Powered by youtube embed video generator That being said I was on my Instagram, perusing and I happened to stumble

SWAT Police Officer Maurice Jordan Sends Threatening Message
This is who you got policing you all: a fucking bully (coward blocked me when I EXPOSED HIS ASS like I wouldn’t find out his slow ass is a COP with all the pics he posted, lol!): Here more pics: Here more… Here he is with his cop worshipping shit… I HATE WHEN THESE BITCH ASS COPS DO THAT… BITCH, YOU GETTING PAID to do what the fuck you do, WHAT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO DO as per your job function, idiot! YOU AIN’T SUPPOSED TO EXPECT PRAISE, YA DUMB BITCH! YOUR OVERINFLATED PAYCHECK (AND EGO) SHOULD BE COMPENSATION ENOUGH,
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