Everyone who follows me knows I am big on spirituality and here is the portal cataloguing my teachings!
YES Chris Redfield from Resident Evil! This is a VERY interesting read about how time and alternate dimensions can work, after death….. https://www.removeddit.com/r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/comments/bw3e5o/man_has_a_car_crash_and_witnesses_the_machination/ This REALLY jives into what I am gonna talk about tomorrow….
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GET THAT MOTHERFUCKER OUT MY HOMETOWN: I WAS SO PROUD WHEN I READ THIS ARTICLE HERE: https://www.nola.com/news/crime_police/article_5d5b9cbc-fe0b-5598-be2e-ccccf377392a.amp.html Don’t go to MY FUCKING CITY with your wetback ass shit! We don’t play that where I come from! The other day I was reading how these demon Quetzalcoatl seeds are spreading like a fucking brown plague, bringing RAPE (which they EXCEL AT ??✏????♂️?) and other fucking atrocities with them! The other day I read about how a wetback tried to pull a white lady in North Carolina into IT’S fucking car and we southerners don’t play that shit: she STOOD UP (ASÉ
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You can hear it speak very slight (it will have a deep demonic voice) at around 8:04 and 8:41 of the recording….. He is what I call the “King of Cups” in my tarot cards. His name is Satbalababa. He induces my alcohol urges…. That being said, I been saying this for a VEEEERY looong time that I am not up against no ordinary shit, not no spooks, ghosts, other spirits and entities like demons which I can just shut down with the swat of a hand. No. I am going up against this: – The vantage point from
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I can look at that lil nigga now with spiritual eyes and see he possessed…. You can look here and see he look like a fucking caveman…. – Which is the energy he was coming at me with! That’s why it is important to have spiritual eyes open so you TRULY know what you are dealing with and TRULY know how to deal with it…..
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This shit ALWAYS happens as I become more powerfull, slamming down addictions, healing…. I say NO LIES when I said these fuckerz are some type of low vibratory organic portals for the reptilians to work thru…. This the 4TH TIME this mofo (his name is Raymond like Rain Man lol) came around (funny cause RIGHT BEFORE THIS I was telling my friend that it seems that as of late that reptilian “King of Pentacles” was helping)…. Guess I got proven wrong….. You damn right I did something to run that low vibratory demon seed of Quetzalcoatl up the street!
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I realise that when I do things I get low key messages from the spirit world and looka what I saw…. Man…. I remember before I came into my TRUE power all the shit I had to deal with and things are getting better…. PS I just heard that old mofo saying, “No one wanna see that” then shut up when I ‘woke ✊? Some dumbasses never fucking learn. Ole boi may need another ‘wokeing to tow the line: TOPLESS IN LA EXCLUSIVE: I Killed A Man’s Ma Cause He Refused To Give Me A Jump
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Before I start….. somebody got ‘woked: I saw it in my cards…. I warned ya my spirits don’t play that shit…. ?? When People Project On Me It Is An Issue With Them Not With Me You Gotta Watch Who You Open Yourself To When You Are Spiritual Go steal energy from someone else you organic portal motherfucker….. Enjoy the night terrors…. Someone else I got intranquil spirits on em. They won’t be fucking with me again! That being said…. these EVPs are mad interesting…. I will say do NOT 100% trust what these spirits say cause as taught to
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I – and President Trump ✊??? – say no lies about these mofos being sex obsessed fiend demons with an unnatural penchant for low vibratory reptilian behavior: They prove my point EVERY TIME but I let their asses know where they stand with me…. For the humans out there, this is why those things are the way they are…. Start with these as a primer….. Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians I Am REALLY FUCKING CONVINCED That Wetbucks and South and Central Americans Are Some Evil Demonic Reptilian Spawns Here Is Why Asians Are Better
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The knight of pentacles aka the reptilian card pops up which is how I know it’s them: These mofos are ALWAYS trying to pull me back in but I am too clever for that…. This is interesting cause I found it after the EVPs I did last night: My EVP Sessions And PROOF Of How The Spiritual Can Affect The Physical Plane When the shaman rescued my brother from the underworld she said he gave me some keys for good luck…. Just like with the rendering of a herd of demons to be under me…. Offered A Seal of
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….As manifested by this demon seed of Quetzalcoatl who claims IT is indigenious but IT ain’t (nah we copper coloured people ARE in fact the true indigenious): The original. Here it is lightened up! You can SEE a draco reptilian-grey zeta reticuli sitting next to him (with his seat looking like a face behind him): It looks JUST like this reptilian thing here…. “Scientists” will say this is paredolia. A Cuban shaman once taught me that hyperdimensional (meaning higher dimensional) beings will make use of 3D light and shadow to manifest themselves in our realm. THIS is what we are
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