Karma A Bitch: Thoughts On The Fentanyl Epidemic

Karma A Bitch: Thoughts On The Fentanyl Epidemic

Remember the Boxer Rebellion: – When whyte folks flooded China with that “China Whyte” aka opium? https://www.crf-usa.org/bill-of-rights-in-action/bria-21-2-c-support-the-dynasty-destroy-the-foreigners-the-boxer-uprising-in-china On top of that, let’s not forget the crack epidemic, when blacks were being treated like shit during our epidemic after crakkkas flooded our communities with that Nicaraguan whyte: This one is titled, “CIA brings Crack To South Central”: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/there-was-no-wave-of-compassion-when-addicts-were-hooked-on-crack Chickens came back home to roost….. I have no sympathy for crakkkas dying of the current “crack epidemic” known as fentanyl…. Just like they locked our black asses up during the 80s for owning a dimebag of crack, I say lock them same

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If You Should EVER Find Your Third Eye Closed Listen To This

If You Should EVER Find Your Third Eye Closed Listen To This

I won’t lie: my third eye was severely wounded, badly damaged. I still can barely see through it due to black magic and sorcerey but listening to that – I literally felt something at 5:02 via that sound effect open up my widow’s peak chakra and place something in there and then I could feel things closing parts of my Souls’ head that evil entities as part of thecurse opened up – helped heal it a little and is allowing me to see a lil better but not where I could use it like an interactive tv as I did

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David Reina aka Gooru aka Joel Hipps Runs The Southern California Psychic Institute aka The Church of The Rose Cult

David Reina aka Gooru aka Joel Hipps Runs The Southern California Psychic Institute aka The Church of The Rose Cult

Here their Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/socalpi?mibextid=ZbWKwL This is them, Joel Hipps aka Gooru and Barbara the ole neo nazi who likes to use black folks’s – and other folks’ – energies in the astral plane: Joel Hipps astral form: Barbara Hipps astral form: I now realize he is sacrificing people to save his mother, which is sick: – I now believe it is an older man and that guy above is one of his minions as based on what I am about to say….. He, Joel Hipps with Barbara Hipps aka Gooru’s real name is, runs the Church of The Rose (sound

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David Reina’s Continued Oppression of My Economic Resources aka Money

David Reina’s Continued Oppression of My Economic Resources aka Money

After exposing David Reina and what he has been doing on my Youtube channel, he attacked me in the astral plane by placing my family’s Souls – not allowing them to return to their bodies – and ancestors in cocoons. He also uses the astral parasites connector setup to other folks’ minds to steal folks credit card information: HOW TF DO I KILL ASTRAL PARASITES He also steals money in the spirit plane as he has done to me and my whole ancestral line, just as he has done to my third eye….. This demonic oppression can’t continue forever.

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Re-Introducing My “Soulled Collective” Tarot Readings

Re-Introducing My “Soulled Collective” Tarot Readings

Whoa…. in the pic here it looks like Sekhmet holding up the Divine Feminine fiery half of the Ying and Yang, in a tired, haggard state while fighting Gooru, a fiery evil entity and toxic masculine incarnate spirit which I know to be from experience: ….With a woman in a shawl who and medieval attire who is throwing laser beams at Sekhmet to destroy her as well which I take to be Barbara Reina as well as David Reina: I also see a woman praising nature here if you look at it from a distance: I am going to be

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POS Asshole Admits I Was Raped

POS Asshole Admits I Was Raped

Just last night right outside my window I heard two folks discussing someone being videoed and raped (Use earbuds to closely hear): I will later on reduce the background noise so you all can hear. And this sick fuck here, this crackhead: Who is the same one who I recorded here raping a young man: Told me that he was “sorry” for placing my hand on his dick (I am guessing while I was knocked out cold asleep). Here is me confronting him: I’ve been hearing him boast about it all this week. If I didn’t have a felony on

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The Root of David Reina’s Psychic Attacks Against Me Is Envy

The Root of David Reina’s Psychic Attacks Against Me Is Envy

I believe these astral parasites cause it…… How The Gooru System Works The Roach Realms of The Astral Plane And How They Cause Schizophrenia They are in their heads too and like to instigate negative behaviors like envy and hate etc so they can feed and these fools got Soul contracts that allow these entities to run free in their mind all so they could have “power”….. David Reina aka “Gooru”, the ring leader….. His astral form: His other astral form: A reptilian demon. Barbara Reina: Her astral form: Michael O’ Terrence of Malibu…… His astral form, which he tries

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What Is David Reina’s Obsession With Turning Me Dark

What Is David Reina’s Obsession With Turning Me Dark

I postulated that he might be some sort of reptilian or reptilian controlled: I postulated this based on an encounter – two – that I had with a reptilian which looked like this that came when I started breaking free of the dark entity attachments he would place on me: …..which I recounted here: Demon Alters Timeline And Navy Shows Me The Matrix In Astral Vision And another where I was in the astral plane and was a sex slave to a reptilian who had a neck brace placed around my neck (to keep me separate from my other chakras

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