God Pazuzu Amun and Satan ARE ALL The Same God

God Pazuzu Amun and Satan ARE ALL The Same God

Let me tell MY personal story of my experience in worshipping Satan as a Satanist. Back in the day when I needed money and feel into one of the Archon spiritual/religious matrix system programs which in this case was Satanism (I am too smart for Christianity which is one of them), I found – which you can figure out by looking at your Bible aka BUY-BULL – that Satan ONLY WANTS YOU TO WORSHIP HIM! BE UNDER HIM! I recall being FORCED TO – AUTOMATICALLY – WAKE UP AT AROUND 12:30AM AT MIDNIGHT TO WORSHIP HIM and hearing a snake

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PROOF of Lost Hills Sheriffs Pulling Selective Bias Last Night

PROOF of Lost Hills Sheriffs Pulling Selective Bias Last Night

Here so you can SEE the dumb shit they pulling… Here is PROOF they only coming after my car with those fake ass signs created by someone NOT WITH THE CITY as told to me by someone who works in entertainment (NOTICE THEY ONLY MARKING MY CAR AND NO ONE ELSE’S ESP. THE RV AHEAD OF ME IN WHICH THE OCCUPANTS HAPPEN TO BE WHITE): Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”30837″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Imma catch they ass with my DUMBBELL next time (whoever it is be out there doing that shit at about 1am, 12am)! I PERSONALLY THINK THE BITCH

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I Think This Vision of Being Raped By LA County Deputies In Malibu MIGHT BE THE REAL ONE

I Think This Vision of Being Raped By LA County Deputies In Malibu MIGHT BE THE REAL ONE

THIS IS ALMOST EXACTLY THE HOUSE I SAW!!! – Note it says, “by the beach.” That’s a sign! I feel they felt empowered after this: https://toplessinla.org/2018/02/06/i-was-attacked-last-night/ since their reptilian asses are probably thinking (I mean, how fucked up is this?) “If he can beat her ass, so can we…” seeing it as a TRIUMPH! Funny a couple of days ago I saw a reptilian white BITCH on a bike YELL while riding past me, “Lock her up!” I am learning to trust my visions more and I don’t think it’s by coincidence that this happened after I was selected for

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The LA Sheriffs In Malibu ARE ILLEGALLY Posting No Parking Signs Cause I Filed A Claim Against The County

The LA Sheriffs In Malibu ARE ILLEGALLY Posting No Parking Signs Cause I Filed A Claim Against The County

Which will and can lead to a lawsuit πŸ˜‰ THE REASON WHY THIS IS HAPPENING HERE: https://toplessinla.org/2018/02/12/los-angeles-county-sheriff-handing-out-tickets-based-on-racial-bias/ Is cause of THIS: And I noticed they started furitively on that “no parking” BS RIGHT AFTER I FILED MY CLAIM WHICH I HAVE BEEN DOCUMENTING FEROCIOUSLT AS WELL, fuckwits!

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Due To The Assault Can You All Please Donate Money

Due To The Assault Can You All Please Donate Money

I know, after this here: https://toplessinla.org/2018/02/06/i-was-attacked-last-night/ My cellphone WHICH I NEED to keep in communication WITH THE WORLD, post the videos and articles you all watch GOT DESTROYED! That said, I had to run out and buy a new phone for around $200 which brought down the meager savings I have EVERY MONTH to $50. I HATE TO ASK (which is why I started posting “ad spaces” for ads) but for me I need about 300 (which goes tpwards food every month) to be able to get “along.” THIS UNEXPECTED SHIT THAT WAS BEYOND FORESEEABLE CONTROL fucked up the little

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How To Spot and Deal With Reptilian Aliens Who Try To Throw You Off Your Psychic Spiritual Path

How To Spot and Deal With Reptilian Aliens Who Try To Throw You Off Your Psychic Spiritual Path

And down to your lower Self as was done here… Look at these FUCKING IDIOTS (I KNEW there was something wrong when I saw em…) Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”30822″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] There energy vampire asses TOOK OFF when I said, “protective stones”, lol! Here a couple of more instances (BOTH happened a while back): One involving some drunks, pot (meth?) heads – an odd couple – in this raggedy ass car like here: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”30827″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] And this other mofo (I think he works somewhere out here at one of these parking lots)

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Andromedan Star Orb Watching Me

Andromedan Star Orb Watching Me

I meant, monitoring me! Check out this star orb I saw last night (SHIT WAS AMAZING) – BLOW THE ABOVE PIC UP, LOOK AT IT IN THE DARK AND YOU WILL SEE THAT IS A FUCKING UFO! HERE IT IS, LIGHTENED (NOW DENY THAT SHIT IS A UFO!!!): YOU CAN SEE A STRAIGHT FACE IN THESE: You can see the face better, here: This a VERY pretty image. Look like it was something taken by NASA Here it is, lightened (just too pretty!): Here are some videos I took of this extraordinary event (in my life): Buy vids here [purchase_link

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Los Angeles County Sheriff Handing Out Tickets Based on Racial Bias

Los Angeles County Sheriff Handing Out Tickets Based on Racial Bias

THESE BASTARDS HONKED WHILE PASSING BY MY CAR JUST NOW (though after replaying the tape you won’t hear that part BUT YOU CAN SEE THEM PASSING BY)!!! Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”30811″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I didn’t see a ticket given to the OTHER people who happen to be white in the RV next to me (Not trying to start mess – JUST POINTING THE OBVIOUS): Also, OF NOTE and I filmed last night as well which was probably a good thing – I DID NOT SEE A TICKET ON MY WINDOW (BELIEVE ME – I WOULDA NOTICED) AND I

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Danny Vendramini’s New Doc Reveals Neanderthals Were Reptilian Superpredators

Danny Vendramini’s New Doc Reveals Neanderthals Were Reptilian Superpredators

GOD, I started having issues with my other main cellphone (the toplessinla site wouldn’t’t load in the browser) AFTER I REVEALED IN MY PREVIOUS ARTICLE THAT THE DEMIURGE IS A REPTILIAN ITSELF – WITH PROOF! THEN before writing this article here the usb connector broke. That’s okay! That said, while watching THIS the other day: I couldn’t help but look at it’s eyes and couldn’t help but wonder that I was staring into the eyes of… A REPTILIAN! WHAT PRIMATE YOU KNOW GOT VERTICAL SLIT PUPILS LIKE A CAT OR… REPTILIAN… Think about it! Everything he says about the “neanderthals”:

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Vision Reveals Illuminati And Reptilians Are Putting The Curses On Me

Vision Reveals Illuminati And Reptilians Are Putting The Curses On Me

– Notice in the pic one, the “leader’s”, wearing red robes. This alludes in significance to what I am about to talk about… Last night I had two sets of dreams, visions, nightmares if you will… I also have to SERIOUSLY rethink my stance on white people! All throughout as you will HEAR HOW IT HAS BEEN WHITE PEOPLE who have been instrumentally and spiritually helping me out, showing me things while it’s been blacks who I believe have a LOT of generational curses put on them due to all the evil traumatic things they did in palo mayombe rituals

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