Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump: https://toplessinla.org/2021/01/09/the-covid-destruction-of-businesses-is-meant-to-set-up-for-the-great-reset-aka-hunger-games/ Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things..... I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time. So I am not a simple person.
Why Organic Portals Are Attracted To Us

Why Organic Portals Are Attracted To Us

Before I begin…. right after writing this article here: How The Wetback Siphons Energy From Humanity And What I Am Doing And What You Can Do To Stop Them I notice “super wetbacks” who somehow – for a while longer – could withstand the 6000 hz frequency and even ‘woke (this ain’t funny). I saw a powerful demon – Beelzebub – who is often times represented as the king of swords in my tarot deck – show! He was influencing they ass and giving them a bit of umph to show: – That mofo in the red, I saw him

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Bedwench Wants To Fight Me After Calling Out Her Wetback Fake Boyfriend Who Wolf Whistled At Me

Bedwench Wants To Fight Me After Calling Out Her Wetback Fake Boyfriend Who Wolf Whistled At Me

….And he is enjoying it, seeing two black womben fight! I didn’t really want to fight her cause my issue is not with her but, as always, demon seeds like to orchestrate shit and he relied on her insecurity with her being dark skinned along with seeing him as a prize (though he drives a Sanford and Son truck tho I know I can’t talk due to my car looking broken down)! He came out here to start shit. That mofos – as I teach – are EXTREMELY manipulative! Cause I overstand what is going on, I let intuition guide

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How The Wetback Siphons Energy From Humanity And What I Am Doing And What You Can Do To Stop Them

How The Wetback Siphons Energy From Humanity And What I Am Doing And What You Can Do To Stop Them

They are pure evil: – They are cowards. They decide to attack a man 1 on 5 something just as they attack womben and those physically weaker: Mexican Attacks Black Woman Wetback Male Tries To Put Hands on Black Female Just Now Looka them – it takes 20 of them to fight 5 pinoys (Filipinos) who stood strong cause they are tiger warriors: At one point you can see 5 wetback fatbellies jump one skinny Filipino. I hate those mofos. Wetbacks gotta go! They then, again, 5 on 1, take their shit out on a white man cause, again, they

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Difference In How I Treat White Folks Vs A Demon Seed

Difference In How I Treat White Folks Vs A Demon Seed

  ….And I wanted to murder this creature…..   I wish I could. I really wish I could! Why The Wetback Must Be Eliminated From Existence AND THIS JUST IN! I guess the ancestors must approve of what I am doing to them demon seeds…. That said this wetback who I peeped was staring towards my car across the street decided he was gonna come his ass around and park next to me – only to get cockblocked by the ancestors [[insert witch’s laugh ??‍♀️ LOL]]   – Ancestors must approve of what I am doing/plan to do to em

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Why The Wetback Must Be Eliminated From Existence

Why The Wetback Must Be Eliminated From Existence

What I saw when I had my lsd trip as seen in the astral yesterday sickened me: Acid Trip Shows The Truth About Saturn And Divine Feminine Energy And Wetbacks Stealing The Collective Energy of Blacks Thru Spiritual Deal Seeing, FEELING thousands of their grubby lil hands grabbing at me – coming from really dark, dark, dirty places caked in mud, decay and death, just like their cult-ure: They need to be eliminated from existence and I know just how to do it ?????? That being said, the other day I went into MacArthur Park wearing my Border Patrol/MAGA regalia

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Acid Trip Shows The Truth About Saturn And Divine Feminine Energy And Wetbacks Stealing The Collective Energy of Blacks Thru Spiritual Deal

Acid Trip Shows The Truth About Saturn And Divine Feminine Energy And Wetbacks Stealing The Collective Energy of Blacks Thru Spiritual Deal

My Louisiana ass ain’t out here for nothing! Bon Ton Roule There is a REASON why I instinctively never liked their asses! Instinctively! Them demon seeds were SPYING on me all night! Here me on acid, lol! – Them entities I saw in green – one a joker and the other that took I guess a dude’s higher self form – are tricksters. They will have you following innocent people “on a trek” looking crazy! Here are some pics from it…. – You can see the light beams from the higher dimensions coming thru….. EVERYBODY need to do it! I

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Ya’ll Dumbasses Are Laughing Yourselves Straight Into George Orwell’s 1984

Ya’ll Dumbasses Are Laughing Yourselves Straight Into George Orwell’s 1984

Ya’ll really are pissing me off….. This scares me…… That comment scares me. What is crazy is that I was JUST listening to an audiobook rendition of George Orwell’s 1984 and in it all throughout folks talk of drinking DANGEROUSLY toxic and extremely strong liquor to cope with the totalarian amd dystopian society they are living in….. I believe it was Thomas Jefferson who stated that those who are willing to give up their freedom in exchange for security don’t deserve either….. Ya’ll are just laughing and meming this shit (dummies)….. They ain’t doing this shit for nothing….. Mofo sound

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Now Wetbacks Are Trying To Copy Me

Now Wetbacks Are Trying To Copy Me

LOL!   That Saturn and Jupiter alignment (both are living EVIL beings in the astral) brought so much weird energy…… Heard this dude YELLING. LOUD. At a prostitute (thought it was at the naked girl)!   Right after seeing her I felt influenced to do my own dumb shit….     Ole girl up there ain’t the first LatinX (lol sounds like a space program) I saw doing this….. Back in 2012 I caught a hispanic running NAKED in MacArthur Park: Woman Runs Around Naked In MacArthur Park In Westlake Los Angeles LAPD Called To me I grew up in

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How To Get Rid of Archon Entity Attachments

How To Get Rid of Archon Entity Attachments

Looka this shapeshifting entity I saw on my window last night….   Also looka this sigil I found on the ground:   That said these things are THE TOUGHEST to get rid of in terms of entity attachments and they mainly afflict SOULLED people by removing bits of our Souls or, esp. via dark rituals, extract the entire Soul and often replace it with an archon agent/implant (hence why some folks hear demonic entities) to keep you from ascending and teaching other Soulled folk to do the same: P1   P2   P3   Another thing I wanted to share

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