Cut men’s dicks off and stop the patriarchy is all I will say ??
I have healed significantly. I’m not letting people take me back to a dark place again. But I will take YOU to a dark place by ‘wokeing. Imma explain what my ‘woke does to people as I have seen via personal experience. Death is better ? That said, one of my favourite films from the 90s was this film here called “Once Were Warriors”: The mother in there reminds me alot of my mother: an intellectual who, because she is a womban – like me – feels she has to lessen her intelligence to accomodate the piss poor egos of
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My fav of all…. Well, keep they asses out to protect the women since we all know what rapists and pedophiles and perverts they ALLL are…. – This is what those open borders assholes wanna let into this country: just your typical hardworking migrants who feel entitled to rape and commit crimes cause they done worked hard at lowering the wages of this country and taking jobs from many TRULY HARDWORKING AND LAW ABIDING AMERICANS! I don’t (the love part) but the rest, yes ?? Should put everybody but wetbucks, including dogs cause dogs are cute and cuddly. Why include
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I won’t be doing that shit AT ALL ANYMORE so if you come up to me for that shit, even if I saw you in the past…. I am alerting the cops or else YOU WILL GET ‘WOKED ✊???♀️ That being said, that shit, a supposed “gift” as shown to me in the astral WAS A CURSE designed to extract loosh for negative archonic forces. This is how I feel after getting rid of that shit – my sacral chakra even felt “whole” and I don’t feel the energy of being unwittingly looked at as a “sex kitten” energetic
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This makes perfect sense…. See EVERY-THING is energy! Yes, we are in physical containers known as bodies but who you truly are, your identity lies in your consciousness aka Soul! I have a very masculine energy! I would need a counterpart feminine to compliment me (I didn’t say complete cause when you are a highlt evolved Soul like I, you are completed so you don’t need anyone else to complete you. I complete myself!)! That being, since I am completing my Soul’s healing journey, I am able to articulate what I know to be true subconsciously! I couldn’t do
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This makes my blood BOIL ?? While doing healing as I break down in here – somewhere – I realize that for too long I have been acting as a fucking mountain to shoulder other folks’ shortcomings which they project on me out of jealous and because of my instrinsically good nature…… I have acted as an emotional punching bag for mofos who are crabs in a barrel cause they envy my energy. This is why I ‘woke mofos. This why I hate when folks say “don’t do black magic” (all magic is the same, it’s dual
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Looka this…. – Damn, even the symbolism…. I killed 3 (one was a spiritual miscarriage) so this will be a 4th ?? Last time I saw this, I was pregnant and I ran to the abortion clinic so fast ??♀️…. Imma get a medically induced abortion so it can privately at “home” come out and I can eat it like I did the last one, like here….. Hear ??? a better version ? Draco squad heaux ????? Eggs came out GOODT ???? tho…..
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Ya’ll think I’m crazy….. Listen. Hear ??? the whole video…. He ain’t no crazy loon…. He is actually a British politician….. Ya’ll say I’m crazy….. Here the full story…. GREAT READ ?? I’ve been saying that a greater, more powerful negative force has been enabling our rape culture….. GREAT READ ?? The REAL Reason Why This World Hates Women I Hate The Way The World Treats Lesbians and Women Missy Misdemeanor Ellitot No Man GLOW Proves Men Are NATURAL Energy Vampires The False Outrage Over Netflix Cuties Exposes How Misogynistic Our Culture Is Over Female Sexuality I
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These idiots will learn that I am not a person to play with….. I don’t care what a person station, status is in life, how they present, how they identift…. you respect them or else…. Last week, I was in my car, meditating, when I sensed a foul, nasty pernicious energy of sexual leecherousness. I pick up on energy very easily….. I then peeped the mofo up above – I was trying to get a good look at him – parking further up, it seemed as if while in the truck he was debating with himself, then made the u
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YEEEEAAAAHHHHH I LOVE THIS MEME: GET EM BABY GRRL, GET EM! Fuck these men and boys up cause I’m tired of the shit! Of course, the great gun owning, kill folks, lethal chair state of Texas….. The same state that wants to make women and girls go back to the coat hanger cause crakkka jeebus told them that a woman should not have control over our bodies by wanting to ban abortion are the same ones that wanna protect us from having any sexual thoughts, desires and inclinations…. FOH! Thought that was a lil boy or a transgirl ✊??️? That
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Why would a hetero man shoot at a fine, gorgeous “female” like Megan unless….. – I’m sorry, but I can see the man in the face and this has NOTHING to do with stereotypes of how females should look based on the patriarchal view of toxic femininity! …..Unless it’s a man! Like Real Mag Truth says, “That’s a tranformaaaa.” “More than meets the eye”….. I actually find this to be quite a turn on ??✏? That being said, I am all for trans rights but you gotta understand that certain societies, cult-ures, esp. blacks and latins, are very fucking homophobic,
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