Three Black Serial Killers Who Attack The Homeless Shoot An Arrow At My Car

Three Black Serial Killers Who Attack The Homeless Shoot An Arrow At My Car

****UPDATE: these were wetbacks and they appeared as black in the astral cause folks appear different in the astral and I still sincerely believe they are serial killers befriend and then murder homeless people as seen in said vision**** ****JUST NAW I heard a mofo say, “I declare war.”**** Okay. Imma tell you all why I believe that it was a trio of black serial killers who did this…. but first here is how the car looked: – It was black and the areas where you see yellow at in the drawing were actually kinda beige and it was an

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Latina Tells Her People To Stop Thinking That They Are White

Latina Tells Her People To Stop Thinking That They Are White

Now THIS is the La Raza: I am SOOO mad happy she conveyed this ?? Like amongst blacks it is ALWAYS the light/white ones who are the most militant and woke ✊? But in her cult-ure unfortunately it is RARELY the case! I recall a light latina a while back who looked white stating that the spanish were usurpers who forced spanish on em and how that – and spanish cult-ure – ain’t their true identity! I cried when I heard that! This the type of shit I (rather antagonistically tho. since this style works best since I know that

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LA County Tells You That The Corona Virus Is Nothing To Fear

LA County Tells You That The Corona Virus Is Nothing To Fear

Looka this: After showing you all this fear mongering shit of high (movie high) deaths: – PEEP they go from saying it is 15,000 deaths 2 days ago to now 13,000…. – They sound like they are reading sports tallies like they do at football, baseball games vs real deaths (if shit was bad the gubmint would never reveal it much like they deny UFOS and their participation with em): – All this panic, causing this: – Now folks are gonna be outta jobs due to this bullshit…. Just look at the mess the Emperor and his lie about his

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