My lyfe is interesting…. you’ll see ?️?️?️
Listen, bitch! You’ve done sent me about 19 fucking messages about now. Here are some of em: Bitch, if you don’t stop fucking with me, I will fuck your ass up! I am not in the mood for any games. You put your hands, hell, if I catch your ass around here, I will be catching a case which is black slang for I will beat your ass! I ain’t like these goody goody two shoe niggers around here. I am one generation out the Desire Projects of New Orleans. I got a red
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I just want to start off by saying THIS IS WHY PEOPLE HATER NIGGERS: Who the fuck are you or anybody else for that matter to determine my identity for me? Tell me who the fuck I am? It is that very black hivemind way of thinking that nearly destroyed me in high school, that so called identified “blacks” have to think one way and be a certain way all the time unless you want to classified as an uncle tom, talking white or a sell out! FUCK YOU AND YOUR LABELS! You can download both vids here [purchase_link id=”28986″
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DON’T send your kid there!! I know it supposedly changed ownership but the ghetto, hood mentality more than likely still there from the students and teachers back in the Xavier Prep days STILL probably persists to this day from when I graduated from that hellhole of a school back in 2001! Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28980″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] It was riddled with way too many negative memories to describe, but I will say how my teacher, Mrs. McCloud, whose brother works for Monsanto (I remember he came for a very public meeting with the student body years ago, maybe back in 1998
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* This post is and approved, lol! Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28976″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Alright, here I am, spooking some SPOOKS dressed as the klan for Halloween 2013, lol! Basically below are a set of all the pictures I took while walking in West Hollywood and into various police stations, including the Wilshire Community police station and the Hollywood police station on Wilcox – LAPD – asking if they know of any cross brunings – festive aren’t they – going on in the area. In one instance, I walked into the police station DRUNK which you can
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I hate to have to do this again but the first of the month is coming. People think we sex workers have money growing out the trees, coming out of our assess…for us, but we all just work and try to get by just like the rest of you. With that said, it has been slow. So slow that I haven’t even gotten one legit phone call and when I have they all turned out to be bs, like the two mentioned here: I don’t like to beg so I ask many of you out there, regardless of your disposition
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THAT there is Deven Gutierrez (look at that bitch; all you need to do is cut two holes in that sheet there and you got a klan outfit)! As anyone who knows me knows I ain’t the most politically correct person on the planet. If you piss me off, I call a black a nigger, I call an Asian a gook, I call you based on whatever identity you have and what racial slut they go by which is what makes THIS blog post so highly unusual: This is of Marlene Pinnock, the lady, frail old lady pictured in the
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***Looking back with my topless thing Eye Sea a hispanic siSt⭐r STARTED THIS ISH… She low key served as a foreshadowing of where I went*** ⭐⭐⭐ – I was low key trying to show the Star of David while discussing my spiritual adventures…. I took this a longggg, long time ago, March 23, 2012 to be exact. Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28951″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I remember the day like it was yesterday. Now, JUST TO LET YOU KNOW, there are no laws on the books against public nudity, either…but you won’t be seeing me running around MacArthur Park or
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Watch this video here: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28937″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This is why we have rape victim blame, slut shaming and all these patriarchal attitudes in our culture: CAUSE OF THE WHITE MAN! Yeah, that’s right! I said IT! At the end, they are responsible for this, for sexualizing the female body, namely started in the name and pursuit of averting white genetic annihilation by controlling his woman (and her morality and so thus her sexuality) so she won’t procreate out of her race and so thus contribute to their racial demise. Meanwhile white men RAPED everything and
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In this video here: I basically explain WHY white women are not and will NEVER be our friends, no matter how hard they try to act, swoon, and be as if they are one of us and understand our pain: THEY NEVER WILL! No honkkkey ever will! With that said, in a white supremacist environment, one where white privilege prevails, they do NOT want to get us. To get us and the struggles they cause us as people of color, as black, melanated people on this planet would result in the demise, genetically speaking, of their people, ie something
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TURNS OUT, I SUSPECT, IN A COINTEL PRO TURN OF EVENTS, LAPD WILSHIRE SENT THAT UGLY WHITE BITCH TO FUCK WITH ME! More LAPD dox and other info coming soon along with a separate article on this and my talking about Cointelpro. I personally hope the bitch DIES of cancer AND aids! The bitch looks like she got both! Her instagram is:
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