How Drinking Period Blood IS Drinking Adrenochrome

How Drinking Period Blood IS Drinking Adrenochrome

…You ain’t gotta murder anybody to get it, reptilians! Before I begin, I was doing some dumb shit, walking barefoot at the gas station: DAMN! LOOK AT THE GAS PRICES AND THIS IS DURING HOLLIDAY SEASON IN MALIBU, TOO! Contrast that with the gas prices found in central L.A. mid wilshire area: Also, OF GREATER INTEREST, look at this solar flare AKA MESSAGE FROM THE SUN THAT APPEARED ON MY LEFT WRIST: It’s funny because I would do rituals using triangles as taught to me by the “entities” in my old apartment through sage smoke. Speaking of triangles and rituals…

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Mysterious Green Light Beaming Across From Malibu

Mysterious Green Light Beaming Across From Malibu

Here the green light I’m talking about: BTW, last night the sheriffs’ helicopters were flying overhead near that Ocean’s restaurant in Malibu and the SOB was flying MAD LOW! Buy both vids here [purchase_link id=”30022″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I also heard a weird pulsating “boop” sound much like whales are said to emit which sounds much like the Taos Hum: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”30026″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This is strange but I’ve been seeing this light go off and on for awhile now… Saw it last night: Couple of nights before, too: I’ve been seeing this phenomenon for quite

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