Please Follow This Instagram That Exposes The Crimes The Wetback Does To The Black Community

Please Follow This Instagram That Exposes The Crimes The Wetback Does To The Black Community

Some wetbucks attempted to cross the street to harass me the other night….   I encourage you all to follow my boy bigrellpiru – Eazy E’s cousin – on his instagram here @bigrellpiru That bitch, when she got arrested – is a straight butterface – looking like those fucking pig people in that Twilight Zone episode ? – Tell me I’m a fucking lie! She wishes she look as white ass Michael Jackson’s niece (she is such a pretty young cherub faced lady with glowing skin – and not cause she light). Fucking jealous wetback bitch! He also calls out

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Third Eye Shows Me Red Haired Dude Involved In Mitrice Richardson’s Death Holding Woman Hostage In Basement In An Old Mansion In Malibu

Third Eye Shows Me Red Haired Dude Involved In Mitrice Richardson’s Death Holding Woman Hostage In Basement In An Old Mansion In Malibu

THEY MUST HAVE SOME WOMAN TRAPPED IN THEY CELLAR cause they got these nice looking cars (like RIGHT NOW) monitoring me…. – And my cards showing I’m right! Before I begin elaborating on that…. – Fuck ya’ll, I’m making an illegal joke. I bet half then mofos making the pledge are illegal. There. Anyways, I wanna start off (before I start revealing my astral vision) by saying that…. this shit, this psyop with cities allowing cops to get attacked and defunding the police and shit has got to end…. THIS is fucking schadenfraude: – YOU CAN TELL this a psyop

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Told Hawaii I Was Gonna ‘Woke They Ass For What They Did To Eligio Natureboy and Aarona

Told Hawaii I Was Gonna ‘Woke They Ass For What They Did To Eligio Natureboy and Aarona

Just happened tonight… DAMN…. the place it hit was Hawaii known as the “Big Island” (which is where that volcano is located) – where Eligio Natureboy and clan stayed: All I gotta say is Chris Case Motherfucker Chris Case CHRISSSS CASEEEEE ?????? This neo-wetback thought I was a joke…. – Ugly lil mofo! – Now him and his heaux got next ??? Hisssssssss Dumbass mofos! This was in revenge for this (you can see that ugly lil chipmunk faced mofo’s RACIST comments up above): HoHungryHungryHawaiian And All Them Nazi Quarantine Breaker Groups Need To Chill With Their Shit Interesting still….

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To Aarona: These Rape Victim Blame Demons Are Here To Remind You of Your True Divinity

To Aarona: These Rape Victim Blame Demons Are Here To Remind You of Your True Divinity

You walking the SAME paths as Buddha and Yashuah Ben Pendira, whom the HEY-Zeus Christ MYTHOS was based on: You can learn more on Yashuah Ben Pendira here: That being said, these demons are a reminder of your Divinity: Here the latest: – Yeah I keep watch! You are Divine (like me) and I explain it here:   [purchase_link id=”36743″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] You gonna have to learn to start ‘wokeing these mofos…. Like I had to: TOPLESS IN LA EXCLUSIVE: I Killed A Man’s Ma Cause He Refused To Give Me A Jump The Museum of Da

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Anyone Who Wants To Make Me Use My Voice For Their Agenda Will Get ‘Woked

Anyone Who Wants To Make Me Use My Voice For Their Agenda Will Get ‘Woked

Make no mistake about it: TOPLESS IN LA EXCLUSIVE: I Killed A Man’s Ma Cause He Refused To Give Me A Jump The Museum of Da ‘Woke I will fucking kill you. Don’t mistake my moments for kindness or that being all I am because I am a ruthless mofo when it comes down to it and I will destroy you if you cross me. Ask the man who’s ma I killed with black magic (and got her condemned to the underworld) if I’m a joke ??? Here the vid:   [purchase_link id=”36723″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] This bitch had to

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How Black Women Oppress Other Black Women

How Black Women Oppress Other Black Women

– When I look at this picture here, it is Spiritree, no matter what artifical shit Erykah Nig-do does to steal her rightful owed spotlight – who got the REAL spotlight: The nigger witch Erykah Badu STRIKES AGAIN!!!! Here is Spiritree BOASTING of how the nigger bitch witch Erykah Badu STOLE, oops I mean was “influenced” by ha here:   Here is the CON-CERT where the nigger bitch witch stole Spiritree’s style here: Shit…. she stealing Baron Samedi, EVERYBODY’S style here smdh ??‍♀️ I talked about ha black ass here with that: Astral Vision Shows Erykah Badu Destroyed Lauryn Hill’s

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Soul Healing: Reuniting The Higher Chakras With The Lower Chakras and Removing Implants

Soul Healing: Reuniting The Higher Chakras With The Lower Chakras and Removing Implants

While doing the intro vid for my youtube channel I caught an etheric astral roach arm extending out my car, which some spiritual people may be able to see, here:   [purchase_link id=”36676″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] Wow, man…. this ride been mad incredible and I hope folks can learn. Here is the snippet of the article I was referring to when I said entities, when they take over, can allow other folks’ energies to bleed in…. BTW this my face in a pic taken IMMEDIATELY after discarding the dragon that was around – I think it was the one I

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Lordt Have Marcy: Two Wetbacks Driving In Rape Candy Van Who Sexually Harassed ME Get ‘WOKED

Lordt Have Marcy: Two Wetbacks Driving In Rape Candy Van Who Sexually Harassed ME Get ‘WOKED

[[Gotta cue Juicy J]] From this…. To this…. LOOOOOOL or shall I say ja ja ja Can’t wait to do fyre ‘woke so I can cue this ??? – Even before I started using this song as a ‘woke ✊? anthemn I always liked it! I can also say it’s Divine Karma for not liking Trump ✊? ‘Woke – El Trumpo looking like a thug! LOL   That being said, a coupla weekends ago I peep these two WETBACKS following me, trailing me not too long after I wrote this article here: There Is No Black and Brown Pride Only

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The Demiurge Will Force Gods To Work With You So It Can Have Control Over You

The Demiurge Will Force Gods To Work With You So It Can Have Control Over You

Before I get into that…. I don’t know what’s been going on in the air with these smart alec mofos….   I’m a killer at heart. You ask me what I wanted to become as a kid and I’ll tell you Adolf Hitler: rule over a nation and have a body count a mile high (I find that sexy)! That being said, that’s why I ❤? LOVE doing black magic! I can get that high body count, ain’t gotta do no prison time (I know that rhymned). I can have you or your relatives (my fav) not only dead, but

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To Bokor Elmera and Spiritree: Real Materialistic Witches MANIFEST Wealth and Not Peddle Their Abilities Online

To Bokor Elmera and Spiritree: Real Materialistic Witches MANIFEST Wealth and Not Peddle Their Abilities Online

Should call ha niggatree, lol! There is an old saying that goes like this…. Those who can, do! Those who can’t, teach…. but in ya’ll case ya’ll peddling ya’ll spiritual abilities (or better yet your spirits) online causing ya’ll to only manifest this: While REAL successful materialistic witches like the Kardashians are living like this: If you gonna be a materialistic witch be successful with it! Make sure you got your shit together before you brag. I elaborate on it here:   [purchase_link id=”36615″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] Let me just say beforehand you can’t attack me. I chose to live

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