Pardon the initial part where I had to run some sexual harassers off in the vid which you will see further down, lol!…
Anyways, I want to go ahead and share some of my knowledge on stones…

These are very powerful things. They can do alot of great things for you hence why I got up out of deity worship! I sincerely believe that those entities like oshun, yemaya, baron samedi are really energy suckers who suck us of our true Divine Life Power. I feel they are agents, avatars (as referred to in Hinduism in correlation to Shiva – the euphemism for the Demiurge) of the Demiurge who keeps us in the dark of our powers and manipulates events so that those who will come into their true power – Don’t!
You can read more about the Demiurge, here:
That said, I felt truly free and discovered happiness – well, more so, contentment as happiness is fleeting – contentment after no longer worshipping those things. The stones helped me out. They have helped me out – significantly than one. I even heard my voice say “hi!” to me once. Didn’t get a bad sense. I guess it’s foreboding of great things to come…
Here’s the video:
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