Everyone who follows me knows I am big on spirituality and here is the portal cataloguing my teachings!
You gotta watch these people cause they be on an agenda….. I first saw it here: – Trying to talk to me, sexually, tho he a fucking christian, controlled by some demiurge shit! And he was – tho later and not captured on video – did some dumb fucked shit when I was trying to feed him and he knew he was guilty: I recall walking past him and feeling my skirt in between my legs and the distinct feeling of a thumb going up my skirt which makes me wonder did he use my skirt to
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I was born a “blue baby” with a hole in my heart….
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I was shown this as the All Seeing Eye! With that being said, I swear, with every push to evolve spiritually – every time I remove an entity attachment – the demon seeds ALWAYS show out to make sure or best yet said “try” to shut me down. Last night their low vibratory asses fucked with my car – I am not 100% sure cause it coulda been – I even sense this as well – crakkkas or even niggers all while I was in a state of zen earlier in the day! People Are Straight Fucking Animals And Can’t
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I hate bullies with a passion and I won’t let this shit slide…. I remember how the car looks too. Leave me the fuck alone! And this just HAD TO HAPPEN right after I removed some looong attached shit I got from my satanic period back in 2014: I’m not letting you pull me back to a dark place. Imma let shit handle ya or let me catch ya ????? I rem. how that car looks. Leave people THE FUCK alone! Looka this I saw after…… Straight demon seed quetzalcoatl shit which is why I put spells to KEEP
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Alright, watch this video that I did here the other day….. That said, let me emphasize – tho. I was topless – the wetbawk GOT THE FUCK OUT cause I consciously did something with my energy where he could not access it. The moment he could not feed he fled! It reminded me of what these two folks spoke of when talking on battling organic portals…. Sans the anti-meat speech, everything they say is on point ?? With that being said, the other night around new years I had the opportunity to talk with a cholo. Everything I been
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Looka what I found while looking for a featured image for this article: When I got rid of it the other day as an entity attachment – a REAL powerful one – thay was allowing other entity attachments to terribly remain attached to me….. – Peep how the wetback there runs when I shut my energy down from him to be able to access it, even though I am topless….. Also peep the gangstalking from this wetback here…… I want ya’ll to peep the gangstalking from wetbacks ALL THAT DAY AND NIGHT AND THE NEXT….. This was gold! These wetbacks
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Given all the shit happening with the fake covid pLandemic and it being unconvered that this shit is fake given the hospital rooms are empty and they are laying off staff, nurses….. This doctor confirms it is a hoax: This nurse got sick off a vaccine Yet they lie….. What I am about to say I think is gonna be a psyop! I saw this twice in the astral! That means some shit gonna go down but it may get averted! I was brought to my mom’s work in my child form just like she would occassionally when
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Like I said here….. Ya’ll Dumbasses Are Laughing Yourselves Straight Into George Orwell’s 1984 Ya’ll are some stupid mofos I swear….. I caught a few wetbucks talking about attacking a native black woman on her soil, our soil (look up copper colored indians to see what I mean)….. – Don’t be fooled by the slavic (fake) name, that is a demon seed….. Here more ILLEGAL WETBACKS talking of harming a native Black American woman: …….. These are the copper coloured indians = us, Black Native Americans….. And here these demon seeds killing Americans for being homeless when their illegal asses
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I don’t know about you all but I liked 2020. For me 2016 was the terrible year – eviction, etc. And even that didn’t last that long. 2020 in numerology adds up to 4 which in numerology resonates with “traumatic endings and beginnings.” 2021 resonates with, when added up, to the # 5 meaning “movement” in mumerology. I did alot of healing and archon removal all 2020. I have a strong sense that 2021 will be a better year at least for me but I sense the powers that be are gonna orchestrate some bull on a mass scale so
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!!!!Update!!!! ….I was pregnant…. I knew something was wrong when my pussy stank…. When I was getting fatter, I couldn’t shit cause my womb was filling out (even tho. I had to go!)! I had a dream (better yet nightmare) in which I was in a church and I saw a priest who was the priest for my old middle school there with another man telling me to save the “child” aka PARASITE that was growing in me. But the old hag aka baba yaga wasn’t having it! Though she couldn’t take it out</strong> I awoke and used the
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