Powered by youtube embed video generator That being said I was on my Instagram, perusing and I happened to stumble

Karma A Bitch: Thoughts On The Fentanyl Epidemic
Remember the Boxer Rebellion: – When whyte folks flooded China with that “China Whyte” aka opium? https://www.crf-usa.org/bill-of-rights-in-action/bria-21-2-c-support-the-dynasty-destroy-the-foreigners-the-boxer-uprising-in-china On top of that, let’s not forget the crack epidemic, when blacks were being treated like shit during our epidemic after crakkkas flooded our communities with that Nicaraguan whyte: This one is titled, “CIA brings Crack To South Central”: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/there-was-no-wave-of-compassion-when-addicts-were-hooked-on-crack Chickens came back home to roost….. I have no sympathy for crakkkas dying of the current “crack epidemic” known as fentanyl…. Just like they locked our black asses up during the 80s for owning a dimebag of crack, I say lock them same
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