Niggers being niggers (or as the wetbacks would say, mayates being mayates) all presented here….
I can look at that lil nigga now with spiritual eyes and see he possessed…. You can look here and see he look like a fucking caveman…. – Which is the energy he was coming at me with! That’s why it is important to have spiritual eyes open so you TRULY know what you are dealing with and TRULY know how to deal with it…..
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Alright…. I gotta say this shit…. aside from seeing some niggers I went to high school with, including this broad named Kiera who looked like Snik from Little Monsters: BUILT (like a linebacker) like his ass too…. in the astral plotting some shit (I shot ya’ll asses down, too)….. I SAW THIS GREY TRANSLUCENT CREATURE THAT LOOKED LIKE PUMPKINHEAD WHEN I WOKE UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT: I SHIT YOU FUCKING NOT! Except it had a hunched back, a big deformed head with a line of fur lining the top of it’s head and back like a horse.
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– Imma say something about this dude right now: I saw in the spirit realm that he deliberately went on a date with a white woman to rape her so she sent him my way….. The cards say it….. Now I’m about to deal with him. His soul will be the property of the entities I work (‘woke) with! I warn you lil people all the time not to fuck with me. You step to me, you will be in for some really scalding hot water in the form of a very terrible, terrible afterlife fate! Here are some
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****UPDATE: LOL she took it down**** I heard her ole black nigga mayate say, “A ha”. I talk more indepth my experience here: That said, here the screenshots from her channel low key mentioning it: – Funny how her eyes appear here…. You can SEE ? she look tired and worn out from the psychic attacks after trying to fuck with me. That said, I know – whether I like it or not – there is STILL a fucking red dragon around me ? from my satanic days. That said, in typical kitchen witch fashion…. she makes about something else
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She ain’t a high priestess of shit! Before I get on her tho., I peep this wetback here: ….tried to sub to my channel. STAY YOUR WETBACK ASS OFF MY FUCKING SOCIAL MEDIA AND STICK WITH YOUR OWN KIND AND IN YOUR OWN LANE! That said…. this bitch is nuts! You can see here I did not email her shit…. I also did not respond to her (she looks for attention). Jamila Briscoe is a sociopathic attention seeker who enjoys starting shit cause she feeds off the energy like the energy vampire she is. She has also abandoned her children
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I can’t get over how all this shit here was actually said by a woman…. It was the Persian part that did it in for me….. Turns out it wasn’t fruitbat as I said here (however – as confirmed via my third eye, tho I was already having issues with the battery – she was behind the loss I faced Saturday [since I saw HER face via my third eye] by excerbating it – and the only way it started working was by me drinking letting me know strong evil spirits were also at ‘woke): Fruitbat Sends Emails EXPOSING That
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I am going to kill this nigger: WHO THE FUCK DOES THIS NIGGER MAYATE THINK HE IS – this is part of that Malibu gangstalking shit (and to what appeared to be the Asian no driver honking her horn – and the other wide bish – ya’ll gettin’ ‘woked too so good luck when your car breaks down or crashes ??). Early this morning I was doing some ‘woke on myself in my car AND RIGHT WHEN I WAS ABOUT TO GET MY TARGET this ugly black bald headed nigger fucking mayate male shows the fuck up in some black
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Oh the fucking liberal irony… This bitch got a fucking protest message complaining about a black man – who pistol whipped a pregnant woman and robbed homes for crack money – getting “murdered” by the police while calling the police on a black woman who ain’t doing shit other than looking fine ass hell ? She must be one of these white heauxs who love the black cock ?? and hate black women cause she see us aa competition for it. This bitch look like my old friend, Allen: Look, I ain’t trying to push shit – I have no
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I was drunk ass hell yesterday…. Here full vid of a dude shitting in an porta potty with no door on it and more crazy shit! Here me taking a spiritual bath: Can’t believe they ain’t fixed the door on the porta potty…. I saw a lil mouse run in it earlier…. Here is how I spent my day…. That’s my day…..
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…..But my powerfull spirit stopped. THE SHIT outta his ass…. [purchase_link id=”37278″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] I think he got something to do with those folks involved in Mitrice Richardson’s rape and murder (who are apparently holding another lady captive) here: Third Eye Shows Me Red Haired Dude Involved In Mitrice Richardson’s Death Holding Woman Hostage In Basement In An Old Mansion In Malibu I walked across the meridian cause I overheard these lil NIGGERS (one of whom looked like 40’s caricatures of black people like you would see in racist cartoons) and a, I dunno what you call it,
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