Journey To The Underworld The Land of The Dead And The Ether

Journey To The Underworld The Land of The Dead And The Ether

I’ve done it, plentay of times while looking back on it: This story describing it ain’t lying: I’ve been there. I recall a while back I used a Star of David to transfer me to where my brother is. I was in the early, latent stages of using my third eye to navigate the astral plane. So before going to sleep I asked my third eye to astral project me to wherever he is in the astral plane. I was “awokened” – I astral projected in the dreamscape – to a world where I was initially in a hospital.

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Demiurge Tried To Pull A Fast One With Vision Involving Me Dying Via Drowning

Demiurge Tried To Pull A Fast One With Vision Involving Me Dying Via Drowning

I know exactly what this shit was allll about: I had an astral projection experience (where I wasn’t fully conscious but it was vivid ass all hell) where I was a latina with white skin and on my left eye I had a black dot on the eye that was sorta reminiscient of David Bowie cause it was just a splotch. I recall driving to a place to get my tires fixed in macarthur park when I drove into a parking structure and then lost my car (symbolic). I then came out and I saw a Lowe’s worker I have

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A Nigger Calls Me A Nigger In MacArthur Park

A Nigger Calls Me A Nigger In MacArthur Park

LOL @ the title! Here is the long version:   And the short version that gets you straight to the fight:   [purchase_link id=”32488″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] I can’t believe how eery LA is by being so empty. As for the incident, it reminds me of how three thugs with 1 looking like a black man straight from the caribbean getting upset when I called him black and then him hitting me – while I was shitfaced – while plastered (I HATE punks who take advantage of someone while they drunk, smdh. That’s the coward of cowardly moves). Anyways, the

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