How to be crazy and live lyfe – like me!

Astral Vision Reveals Shit Blocking My Crown Chakra Goes Back To A Past Life

Astral Vision Reveals Shit Blocking My Crown Chakra Goes Back To A Past Life

It was some lil haus on the prairie shit: It wasn’t as lively as this but it was some Little House On The Prairie shit! Imma explain later but looka this shit, more shit I got from this ghost app: I met a demon named Shiba – mofo looked JUST like a demon too, actually like this mofo….. Demon Alters Timeline And Navy Shows Me The Matrix In Astral Vision who promises wealth and shit which sounds really plausible as I long sensed something is around me to suppress my spiritual growth and so thus my ability to manifest so

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This Is Why I Say That Men Are Innate Natural Predators

This Is Why I Say That Men Are Innate Natural Predators

I am never wrong. Cause of my intuitive, psychic senses…. you can’t tell me shit cause I am always right! Cause of this….. As I was adjusting myself in my minivan I caught these half bred, looking like Wally Szczerbiak from the Minnesota Timberwolves and his darker skinned knee-grow pal jump up, anticipating see “the topless lady.” Instead they got a militant feminazi (yeah, call me that, niggaz) who called they asses out on their expression of male patriarchl misogyny…. and got the fuck right after ???? Then these mofos….. I SWEAR to the Goddess (Me) I heard them arguing

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How To Shave Your Pussy While Living In A Minivan

How To Shave Your Pussy While Living In A Minivan

This how you do it:   After I fucked a Mexican dude I became aware of my hygiene and wanted to make sure my cha cha smelt goodt for future purposes…. Before: After: You know, on Black Bigalow’s channel last night – I saw someone write that I look “musty”. I take looking natural as a compliment. Always liked the tribal look, esp. going back to the days of Nirvana and Grunge when I was a lil girl. Goddess, I miss the 90s when we had real celebs like Kurt Cobain doing this: Asè brother, asè ✊?✊???‍???‍♀️ #FightThePatriarchy #EndRapeCulture Henry

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How The Demiurge Separates Us From The Source

How The Demiurge Separates Us From The Source

Peep how the demiurge on the right created and got all those roots connected to that human body = tomb created by the demiurge to imprison the human Soul your True Identity! You know I always say Sol which is the latin word for Sun equals Soul – from whence the spelling for “Soul” derives – for a reason…… They letting us know our Souls – us, who we are – is God, the one True God which are aspects of The Source ? I have also heard people say, since planets and stars are alive and full actionably conscious

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Should I Assimilate With My Reptilian Demon Or Nah

Should I Assimilate With My Reptilian Demon Or Nah

I am cursed and truly confused……       After some events that took place today – I feel that that demon that is trying to become my soulpiece, that reptilian, may not be a bad idea to assimilate within me. See, in my past lives I have been raped, killed for reporting it (which is what spawned inner self destructive feelings and thus demons which I have eliminated from within me). I like the respect – and fear – I won’t lie – that I commanded during my satanic period; tapping into that inner depth of hatred, moroseness, and

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Finally Removing Reptilian Entity From A Bottomless Pit That Has Long Been Trying To Possess Me On My Right Side

Finally Removing Reptilian Entity From A Bottomless Pit That Has Long Been Trying To Possess Me On My Right Side

Before I begin I want to mention a series of “dreams” or as I call em astral visions which I have experienced early this morning….. In the first round I was fighting off I guess a representation of this creature which manifested in the form of a human – at first white then black (shapeshifting designed to confuse me as to who the true enemy is which is the reptilian) which I sensed was a serial killer (I always sensed there was a serial killer attached to my old area in miracle mile which was also the site of alot

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Cr1tikal aka Penguinz0 of Youtube Gets Beelzebub Cockroach ‘Woke For Posting My Hello Sexual Harassment Video

Cr1tikal aka Penguinz0 of Youtube Gets Beelzebub Cockroach ‘Woke For Posting My Hello Sexual Harassment Video

LOOOL ✊? ‘Woke   As I said here….. White Punks Pissed Cause I Am Not A Bedwench to Homeless White Cluckerbeast Wide folks need to (and gotta learn) to stay in their uppity, arrogant, wide entitlement, wide privilege, self righteous lane. If you don’t wanna learn, you mess with the right one. He messed with the wrong one posting this and now he is doomed to spending all eternity in a pit full of insects crawling all over him when he dies….. cause he fucked with me! Now you experiencing this….. And this….. And looka the subliminal…. peep the demon

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