Society is shit and I expose it!
Before I begin…. as I show in the video I WANT YA’LL TO HEAR THIS….. My spiritual people maybe able to hear it but – this where folks think folks like myself are crazy – after coming out of a deep, PROFOUND meditation last night, I ‘woke early this morning to hear someone talking shit, saying, “mustang, gooo gooooo” over and over. So I looked around and I SWEAR I thought what turned out to be an Asian lady as you will see in the vid was either a black dude (I sensed it) or cholo singing it! However,
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I bet they been listening to me…. I put a spell of protection on em so if a wetback touches em they or one of their familia will end up in the underworld…. I also put ‘woke on my social media platforms to keep they asses off…. More of us are getting it…. All I gotta say is Ase ✊? That being said, LET ME SHOW you how much they, those reptilian demonic organic portal vessel thangz hate us – Peep how they don’t attack this white man as he attacks one of their bitches or shall I say la
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This collage that I put together is veey profound…. You can see her due to trauma and contracts I feel that “I” in the past life made with the reptilians is trapped behind a glass with a depressing backdrop of a gloomy sky while flanked by a reptilian who, due to being low vibratory, has it’s colours subdued while she has her foot in the river’s water leading to freedom…. What an inadvertent euphemism and I was subconsciously set to put this together…. Wow….. Wow lol…. WOW Check out the size of that ding a ling – pole, stick lol!
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It ain’t no easy path and it ain’t no fucking flowers and shit….
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They just removed the comments…. But I screenshot EVERYTHING…. Here the vid link: Here how the owner of the site look: And we blacks still want to unify with them while this happens…. Black people, we need to get our priorities straight and understand our true enemy: Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians
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THIS was the simple minded child like glib “deflection” type style arguments I made the point of wetbucks throwing out when they are confronted: – I mean, look at this demonic Lisa Simpson he got up here (which is consistent with their cult of death based on reptilian cult-ure which I talk about below)….. LOL I broke all that down here: Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians BTW I AM HAPPY that more folks are awakening to these hostile reptilian demon seed’s true nature: – Peep while trying to bullshit “rally” me into hating whites this
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I was drunk ass hell yesterday…. Here full vid of a dude shitting in an porta potty with no door on it and more crazy shit! Here me taking a spiritual bath: Can’t believe they ain’t fixed the door on the porta potty…. I saw a lil mouse run in it earlier…. Here is how I spent my day…. That’s my day…..
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Before I begin, I wanna show you what folks call a white liberal racist: Anyways, now that I got that out the way, let me break down what this article is about…. I have never had any illusions about these thangz (I will NOT refer to them as human due to the points I will make in this article). I have always seen them for what they are: racist, low vibratory, hateful, destructive, demonic, deceitful, sexual predators, an unnatural obsessiveness with sex (from my experience if you just have a hole it will do and same for the females –
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Before I begin my sermon, look at this anti white crime these wetbacks did: To a 13 year child I am quite certain tried to rape her. Ya’ll need to check out grendall’s channel (I’m not a conservative but I see ? what’s going on with them): I can not get over the absolute and utter and complete SELFISHNESS and ARROGANCE of them. They have been attacking blacks for being black in a war of ethnic genocide: But yet get pissed when some silly black kids mess with an elote man…. And this foo’ says we stole rap and
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As I go thru this healing phase alot of bad shit is bubbling up the surface. Thus I shoulda been aware (but emotions take over) that bad, lecherous people – who are sent on a spiritual level to throw me off my path – will come. That happened today! [purchase_link id=”37348″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] Here he is with a knife in hand Here some other photos…. Naw I’m the last person to complain about nudity…. Showing Off Pictures of My Naked Body To Help The Sheriffs I Decide To Run Naked To Run Folks Out In Midst of Corona
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