Dopehead Wetback In White Truck FLEES When I Play 6000 Hz Frequency

Dopehead Wetback In White Truck FLEES When I Play 6000 Hz Frequency

Told ya….. Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians CONFIRMED Playing 6000 Hz Frequency Runs Wetbacks Away Like Holy Water On A Demon I know he look black but he ain’t. As said in many of my lectures I AM CONVINCED the reptilians – who stole ALOT of Khemetian (ancient Egyptian) tech ALSO stole our genes and created them! An Ankh Found In Mexico Proves That There Is A Link Between Ancient Egyptians And Certain Mexicans That wetback said bye 👋🏻 and I ain’t

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Evil Entity Physically Places Implant On The Right Side of My Face

Evil Entity Physically Places Implant On The Right Side of My Face

That shit was as real as me writing on this blog….   I later on astral projected via my third eye thru breathing techniques and visualization in an attempt to retrieve my brother from hell (they are holding him there to fuck with me but I always go in to get him out thru my third eye)!   It hurts me to be getting fucked with by thus shit! I just don’t understand…..

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How To Get Rid of Archon Entity Attachments

How To Get Rid of Archon Entity Attachments

Looka this shapeshifting entity I saw on my window last night….   Also looka this sigil I found on the ground:   That said these things are THE TOUGHEST to get rid of in terms of entity attachments and they mainly afflict SOULLED people by removing bits of our Souls or, esp. via dark rituals, extract the entire Soul and often replace it with an archon agent/implant (hence why some folks hear demonic entities) to keep you from ascending and teaching other Soulled folk to do the same: P1   P2   P3   Another thing I wanted to share

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How I Got Rid of A Reptilian Living Inside of Me And How To Do It

How I Got Rid of A Reptilian Living Inside of Me And How To Do It

Many folks have said it couldn’t be done: I did it! I haven’t genuinely smiled like that since I was…. 13 (yes, high school had that brutal of an impact on me). I explain it right here:     I honest think sorta closing the right chakra and letting it be open a lil ran him up the street since he could not feed off the negative energy that I was unwittingly putting out due to antagonistic organic portals he influenced to fuck with me…. but did I really win….. I have never been this joyfull ????✨?? I feel whole.

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Offered A Seal of Solomon Like Symbol To Have Demons Under My Control

Offered A Seal of Solomon Like Symbol To Have Demons Under My Control

This was offered to me awhile back:   I have a policy where I am afraid to work with entities outside of what I create ie egregores. That being said, listening to this video on Hecate last night: WHO IS SOOOO LIKE ME (someone said Lilith but I don’t believe in going around killing other folks’ kids like she supposedly does even though I had two abortions which don’t count) – the trajectory she took in life while physically alive, vowing to be alone, never having kids, misunderstood…. THAT IS ME in so many ways…. damn! That being said, I

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Astral Vision About Serial Killer Rapist In Malibu

Astral Vision About Serial Killer Rapist In Malibu

I had a weird astral vision last night – I call em astral visions cause I don’t think they are but my astral projections sure seem similar – After pimping some wetbucks for parking illegally (and being illegals too) I had a dream…. In the dream – really astral vision – I was sleeping in my car. It was mad vivid. I then sought shelter in this house where a dude who I have seen before in the astral, but usually in the not so clear darker realms (I could make him out but not so well), was in it,

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All You Mofos Who Harass Me About That Technical Difficult Ownage Pranks Homeless Mofo Are Gonna Get ‘WOKED

All You Mofos Who Harass Me About That Technical Difficult Ownage Pranks Homeless Mofo Are Gonna Get ‘WOKED

I ain’t gonna answer ya! Imma ‘woke ya = kill ya ? Speaking of witch ??‍♀️ ain’t I a bad bitch: Took those juicy ass – even I wanna fuck me ?? – screenshots while viewing this vid in which I went back to help the kid earlier, who is still there:   [purchase_link id=”31932″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This him from earlier:   [purchase_link id=”31932″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Imma call a tow truck tomorrow if he still there. Poor child stranded and a rich mofo refused to help him. There goes the satanic/saturnian energy of Malibu for you. With that

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When White People Say I Got An Evil Vibe To Me

When White People Say I Got An Evil Vibe To Me

::2019 UPDATE: WIDE BOI SAYYYED NOT 1 LIE! NOT 1! He said I ain’t evil – but I got evil shit around me. He wasn’t lying…” I’m battling that shit naw! ✍?:: This one of the mofos: I send them demons RIGHT YOUR WAY, BITCH! I realize that crakkkaroachés™ telling me that, “They feel an evil energy around me” is ANOTHER WAY of saying, “You an angry black womban. (Like I am supposed to give a fuck about your opinion).” Well, bitch, come get these angry demons then, bitch! – You got that (spiritual) work! That’s why you pissed!

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Demons And Smart Phones

Demons And Smart Phones

EDIT: After sleeping with my cellphone positioned by my crown chakra – I know why folks are becoming sociopaths by these reptilian/archon influenced black scrying mirrors. It is because after having slept with it by my crown chakra, I notice that my mind is now “focused too much” on the frontal lobes which if expresssed too much causes sociopathy. I REALLY had to make this blog here because of a REALLY fucking weird experience I had early this morning. Okay, I decided to do an experiment to aid in astral projection by placing the cellphone above my crown chakra –

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Manipulation and Harassment by Agents of the Archons

Manipulation and Harassment by Agents of the Archons

I’m gonna put this on notice. THIS: Is what’s been fucking with me (at least one or more of the problems) followed by this thing here: I believe they got my baby brother, Bryan, TRAPPED ON THE OTHERSIDE! I was told by a seer that he was in a 3 year old form (he died at 24) and THEY GOT HIM TRAPPED which I have myself seen in dreams and I heard his whimpering – a 3 year old’s voice – being held captive by those fucking black robed, executioner hat whispering mofos (I’ve heard their voice) over there, too.

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