Part 1 Part 2 I just got word that Alex Nacimento, the evil sadistic Puerto Rican entity that Baron Samedi
Article Showing MS 13 Members War-shipping Satan CONFIRMS That Wetbucks Are The Hellspawn of Quetzalcoatl
****UPDATE: THE PUBLIC WORKS PEOPLE HAD BEEN MESSING WITH ME CAUSE THEY HAD BEEN ILLEGALLY HOLDING A DOG FOR MONTHS CAPTIVE FOR DOG FIGHTING AS CAN BE HEARD HERE: Β I came to the dog fighting conclusion based on my cards here: – See that and justice! β That’s why they had been calling the cops on me for months cause I am the justice that is supposed to reel em in ??β Poor baby doggo. Me and other folks FOR MONTHS had been hearing this and one time the cops got called to investigate! I believe they are holding
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