Everyone who follows me knows I am big on spirituality and here is the portal cataloguing my teachings!

How I Healed Myself From Alcoholism

How I Healed Myself From Alcoholism

If you are wondering… I haven’t been updating my blog, it’s because I have to move ALLL my vids from my server over to a “new place” which will take awhile but hopefully will be accomplished! I can do this blogpost because it won’t be so “media intensive.” I’ll go ahead and remove ALL my vids from youtube – maybe keep a few up with lessons in them so that people will find and learn from them and proceed from there cause, once this transition is done – the videos WILL WORK MUCH BETTER AND THERE WILL BE NO NEED

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Skeleton Imp Demon Guilt Trips My Life So I Will Be Their Antichrist In New Vision

Skeleton Imp Demon Guilt Trips My Life So I Will Be Their Antichrist In New Vision

::2019 UPDATE: DEMONS DON’T FUCKING HELP and the lil mofo looks like this – I think he the creaky voiced mofo who said it’s a “fallen angel” and torments me with my brother’s cries:: I told you my demons help… Some, but not all which I will discuss at the end of this… That said, they warned me about this: [purchase_link id=”31849″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I wrote about exactly THIS happening in my blog article here: https://toplessinla.org/2018/08/11/lapd-officer-r-li-pimps-drug-addict-women-to-white-dudes-then-steals-their-money-and-more-i-saw-in-the-astral/ After having a demon who I am a lil fence on cause of what I saw in the astral about IT tell me

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The Occult Symbolism Behind The Crucifixion Wounds and Heart of Jesus

The Occult Symbolism Behind The Crucifixion Wounds and Heart of Jesus

Let me break it down… Remember how I said how the Demiurge is the nemesis of humankind here, how it doesn’t want us to emerge and come into our own spiritual power, evolve into our own Divine Feminine Source energy thus becoming the true gods which the archons aka aliens and reptilians are programmed to stop which I discuss here: https://toplessinla.org/2017/05/29/god-is-satan-the-demiurge/ https://toplessinla.org/2018/03/03/the-real-reason-why-this-world-hates-women/ https://toplessinla.org/2018/05/18/missy-misdemeanor-ellitot-no-man-glow-proves-men-are-natural-energy-vampires/ …Well (I HATE to use the image of crakkka christ aka cesare borgia as an example though honestly Jesus Christ I sense – and based on the words of some psychics – NEVER EXISTED)… LOOK AT THE

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Proof My Curses Work

Proof My Curses Work

Read it… That’s how powerful I am! I can get you through a computer screen ::witch’s cackle:: That said, I AM VERY POWERFUL! I AM ALSO VERY VINDICTIVE! Tread lightly with me – don’t fuck with me, ESP. you crakkkaroaches and some spic and spans cause MANY OF YOU ARE NOT PROTECTED AND I KNOW IT! I got better examples; but my spirit guides are telling me to hold off on SHOWINF THEM! One includes a dude who, RIGHT AFTER DOING A RITUAL his new 2013 car STOPPED WORKING (He needed a jump), lost hos job, DROVES OF BAD SHIT

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LAPD Officer R LI PIMPS Drug Addict Women To White Dudes Then Steals Their Money And More I Saw In The Astral

LAPD Officer R LI PIMPS Drug Addict Women To White Dudes Then Steals Their Money And More I Saw In The Astral

The astral realm aka spirit realm shows me alot, ALOT! The first notable one was a situation I have found myself in numerous times while my consciousness was in the astral in which – this place is almost like a juxtaposition between New Orleans and L.A. in which their is kinda a Jackson Square/Audubon Park area but it is like it is in the City of L.A. somehow. Anyways, there is a place I go which I can NOT recall off the top of my head when I visit the astral – not all the time but sometimes – and

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The Difference Between Astral Projection and Out of Body Experiences

The Difference Between Astral Projection and Out of Body Experiences

Okay, I finally figured out how to do it… After watching one of these man’s vids here: There’s a guy who RELIGIOUSLY and ASSIDUOISLY leaves comments named “Unplug the Matrix” who spoke of – and this makes sense – you astral project EVERY NIGHT WHEN YOU SLEEP (I been knew that) and there are ways to make yourself conscious while in it! Early this morning I had an astral experience – IT WAS SOOO VIVID – where I was seated in chairs I figure with people I knew in real life – one was a former basketball nba player who

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Homeless Chic 6: Being Possessed

Homeless Chic 6: Being Possessed

I felt mad weird ALLL a couple of weekends ago. I spoke with a lady about Yemaya (who in turn fucked with my cellphone for a bit after I guess I told the lady to become her own god) and went there to praise her. I just went to take my spiritual bath and cleanse myself of some grimy ass spirits! [purchase_link id=”31818″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Afterwards… look at my face. This is weird! It looks like (when I take cellphone pics in selfie mode) that I got mascera, orange eyeshadow WHEN I DON’T! It looks Afrikan and reminds me

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Man Reveals How Google Manipulates Search Engine Based On WHO Is Searching

Man Reveals How Google Manipulates Search Engine Based On WHO Is Searching

When I’ve heard of fucked up shit happening to me… or just to search on the topless thing – when I would look shit up as evidenced by the screenshots below I WOULD FIND NOTHING!!! Here he is basically confirming this: [purchase_link id=”31813″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I also noticed a weird ballon anomaly lingering in the air above my car: Here it is… That said – and he is NOT the first person I spoke to who confirmed this… this has been going on FOR YEARS in which they tailor searches based on WHO is searching as can be gleamed

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