him ADMIT to watching me then his sick friend tapes me….. Here their license plate: California license plate # 7HAL817 WHY come around here to start shit with a homeless woman, living in her car and then you wonder why I call you all the demon seeds of Quetzalcoatl….. Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians I did go ahead and report his ass to the cops: I think him and some of his fucking friends just drove by and threw some
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LORDT, I AM SO RIGHT! This is the insta-heaux for her pet snake: – It says WORLD DOMINATION with the snake next to it connoting what rules the world = reptilians ?????? NASA connotes to the fact that they come from outer space and that “the time has come” caption means domination and just basically coming out with their reptilian asses. Basically she got reptilian handlers… – Her pet snake an ugly, smarmy mofo…. Alright, look – when you got reptilian energy around you, like she does…. – That shit with the snake looking towards her purse symbolizes they control
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This a pretty picture and, like all of em, symbolize what is going on within…. Going within, doing deep Soul inner cleansing and healing, has allowed me to go into some deep dark inner places that I usually don’t go into, that in the past I would not be equipped to do: Though I got to the heart – to some degree – of what was the chaotic basis for what I have suffered a lifetime of hurt and rejection at the hands of others…. I can’t get to the craw of what is EXACTLY the cause of this
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Imma jump on the energy of envy that I have been getting from people all my life, that has pretty much defined my relations with people and why I can not make friends…. My shit works. This miserable mofo wants me to stay on fucking youtube so I can get flagged all the time, be miserable, and feed off that loosh (I saw what the fuck around you, FAGGOT ?)! I’ve seen some pretty interesting things about this faggot in the astral…. This is why I stay to myself! In the 3D, he has a tendency to ADDICTIVELY watch bestgore.com
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I won’t be doing that shit AT ALL ANYMORE so if you come up to me for that shit, even if I saw you in the past…. I am alerting the cops or else YOU WILL GET ‘WOKED ✊???♀️ That being said, that shit, a supposed “gift” as shown to me in the astral WAS A CURSE designed to extract loosh for negative archonic forces. This is how I feel after getting rid of that shit – my sacral chakra even felt “whole” and I don’t feel the energy of being unwittingly looked at as a “sex kitten” energetic
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This makes perfect sense…. See EVERY-THING is energy! Yes, we are in physical containers known as bodies but who you truly are, your identity lies in your consciousness aka Soul! I have a very masculine energy! I would need a counterpart feminine to compliment me (I didn’t say complete cause when you are a highlt evolved Soul like I, you are completed so you don’t need anyone else to complete you. I complete myself!)! That being, since I am completing my Soul’s healing journey, I am able to articulate what I know to be true subconsciously! I couldn’t do
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This makes my blood BOIL ?? While doing healing as I break down in here – somewhere – I realize that for too long I have been acting as a fucking mountain to shoulder other folks’ shortcomings which they project on me out of jealous and because of my instrinsically good nature…… I have acted as an emotional punching bag for mofos who are crabs in a barrel cause they envy my energy. This is why I ‘woke mofos. This why I hate when folks say “don’t do black magic” (all magic is the same, it’s dual
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There is some weird mofo – I saw thru my third eye a skinny ass male crakkka – who likes to fuck with my instagram page and censor me just like his flat booty built like a flat ass pancake ass is doing now….. ….He wasn’t allowing me to write a response to this Lord Humongus of The Asses comment: Go to his channel and show his fat pig ass “love”, riding his fucking bike with his fat ass looking like one of them clowns that be in the circus that be riding on those tiny tricycles ??? https://www.youtube.com/c/heff520/videos ….I
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I know at the top of the heap is a gook in a black suv. ****Update: I think the NO ENGLISH TALKING GOOK JUST PASSED! Bitch can’t even speak English! Go back to your fucking country and get the fuck outta here. My dad used to joke of how he wished he could go to ‘nam to kill em. Fucking rat faced alien faced ching chong CORONA VIRUS CARRYING GOOK BITCH! BITCH!****??? Keep up with that shit, that gangstalking shit and I’ll put curses that’ll kill your kids and your kids’ kids out here in Malibu. Play with me….. I
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Wetbacks are pure evil, just like they daddy, Quetzalcoatl: Pure fucking evil. Ever since the days after their draco reptilian parents created them, they been murdering, torturing, cutting up folks since…. It is in their dna. I do not come with sentimentality, emotion (the ways in which enemies try to attack you to attack what you know to be the truth) but pure empirical observation corroborated by extensive research, and evidence which they so happily provide…. That said, let me show what I know….. ALLL throughout my healing period, I have been getting interrupted by these creatures often when
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