Everyone who follows me knows I am big on spirituality and here is the portal cataloguing my teachings!

John Ellizz’s All Seeing Eye Book Confirms That Christians and Muslims War-ship A Reptilian So Called Good

John Ellizz’s All Seeing Eye Book Confirms That Christians and Muslims War-ship A Reptilian So Called God

You all have to read this book! https://www.docdroid.net/zQkwwYu/johnellizz-vs-the-all-seeing-eye-pdf Here are some excerpts I am using to buttress what I am about to say that I have endured with these things which are reeeeally in sync with his experiences….. That being said as I have said before they – the reptilians, the skeletal archon entity, the archons period – do something to alter your brainwaves and energy body thus using you to unwittingly carry out self sabotaging and destructive things designed to undermine me…… That’s the cause behind why I unwittingly absorb folks’ energies….. Has Anyone Else Had Issues Entities Attaching

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How To Remove Evil Entities That You Were Sacrificed To Before You Hit The Other Side

How To Remove Evil Entities That You Were Sacrificed To Before You Hit The Other Side

Before I begin, I have arrived….. I had an astral vision in which I saw a white woman with reddish blonde hair wearing military garb who worked for the US military. I saw that she was hunting to kill an Asian female activist who I saw who looked like your typical Asian – round face, her skin was The Simpsons yellow tho. and wearing a white night gown flowy summer dress….. Anyways I saw that the lady had ran into some barracks which turned into a vacation spot where I sighted some hunters all talking about their vacation – and

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I Am So Happy To Have ME Back

I Am So Happy To Have ME Back

The night after “talking” with that evil skeletal archon entity he tried it…..   You can’t associate with everybody…..   As pointed out here….. I Got PROOF That A Skeletal Archon Entity And A Demon of Lust Are Around Me Fucking With Me Some people got demons on they asses – which will transfer onto you – like it is no one’s business so you gotta protect yourself esp. as you heal! The crazy thing is…. when I first separated from these dudes – I mean CRAZY synchronicities been getting set up to unite me with these douches – I

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Black Ass Gangmember Attempts To Rape Me And Attacks Dude

Black Ass Crip Gangmember Attempts To Rape Me And Attacks Dude

I just saw those niggers via my third eye are planning to come to my vehicle late at night, get me out and try to pull me into their car. I gotta do something about them. ??‍♀️?? Fucking niggers. This fucks with my head…. And the crazy thing is the dude I was talking with (he has a bad alkie-hole demon on him) was just talking about seeing a demonic dude in a grey van parked right behind me, moving his head as if to control an urge 2 years ago….. I got pure demonic energy off of these dudes

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How Your Living Space’s State Shows Where Your Mind And Soul Are At

How Your Living Space’s State Shows Where Your Mind And Soul Are At

Whoa that look like a fucking eye….. This is not a tour of my minivan but a tour into my mental state and my Soul….   ….And someone just had to test me and prove my point. Fucking predator.   I’ll make him a sacrifice for sure = fumes of e-vile from him ??‍♀️????? = ??=☠⚰? Soon. I have been in many RVs, minivans ?? (kidding) and I notice a common theme of how the person’s mind state mirrors their living space. This has been said over and over like on real hoarder videos….. In these people’s cases, they got

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Astral Vision Reveals Shit Blocking My Crown Chakra Goes Back To A Past Life

Astral Vision Reveals Shit Blocking My Crown Chakra Goes Back To A Past Life

It was some lil haus on the prairie shit: It wasn’t as lively as this but it was some Little House On The Prairie shit! Imma explain later but looka this shit, more shit I got from this ghost app: I met a demon named Shiba – mofo looked JUST like a demon too, actually like this mofo….. Demon Alters Timeline And Navy Shows Me The Matrix In Astral Vision who promises wealth and shit which sounds really plausible as I long sensed something is around me to suppress my spiritual growth and so thus my ability to manifest so

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I Got PROOF That A Skeletal Archon Entity And A Demon of Lust Is Around Me Fucking With Me

I Got PROOF That A Skeletal Archon Entity And A Demon of Lust Are Around Me Fucking With Me

I love how I look I look so mad 90s… and I actually grew up in that era ✊? I got fucking proof….. I told you dumb ass dudes that the lust energy you are getting “from me” is not from my masculine ass but a demon trying to get you to fuck with me so I can ‘woke you then sacrifice you to terrible ass powers (then have you in hell when you die)….. Her name Virgaon, a demon of lust. When I searched it it came back to Asmodeus, a demon who also runs lust (many of these

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Black Helicopter Circles Right Over Me Though There Were No Issues

Black Helicopter Circles Right Over Me Though There Were No Issues

Crazy that this happens as I heal. As you will notice in the vid nothing of note was happening – not even I:   That said, black helicopters have long been associated with black governmental projects….. http://what-when-how.com/conspiracy-theories-in-american-history/black-helicopters/ https://www.ydr.com/story/news/crime/2020/03/04/whats-going-those-black-helicopters-york-county-skies/4950485002/ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/03/16/historys-greatest-conspiracy-theories/black-or-unmarked-helicopters/ – And that they maybe organic. I hope whoever wrote this is serious cause some of the shit they state like nanotechnology is true….. https://zapatopi.net/blackhelicopters/ This was one of those conspiracy sites from back in the day and I notice they are letting it thrive (instead of suppressing it like they do so many REAL sites)….. …..and it is no coincidence

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How The Demiurge Separates Us From The Source

How The Demiurge Separates Us From The Source

Peep how the demiurge on the right created and got all those roots connected to that human body = tomb created by the demiurge to imprison the human Soul your True Identity! You know I always say Sol which is the latin word for Sun equals Soul – from whence the spelling for “Soul” derives – for a reason…… They letting us know our Souls – us, who we are – is God, the one True God which are aspects of The Source ? I have also heard people say, since planets and stars are alive and full actionably conscious

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