My lyfe is interesting…. you’ll see ?️?️?️

Astral Rape By A REPTILIAN So Called Archangel

Astral Rape By A REPTILIAN So Called Archangel

Before I begin, looka this black ass mayate moulie here: Here is his channel: Here the video where his demon possessed black ass started talking shit: That’s straight fucking demiurge possession right there. I DIDN’T DO SHIT to that nigger and he started talking shit to me. It’s cause I got evil entities who don’t want me to astral project and I break it down in the vid series I got below…. That being said…. THIS MOFO RIGHT HERE is the cause behind ALOT of problems in my life, HIM: That is EXACTLY how he looks like (and how

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Bunch of Stories Today: Billionaires Become Richer Off Of George Floyd Riots And More

Bunch of Stories Today: Billionaires Become Richer Off Of George Floyd Riots And More

Before I get into that…. I just want to take the time to say thank you to whoever burned this la raza station down: ….Burn those wetbucks, spic and cspans out ??? Thank you ?? Anyways, with that being said, I had one helluva night ? I confronted some g@@ks for talking shit on my being topless saying why am I here, why she allowed – like I need permission to be doing what I want with my own body – to do it (witchcraft heaux ??‍♀️), and other shit. I also confronted the crakkka who was talking shit with

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Ugly Wetback Methhead Bitch Takes Pic of Me Then Calls The Cops When I Take A Pic of Her

Ugly Wetback Methhead Bitch Takes Pic of Me Then Calls The Cops When I Take A Pic of Her

THAT’S WHY I HATE THOSE MOFOS WITH A PASSION! FUCK BUILD A WALL! If I had it my way I would do what the Argentinian government did to the protestors in the 70’s and drop they ass in the ocean, hands tied (some of those mofos are built like bean bag refridgerators anyways so they’ll sink to the bottom of the ocean with they bad built asses)…. Before I get into that, since I know sheriff’s, cops watch my shit, here go the def. for 314 indecent exposure then look at the def. for genitals aka “private parts” – Americans

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My Thoughts On The Boy George Floyd Debacle

My Thoughts On The Boy George Floyd Debacle

– Damn I was right ?? to put that Purge Election Year poster as a backdrop behind his face(s), amirite? HERE IS PROOF ANTIFA DOING THIS SHIT! Ding dong spray paints their symbol on the back of a firetruck (why fuck with the firefighters when they just help): That’s an antifa symbol: And George Soros funds em: An outlet, the NY Times, claiming he “don’t” are letting ya’ll know he due #deceptive And now antifa bombing people: – No regular lil thug ass looter would do this. This is shadow government George Soros shid! If this ain’t domestic

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My Brother Comes To Let Me Know He Okay And Defeating The Demon

My Brother Comes To Let Me Know He Okay And Defeating The Demon

Whew…. Whata night! Early this morning…. at about 2am, I awoke to hearing a dude recap a story about fucking me up, etc. Before I could get to they ass, they drove off in a beemer. That “yahken” dude drives one. Wonder if it was him? That said, I saw in my cards that they would try to do something to me overnight. So I flipped the switch and put ‘woke on him: commandered his mind and caused his car to run into a wall using my third eye. I then saw a tower moment for said peepole. Damn

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The Mexicans South Americans and Central Americans Are Under A Reptilian Curse

The Mexicans South Americans and Central Americans Are Under A Reptilian Curse

It explains why they are under the oppression of and more susceptible to: drinking, self destructive thus self loathing attitudes and behaviors, the cult-ure of machismo and many other reptilian traits despite being actually really good people deep down – like me: – Look close at that one That being said, I talk about this here:   [purchase_link id=”35419″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] I peep they more spiritual then any other group out here (and always had mad respect for them for that ✊?) and hence why they CAN know more about black spirituality then blacks! – This Damballah Weddo of

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These Fucking Reptilians Are Really FUCKING WITH MY ASS

These Fucking Reptilians Are Really FUCKING WITH MY ASS

As an aside some wetbucks played some reggaeton last night ?? (I actually like that and it reminds me of NYC):   Also I overheard some wetbucks in a nice new grey car (they stole) say mockingly: “She blame her ancestors”, etc. Let me send some reptilians your way and let’s see you SURVIVE dealing with the shit ALL THAT – ancestors, etc. – put me threw! I’ve done it to folks and they come back looking crazy and fucked up like all the other folks I put ‘woke on here: The Museum of Da ‘Woke Anyways, I awoke early

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Cutting The Etheric Chords To Toxic Ancestors

Cutting The Etheric Chords To Toxic Ancestors

This guy here some type of fucking spiritual sign ✌?   [purchase_link id=”35392″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] This like THE SECOND TIME he appeared and, it’s funny cause it was direct across from me. I think a spirit told him to do this because I saw him “talking to himself” meaning he is conversing with a higher dimensional entity we can’t see. That being said, I can tell he wasn’t cool with the topless thing and mumbled something about it but then gave me the peace sign cause his spirit told him to ✌? That’s why I took it as a

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