Spooking Some Spooks Dressed Up As the KKK During Halloween 2013

Spooking Some Spooks Dressed Up As the KKK During Halloween 2013

* This post is Stormfront.org and Chimpmania.com approved, lol! Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28976″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Alright, here I am, spooking some SPOOKS dressed as the klan for Halloween 2013, lol! Basically below are a set of all the pictures I took while walking in West Hollywood and into various police stations, including the Wilshire Community police station and the Hollywood police station on Wilcox – LAPD – asking if they know of any cross brunings – festive aren’t they – going on in the area. In one instance, I walked into the police station DRUNK which you can

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Undercover Cop Across the Street From Me?

Undercover Cop Across the Street From Me?

This was taken a while ago, last week to be precise, in which I spotted what appeared to be a cholo dressed in all black clothes… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28915″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Or was he? I kinda suspected that he is an undercover cop. Why? It is because undercover cops speak with articulation, are intelligent (not saying cholos can not be) and was spying me while donning a USMC sticker on his car, something that is counter to what most cholos stand for. Plus I have seen an undercover at the Wilshire Community LAPD station on Venice Blvd, exit

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Second Incident of Harassment by Officer Goldberg After Filing Lawsuit Against LAPD

Second Incident of Harassment by Officer Goldberg After Filing Lawsuit Against LAPD

  Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28896″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I noticed that, right after the Bank of America incident, which you can see right here, I have had a second encounter with the LAPD in which numerous times the PD officer on the scene, Officer Goldberg (badge No. 36672) told me that: 1) They showed up for a naked lady (nasty ass) 2) That he was going to call the Department of Transportation to render me a ticket (LAPD is authorized to do that themselves) 3) He claims I believe that he got a call from a civilian yet my

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Bank of America Discriminates Against Topless Female and LAPD Called and the Unruh Act

Bank of America Discriminates Against Topless Female and LAPD Called and the Unruh Act

Okay, see this shit I have talked about long before in the past and will continue to talk about NOW:   Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28870″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This is all about rape, rape victim blame and male domination of womyn’s and other femail’s (little girls) bodies for men’s reproductive benefit! As one of the male misogynist cops in this video expressed to me, “They are different”, with regards to my asking him about the displaying of my breasts and then stating it is NO DIFFERENT than a man’s, he then turned around and said that as a rebuttal

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Film Footage of the First False Arrest By LAPD For Being Topless and Female In Public

Film Footage of the First False Arrest By LAPD For Being Topless and Female In Public

Here is finally released film footage of the first false arrest at the hands of LAPD Officers Morrow, Noble along with others, including Sgt. Morse (who is presumably off camera and can not be seen cause I saw him for the majority of time while I was in the cop car, waiting to be ushered down to the precinct jail **of note, he was, from what I witnessed, wearing a name tag bearing the name “Valenzuela”, presumably to keep me from identifying him later on***) Buy vids (3 part series) here [purchase_link id=”28839″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Here is my forward on the whole

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Second Video of False Detention by LAPD OF My Neighbor on April 4,

Second Video of False Detention by LAPD OF My Neighbor on April 4,

This is the second false detention video of my neighbor, who was merely detained for speaking her mind on a public sidewalk. Fortunately, this video was taken by a neighbor who was also frustratingly and violently told by Sgt. Morse to keep on moving and that it wasn’t his “business” to that effect. This all took place on April 6, 2014. The officers involved are: Deckel (badge no. 41400), Sgt. Morse (badge no. 41400), Estevez (the main instigator) – (badge no. 36886) – and an unnamed Asian female officer. I plan on filing a federal lawsuit by the end of this

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Topless Female Copwatches 16 LAPD and LAFD Officers For One Sick Male

Topless Female Copwatches 16 LAPD and LAFD Officers For One Sick Male

This one was funny and showed my “quirky” side like most of em: I caught a bunch of cops – while trying to check out me of course 😉 – stand there and try to help while fending off the “advances” of a gentleman – meaning advances in him trying to KICK THEIR ASSES THAT IS 😉 LOL! Anyways, I caught these cops trying to fend off this supposedly “infirm” male who they couldn’t keep down and needed the aid and abetment of a 15 strong male army unit to fend this black homeless man off from em – trying

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False Detainment by LAPD Officer Timothy Estevez

False Detainment by LAPD Officer Timothy Estevez

This video pretty much tells it… The officers involved were: Estevez (badge no. 36886), Deckel (badge no. 41400) and Sgt. Morse (badge no. 41400). This comes on the heels of my first false arrest in which Sgt. Morse – who was involved in the first arrest and was instrumental in having me locked up on false charges (being topless and female is NOT illegal in L.A. or anywhere in California for that matter) appeared just as, interestingly, Ofcr. Noble appeared in my first harassment by LAPD cops for being LEGALLY topless in public in an attempt to scare me out

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LAPD Attempts To Illegally Arrest Woman For Being Topless in L.A.

LAPD Attempts To Illegally Arrest Woman For Being Topless in L.A.

Notice how the two bitches were smirking while looking at me topless – all the while, with that young, peanut head lil boy there telling me to “put a shirt on, put a shirt on…” You know, the young male hispanic officer who was harassing me. You will hear it all on tape! This is the first time, after my first false arrest at the hands of LAPD – LAPD officers Morrow (Badge No. 38519) and Noble (Badge No. 36691) – which occurred on March 25, 2014. Anyways, as you will see on tape…well, let the tape speak for itself….the

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LAPD Called on Me For Walking Around Topless by Irate Neighbor

LAPD Called on Me For Walking Around Topless by Irate Neighbor

Anyways, in this goodie but oldie (well, not that old, circa 2014 last month, actually, two months ago!!) I had my first taste of having the po po called on me in the form of an irate neighbor of mine – who you will see in the tape – calling the police on me for **wait for it** WEARING PASTIES! Ain’t that insane! I hit the pleasure chest the day before (awesome store btw) to get em! Here is what happened: The two officers who I met, Officer Kouvelis (who is quite cute and nice btw 😉 I even gave

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