Everyone who follows me knows I am big on spirituality and here is the portal cataloguing my teachings!



“Ease” into them energetically and take them over: I was able to do that to Barbara Reina, David Reina, Hekate (since she is a spirit turned entity attachment), Guru 5, a roach attachment who I found out turned out to be an entity attachment created from a rapist LAPD officer who took advantage of sex workers when I used to copwatch on Figueroa back in the day who is a major snob and talks with a very erudite, eloquent accent (I have actually tried freeing him and both numbres knowing what horrible monsters the Reinas are) and both Pallet Numbres,

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Battling Hekate Now Reminds Me of The Matrix

Battling Hekate Now Reminds Me of The Matrix

She set up a trap in the astral plane that reminded me ALOT of the matrix a coupla days ago, ALOT! That said I found myself – I felt around – in the astral plane that I was in what felt like a coliseum, a Roman bathhouse with no doors or windows and I could not feel, as usual, my connections to my spirit guides, spirit team etc. That said, I could hear her like a wicked witch cackling in the background, Hekate, saying, “I disconnected you from your spirit guides and higher selves, ha ha, now you have no

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How Do I Remove These Monitoring Spirits That Are All Around Me

How Do I Remove These Monitoring Spirits That Are All Around Me

How do I remove these monitoring spirits from around me? They are roach attachments that are particularly evil and very sentinent and intend to keep me stuck and trapped in hell for literally all of my life so that they can “feed”. They are the impediments to my success and are very very nasty to get rid of. Two particularly evil ones I got are two that are somehow attached to my nasal cavity who uses their consciousness to take over mine, they have removed vital parts of my consciousness that connects me to my ancestors and spirit guides designed

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The Key To Defeating The Curse of The Reinas Is To Destroy Their HIGHEST Selves

The Key To Defeating The Curse of The Reinas Is To Destroy Their HIGHEST Selves

Here is how they look in real life: Barbara Reina: David Reina: Here is how the Higher Self Michael O’ Terrence, a close friend of theirs who also energy harvests off if people, looks: – A close, approximate representation. That said, they don’t like to lose. If they can’t kill you in your sleep, to win, they will energy harvest off of you and place entity attachments on you designed to have you going from timeline to timeline where everyday you are fighting a “new” Barbara and David Reina. Defeat their highest selves to defeat them!

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Curse of The Roach Realm And How To Defeat It

Curse of The Roach Realm And How To Defeat It

The Roach Realms of The Astral Plane And How They Cause Schizophrenia I defeated the roach realm curse. It is one of THE worst curses you can bestow on someone. Worse than a shadow people curse and worse than an intranquil spirit curse. It is one of THE WORST curses you can bestow on someone. It consists of roaches both giant and small feasting on human beings. People being turned into roach attachments. People being surrounded by giant roaches, eating on you. Folks tied down to vats where roaches eat you just as som evil entity attachments belonging to another

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At The Beach To Cleanse Myself of This Curse

At The Beach To Cleanse Myself of This Curse

For my birthday (today is my birthday) I am giving myself a spiritual cleanse to rid myself of this curse forever hopefully. I’m starting to get back to my old self. I have been cleansing myself by taking baths in the ocean and saging myself. So far it is working but it is VERY HARD to get rid of these roach attachments which refuse to go. They have been saying they took my blessings, gave it to Barbara and others, my astral (spirit) money, even got rid of my higher and highest Self all to pressure me into a Soul

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God Is The Baphomet

God Is The Baphomet

I believe another name for him is Cernunnos: – All these Gods have horns. Here is why I say this: That is Amun, the first monotheistic God war-shipped in ancient Khemet (Egypt). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amun Everything comes from ancient Egypt, including Arianism which is the belief that Jesus aka HEY-Zeus is the Son of God, which you can read about here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arianism That said, notice that Amun is depicted as having horns, as is the Baphomet: – Makes sense cause as a God would be expected to God would be duality, both male and female! Now, everytime you say Amen, you are

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