I want everybody to see this interesting video by this young man on Selena Gomez – who I have seen

Journey To The Underworld The Land of The Dead And The Ether
I’ve done it, plentay of times while looking back on it: This story describing it ain’t lying: https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/fuhycs/were_trapped_in_our_house_something_is_in_here/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x I’ve been there. I recall a while back I used a Star of David to transfer me to where my brother is. I was in the early, latent stages of using my third eye to navigate the astral plane. So before going to sleep I asked my third eye to astral project me to wherever he is in the astral plane. I was “awokened” – I astral projected in the dreamscape – to a world where I was initially in a hospital.
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