To Help The Sheriffs I Decide To Run Naked To Run Folks Out In Midst of Corona Parking Regulations Deputy Telles Calls Me Out

To Help The Sheriffs I Decide To Run Naked To Run Folks Out In Midst of Corona Parking Regulations Deputy Telles Calls Me Out

Here the long version:


Hear the shortened version:


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This schitt was maaad funnay!

I basically walked nude on the pch to keep motherfuckers from parking there as per (fake) as corona virus signs witch ??‍♀️ I talk about hea – well, let me show:

Here’s some I took another day:

– Lordt I had a fucking wine bottle in my hand which is why I was doing dumb shit, again!

Anyways, initially I took to capping on folks:


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I also did that shit with skreet racerz:


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I also chilled with this dude hea, singing – drinking!

He – and someone else did this too – complimented me on my singing.

He wasn’t like this nasty ass mofo that tries to take advantage of women when we’re drunk:

– I gotta ‘woke this coward!

Anyways, here is I, running across the skreet like Paul Revere, naked, telling folks naught to park:



And in another instance:


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– I was acting up a fool in T-mobile, ya’ll just gotta watch it! Also here some pics from that day:

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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