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2Circles Is A Reptilian As Confirmed By Him Pushing Vegan Death Diet

2Circles Is A Reptilian As Confirmed By Him Pushing Vegan Death Diet

It’s a fact I hate having to accept! But just like all reptilians he exposed himself by offering the [final] solution like this other rep here I exposed a while ago: Why You Gotta Look At The Messenger Before Accepting The Message That bitch said don’t eat, peridot! ?? That said, vegan diets will kill you…. The shit still kills animals…. They need to go to jail for forcing that literal SHIT ?? on their fucking kids…. This is what veganism truly does….. Vegan deterioration is one great channel to watch on this self induced atrocity…. https://www.youtube.com/c/VeganDeterioration/videos Another one is

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Instagrammer joseydutch Gets PISSED When I Call His Ass Out On His Racism

Instagrammer joseydutch Gets PISSED When I Call His Ass Out On His Racism

If he was anywhere near me I’d knock the fuck out of him: Basically it was over a video involving a dutch black woman and her two nieces who got harassed by the police over there and this asshole was trying to make out like this ain’t about racism, it’s about the NWO trying to divide and conquer blah blah blah (a usual deflection tactic by RACIST) even tho racism long existed way before some fucking illuminati was ever invented: Looka the tags to see what I mean….. https://www.instagram.com/p/CBEXJdAnRAd/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link https://www.instagram.com/tv/CBEf-xbnn48/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Fuck outta here! This BITCH decided to flag bomb my

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I Think That I Am Under Vril Attack

I Think That I Am Under Vril Attack

Makes ALOT of sense the more I think and think on it….. There is ALOT of power in my right eye but not my left: – This is RIGHT after I removed a vril I believe via egg cleansing….. This how I looked a week before: – Looka how full my face is with similar lightening! They some ugly mofos….. I looked pretty in that photo I just took yesterday, like a different person – features are weird. I look like that lady (in the most recent pic) in terms of bone structure from, of all things, American Horror Story:

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FBI CIA And The Royal Canadian Mounties Pull An End of Watch Shit In Miracle Mile

FBI CIA And The Royal Canadian Mounties Pull An End of Watch Shit In Miracle Mile

Just playing…. I saw sheriffs – speaking of them I NOTICED them driving past me in Miracle Mile right as I was leaving the 99 cents store (gangstalking)…..   That ain’t the first time I done seen that shit, too! And here this Gidget mofo all geeked up dancing by the bus stop near Malibu…..   Somebody come get yo’ househeaux! She was there when I came back around (I was testing my car for something)…..   Not the first time I done seen this lol:  

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Wetbucks Working For Atmore and Sons and DBI Construction Call Me Nigger While At Public Works

Wetbucks Working For Atmore and Sons and DBI Construction Call Me Nigger While At Public Works

Mofos looking like they lined up to ‘woke that Home Depot: Assholes….. These assholes AROUSED me from my meditation – early that morning as told here: Wetbacks Get PISSED That I Reject One Of Their Ugly Old Reptilian Influenced Demon Seeds I saw in the astral realm a hispanic couple attacking me and I guess this was the end result. Even as I drove to Miracle Mile regarding the smog issue I could hear solely from hispanic drivers – as if like a glitch in the Matrix – say psychically attacking shit that connoted to the event of rejecting one

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Wetbacks Get PISSED That I Reject One Of Their Ugly Old Reptilian Influenced Demon Seeds

Wetbacks Get PISSED That I Reject One Of Their Ugly Old Reptilian Influenced Demon Seeds

I am convinced now that the WHOLE ENTIRE EXISTENCE OF WETBACKS IS A SPIRITUAL ATTACK! That’s why if I had my way they would be dealt with more than just a fucking wall ????? Let me EVER be a fucking dictator. I despise them! Even when I am nice, smile in they face, I don’t like em….. And it is cause I know that they are innately evil: Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians I Am REALLY FUCKING CONVINCED That Wetbucks and South and Central Americans Are Some Evil Demonic Reptilian Spawns After writing this article

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This Wetback LA Sheriff GOT Nerve To Demand LeBron James Pay For Deputies After Allowing Gangs That KILL BLACK MEN

This Wetback LA Sheriff GOT Nerve To Demand LeBron James Pay For Deputies After Allowing Gangs That KILL BLACK MEN

FUCK OUTTA HERE: When he refers to gangs I am also including them here cause, to me, all wetbacks are the same…. Article Showing MS 13 Members War-shipping Satan CONFIRMS That Wetbucks Are The Hellspawn of Quetzalcoatl This WETBACK ass LA Sheriff’s deputy GOT NERVE to be DEMANDING that a black man donates to his racist ass deputies who can be seen beating and killing black men, as can be seen in the videos up above: I hate wetbacks…. with a passion! South Americans are included in this, too. The gull of his ILLEGAL INVADER CAPING ASS – who have

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Stalked By A Child Molestor

Stalked By A Child Molestor

UPDATE: THIS CRAKKKA JUST CAME TO FUCK WITH ME RIGHT AFTER WRITING THIS ARTICLE! It’s like this whimpy ass white BOI – with his big redneck flag – tries to reassure his fragile low testosterone by challenging the big mean black woman at 5’4 and 100lbs: I ran across his ass here: People Got To STOP Putting Black Women Into The Category Of The Super Strong Black Woman Terminatrix I SAW IN AN ASTRAL VISION A LONG LOOONG TIME AGO that this mofo – I saw a possible future daughter I’d perhaps sire with someone – white dude! I saw

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King of Wands Confirmed As Yellow Eyed Entity and Experiences With Goblins And Other Forest Elementals

King of Wands Confirmed As Yellow Eyed Entity and Experiences With Goblins And Other Forest Elementals

I see some real shit: You can see even hear that there was a yellow eyed entity sitting with me in my car last night…… Here is how my car is setup: Nothing coulda created that. Now look at the eyes…. I went ahead and lightened them up…. Here they are: Early this morning a man says he SAW a “person” in my car while I was taking out the trash…..   Also look at how nice and clean it is on Topanga – wasn’t like this before ???‍♂️   Cause the goblins and other forest elementals – including my

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