I have been getting in trouble with the cops as of late. I dunno wtf is going on….
Before I get into that…. I just want to take the time to say thank you to whoever burned this la raza station down: ….Burn those wetbucks, spic and cspans out ??? Thank you ?? Anyways, with that being said, I had one helluva night ? I confronted some g@@ks for talking shit on my being topless saying why am I here, why she allowed – like I need permission to be doing what I want with my own body – to do it (witchcraft heaux ??♀️), and other shit. I also confronted the crakkka who was talking shit with
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Good! I say let them. Erase the poisonous “la raza”. Got a great article coming up about they asses…. [purchase_link id=”35909″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”]
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SMDH! Protest done abated in the “ground zero” epicenter Minneapolis where poor mk ultra VICTIM, Derek Chauvin, was ORDERED under mk ultra programming to kill George Floyd: – Looka the subliminals….. The occult #6 in numerology which resonates with the material realm and in this case is being used to induce chaos as the old illuminati saying goes: “Ordo Ab Chao” = Out of Order comes Chaos Then you got this demonic symbol here (I am very faniliar with sigils being a former satanist and all)…. That being said, look at this mugshot of Derek Chauvin (look at the eyes
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– Damn I was right ?? to put that Purge Election Year poster as a backdrop behind his face(s), amirite? HERE IS PROOF ANTIFA DOING THIS SHIT! Ding dong spray paints their symbol on the back of a firetruck (why fuck with the firefighters when they just help): That’s an antifa symbol: And George Soros funds em: https://www.sott.net/article/295896-George-Soros-The-hidden-hand-behind-color-revolutions An outlet, the NY Times, claiming he “don’t” are letting ya’ll know he due #deceptive https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/01/technology/george-floyd-misinformation-online.html And now antifa bombing people: – No regular lil thug ass looter would do this. This is shadow government George Soros shid! If this ain’t domestic
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I realise I got a REEAL talent for fucking up people, spiritually. I enjoy it cause I am a sadistic, depraved, vindictive motherfucker! I ain’t one of these “spiritually trendy” people to hide behind astrological signs but I will say that, being that I am a taurus, I have a sadistic tendency of laying low for years then popping you or, just for sadistic shits ‘n giggles ?, popping your ass repeatedly over time. I introduce you to da ‘woke ::Cue the music:: That said, HEAR ?????? MY PROUDEST ‘WOKE I caused a man to lose his mind and end
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LOL! Niggaz lied cause I ran em out ?? after they were talking shit about me and you can’t talk crap on Da Goddess (of the wetbucks): Cop told me like a chile to get back in my car and go to sleep lol ?=? [purchase_link id=”34999″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] He even told his ass I guess to put his hands behind his head:
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I had to sink my teeth into this: A homeless got MURDERED in cold blood by this asshole in the suv here: Like rape victim blame…. THE COMMENTS is what got me fucked up! Before I show particular examples, what kills me is, okay, many of these mofos are RENTERS. They don’t even own shit, as this roach would say: That said, the day or tomorrow, like dese folks found out the hard way here: https://spectrumnews1.com/ca/la-west/news/2019/09/16/chinatown-tenants-forced-out-of-their-homes-without-options This man AND his chile both got jobs: UNLESS YOU OWN YOUR SHIT your ass can be out of a place, too! Goddess forbid
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Witness The Goddess Shadow Wolk: [purchase_link id=”34554″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] These mofos living in the past based on a confusing time in my life when I was just first coming into my spiritual own and figuring out who I am and my destiny: [purchase_link id=”34294″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] Imma say this: Fuck my cards – my third eye ? be more accurate. I put ‘woke on em = sold they soul to me ???? That said I saw thru my third eye that the crakkka one is seeing an “evil” aspect of me in the mirror while brushing
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DON’T EVAR CALL ME A FUCKING RASTA You can call me racist: I voted for Trump! You can call me a fucking redneck: I am a white gurl in a black female’s body! https://toplessinla.org/2020/04/05/coming-out-as-transracial-aka-trans-white/ You can call me trans-racial: I am a white woman living in a black womans’s body….. https://toplessinla.org/2018/02/17/black-womans-past-life-as-a-rich-little-blonde-white-girl-who-ran-away-from-home-with-an-old-white-man/ But don’t EVAR call me a RASTA! I am a BIG FAN of the national rifle association: – So is my dad! I HATE WEED ? But I love ❤ Jack Daniels ? – I can take plenty more pics and videos but I’d be ALLLL NIGHT with this
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…. To justifiably keep the spic and cspans and take-a-kneegrows NIGGERS OFF ?????✨???? [purchase_link id=”33082″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] So that means you niggers and wetbacks STAY OUT OUT OF MALIBU, LEBOWSKI’S I am transracial aka trans-white btw: https://toplessinla.org/2020/04/05/coming-out-as-transracial-aka-trans-white/ https://toplessinla.org/2018/02/17/black-womans-past-life-as-a-rich-little-blonde-white-girl-who-ran-away-from-home-with-an-old-white-man/
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