RAADDRR-VAN aka Rondell Darden of Wu-Tang Clan Threatens To Rape A Woman

RAADDRR-VAN aka Rondell Darden of Wu-Tang Clan Threatens To Rape A Woman

This is why people shoot NIGGERS, most predominantly black “men”: Now, I don’t know how many times I have stated on my ads and my websites that I AM NOT ATTRACTED TO BLACK MEN, yet the black hordes keep coming to me, and harassing me and even calling my so called “afrocentric features” ugly while pushing me to like black “men” by saying: “You are an uncle tom and a sell out for not wanting to date your own race” (well, I guess the same can be said for you all since most of you homophobes won’t touch another brother,

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Tranny Hooker Sensual Cristyn Who Works For Backpage.com Deletes Rival Sex Workers’ Ads

Tranny Hooker Sensual Cristyn Who Works For Backpage.com Deletes Rival Sex Workers’ Ads

THIS JUST IN: CRISTYN SENSUAL ADMITS THAT SHE GOT FIRED FROM CROWNCAMS FOR ALLOWING A FUCKING DOG TO PERPETRATE BESTIALITY O HER BY BASICALLY LICKING PEANUT BUTTER OFF OF HER PUSSY – HER DOG DID THIS TO HER AND SHE ALLOWED IT! That said, she has a young child as you can read here: http://crowncamsmodel.blogspot.com/2014_07_01_archive.html A small baby at that! That said, who knows WHAT she is doing to that baby. I got her coordinates ie her ip address so anybody out there can you please track down where she lives and get her and call cps in the L.A.

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Black Male Robs Office Depot on 5665 Wilshire Blvd And LAPD Captures Him

Black Male Robs Office Depot on 5665 Wilshire Blvd And LAPD Captures Him

Here is the video of the LAPD in action: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29000″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Capturing a negro male while he is the process of stealing from Office Depot on: 5665 W. Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90036. I said to this guy, “Bye, I am out”, and “Good job, LAPD”, and that is when I he said, “Mind your own business”, and that is when I said, “NIGGER!” in response! He claimed the Office Depot on mid wilshire was closed when he tried to ROB IT (Bullshit! It was open at 7:35pm when this occured!).

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Niggas Gonna Nig Crakkkas Gonna Crack and Undercovers Gonna Undercover

Niggas Gonna Nig Crakkkas Gonna Crack and Undercovers Gonna Undercover

This was one crazy ass day! First off, some crakkka beast cop decided to tell me to “put a shirt on.” I was like, “Bitch, you know I got a federal lawsuit going on, right?”   I hope somebody End of Watch your crusty ass, bitch! Here are the two tapes of my chasing him below: Buy all 6 vids here [purchase_link id=”28996″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Then, second, I had another officer roll the fuck up, and then just, I don’t what he was doing, but you can check it out, here: THEN, a fucking NIGGER BEAST ape decided to start some shit

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Message to Australian White Bitch on Hauser Blvd: I Am Going to Fuck You Up If You Keep Sending Me Messages

Message to Australian White Bitch on Hauser Blvd: I Am Going to Fuck You Up If You Keep Sending Me Messages

Listen, bitch! You’ve done sent me about 19 fucking messages about now. Here are some of em:             Bitch, if you don’t stop fucking with me, I will fuck your ass up! I am not in the mood for any games. You put your hands, hell, if I catch your ass around here, I will be catching a case which is black slang for I will beat your ass! I ain’t like these goody goody two shoe niggers around here. I am one generation out the Desire Projects of New Orleans. I got a red

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Black Nigga on La Brea Blvd Attacks Me For Giving Homeless Hispanic Man Money

Black Nigga on La Brea Blvd Attacks Me For Giving Homeless Hispanic Man Money

I just want to start off by saying THIS IS WHY PEOPLE HATER NIGGERS: Who the fuck are you or anybody else for that matter to determine my identity for me? Tell me who the fuck I am? It is that very black hivemind way of thinking that nearly destroyed me in high school, that so called identified “blacks” have to think one way and be a certain way all the time unless you want to classified as an uncle tom, talking white or a sell out! FUCK YOU AND YOUR LABELS! You can download both vids here [purchase_link id=”28986″

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Do Not Send Your Kid To St. Katherine Drexel High School AKA Xavier Prep

Do Not Send Your Kid To St. Katherine Drexel High School AKA Xavier Prep

DON’T send your kid there!! I know it supposedly changed ownership but the ghetto, hood mentality more than likely still there from the students and teachers back in the Xavier Prep days STILL probably persists to this day from when I graduated from that hellhole of a school back in 2001! Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28980″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] It was riddled with way too many negative memories to describe, but I will say how my teacher, Mrs. McCloud, whose brother works for Monsanto (I remember he came for a very public meeting with the student body years ago, maybe back in 1998

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Spooking Some Spooks Dressed Up As the KKK During Halloween 2013

Spooking Some Spooks Dressed Up As the KKK During Halloween 2013

* This post is Stormfront.org and Chimpmania.com approved, lol! Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28976″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Alright, here I am, spooking some SPOOKS dressed as the klan for Halloween 2013, lol! Basically below are a set of all the pictures I took while walking in West Hollywood and into various police stations, including the Wilshire Community police station and the Hollywood police station on Wilcox – LAPD – asking if they know of any cross brunings – festive aren’t they – going on in the area. In one instance, I walked into the police station DRUNK which you can

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Please Buy My Artwork or Donate

Please Buy My Artwork or Donate

I hate to have to do this again but the first of the month is coming. People think we sex workers have money growing out the trees, coming out of our assess…for us, but we all just work and try to get by just like the rest of you. With that said, it has been slow. So slow that I haven’t even gotten one legit phone call and when I have they all turned out to be bs, like the two mentioned here: http://posonblast.blogspot.com/2014/10/stay-away-from-these-numbers.html I don’t like to beg so I ask many of you out there, regardless of your disposition

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