Society is shit and I expose it!
I wish somebody would run all they asses over…. I remember when I got raped one of em sung, “Sharing is caring.” Run over they asses ??♂️??♂️??♂️??♀️??♀️? Next time I’m gonna run over they ass they say some shit like that again…. They ain’t gonna do another fucking thing after this I guarantee that ?? Fucking wetbacks ????? Anyways, kuddos to the brother for showing out cause them wetbacks LOVE to put they hands on black women as they tried to pull here: Wetback Male Tries To Put Hands on Black Female Just Now And here: Wetbucks Treat White Crackhead
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She ain’t a high priestess of shit! Before I get on her tho., I peep this wetback here: ….tried to sub to my channel. STAY YOUR WETBACK ASS OFF MY FUCKING SOCIAL MEDIA AND STICK WITH YOUR OWN KIND AND IN YOUR OWN LANE! That said…. this bitch is nuts! You can see here I did not email her shit…. I also did not respond to her (she looks for attention). Jamila Briscoe is a sociopathic attention seeker who enjoys starting shit cause she feeds off the energy like the energy vampire she is. She has also abandoned her children
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I can’t get over how all this shit here was actually said by a woman…. It was the Persian part that did it in for me….. Turns out it wasn’t fruitbat as I said here (however – as confirmed via my third eye, tho I was already having issues with the battery – she was behind the loss I faced Saturday [since I saw HER face via my third eye] by excerbating it – and the only way it started working was by me drinking letting me know strong evil spirits were also at ‘woke): Fruitbat Sends Emails EXPOSING That
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Why? Worst of all…. why do this to THE BABIES…. The lil girl at the top (notice vegan babies got cucumber heads) got dark BAGGY circles under her eyes while the lil blonde boy at the bottom standing by the table got a distended belly. This kid here you can TELL hate being forced to eat dat shid…. This adult older lady ADMITS that havibg veganism forced on her as a baby has caused her health problems: Why fuck this kids up with a FUCKED UP LIFESTYLE CHOICE (the fact they STILL gotta take vitamins for shit they are
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These some power-FULL ass images…. It’s a fucking shame. Even as I look at cards I can’t help but feel PISSED that I will be able to spiritually green lit ? some mugs for a slight transgressions BUT I CAN’T GET THE MOFOS WHO RAPED, STABBED ME IN THE NECK: I CAN’T KILL THESE MOFOS AND IT’S CAUSE THESE REPTILIANS ARE FUCKING PROTECTING EM, which I break down here: Youtube got me smiling in the thumb = meaning they fucking with it meaning I am telling truthz: I always felt like they were interfering with my ‘wokes, causing mugz
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This shit reminds me of the Gene Hackman film called “Extreme Measures” that came out in the early 90s that starred Hugh Grant who I had a crush on who got caught with a black prostitute: Here the poster for the film: That being said, based on the colour and proximity I surmise it might be this building here where folks are being held captive since he said, SPECIFICALLY AND WITH EMPHASIS – a blue building: You can watch the video to see exactly where it is but it is like near that hump right before you descend into a
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I’m saying it cause of this…. Hear ??? me saying it ??? That being said – as I have seen from MY EXPERIENCE – the system and what I call organic portals or organic robotoids of humans (they are the ones who we can sense are kinda dead with no personality and just follow the ways and machinations of the system without question such as being concerned about status, material things – BUT THE KEY IS THEIR LACK OF AN ENERGY SIGNATURE ???) will try to tear us down but we are better than
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Before I begin, I JUST FOUND THIS BLASS FROM DUH PASSS: What I Like About Being A Dark Satanic Witch I had a crush on this depiction of Lucifer from Paradise Lost. I thought he was cutee ?? That being said, that whole thing of being “peace and love and light” is wide peepole schadenfraude (my new favourite wurd ??). We live in a fawking unity-verse ? of duality, as broke down by this BRILLIANT (with a fine ass devil btw) fairytale film by Ridley Scott called “Legend”: Devil fineeee ass a motherfawker here: I’m going to hell for this
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That’s why ya’ll can’t get rid of me…. Another thing: I know ya’ll mofos are protecting the SOB who raped me. I got his ass (based on spiritual confirmation, he in hell) and Imma get ya’ll and send ya’ll to hell as well wit dat fyre ‘woke: Like I did with the Woolsey Fire…. The Pacific Palisades Fyre Fest (My proudest ‘woke and – 3 days before it happened I saw it in a dream after praying or shall I say preying ?? for it to happen 3 days before ??): Here I am LAUGHING at the destruction: Saddleridge FYRE
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****UPDATE: THE PUBLIC WORKS PEOPLE HAD BEEN MESSING WITH ME CAUSE THEY HAD BEEN ILLEGALLY HOLDING A DOG FOR MONTHS CAPTIVE FOR DOG FIGHTING AS CAN BE HEARD HERE: I came to the dog fighting conclusion based on my cards here: – See that and justice! ♎ That’s why they had been calling the cops on me for months cause I am the justice that is supposed to reel em in ??⚔ Poor baby doggo. Me and other folks FOR MONTHS had been hearing this and one time the cops got called to investigate! I believe they are holding
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