The corona pLandemic is a hoax and don’t take those vaccines cause they’ll kill ya as show in the main portal theme pic

How The Wetback Siphons Energy From Humanity And What I Am Doing And What You Can Do To Stop Them

How The Wetback Siphons Energy From Humanity And What I Am Doing And What You Can Do To Stop Them

They are pure evil: – They are cowards. They decide to attack a man 1 on 5 something just as they attack womben and those physically weaker: Mexican Attacks Black Woman Wetback Male Tries To Put Hands on Black Female Just Now Looka them – it takes 20 of them to fight 5 pinoys (Filipinos) who stood strong cause they are tiger warriors: At one point you can see 5 wetback fatbellies jump one skinny Filipino. I hate those mofos. Wetbacks gotta go! They then, again, 5 on 1, take their shit out on a white man cause, again, they

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How The Archons Sicc’d Baron Samedi and Their Demon Seeds To Keep Me In A Low Vibratory State

How The Archons Sicc’d Baron Samedi and Their Demon Seeds To Keep Me In A Low Vibratory State

Let me start off by saying that I don’t write my shit to be understood by anybody, have anyone make sense of me or visa versa….. Wetback Ass Drunk Driver Headed Down Topanga Admits To Coming Around To Harass Me Wetbacks Come To Interrupt My Healing And Calling Out A Jealous Homeless Black Dude I am in the world to tell truths and I don’t give a fuck about feelings cause the truth is the truth! I am not being shown the shit by the demon seeds of Quetzalcoatl for nothing. It is my job to expose this shit so

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The Energy of Envy and How It Has Always Sabotaged Me And Why I Think It Exists

The Energy of Envy and How It Has Always Sabotaged Me And Why I Think It Exists

This a pretty picture and, like all of em, symbolize what is going on within…. Going within, doing deep Soul inner cleansing and healing, has allowed me to go into some deep dark inner places that I usually don’t go into, that in the past I would not be equipped to do:   Though I got to the heart – to some degree – of what was the chaotic basis for what I have suffered a lifetime of hurt and rejection at the hands of others…. I can’t get to the craw of what is EXACTLY the cause of this

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Breaking Free of The Archonic Curse of Being Chained To Sex Work For Money

Breaking Free of The Archonic Curse of Being Chained To Sex Work For Money

I won’t be doing that shit AT ALL ANYMORE so if you come up to me for that shit, even if I saw you in the past…. I am alerting the cops or else YOU WILL GET ‘WOKED ✊???‍♀️   That being said, that shit, a supposed “gift” as shown to me in the astral WAS A CURSE designed to extract loosh for negative archonic forces. This is how I feel after getting rid of that shit – my sacral chakra even felt “whole” and I don’t feel the energy of being unwittingly looked at as a “sex kitten” energetic

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I Might Be Fucking Pregnant And Imma Eat It

I Might Be Fucking Pregnant And Imma Eat It

Looka this…. – Damn, even the symbolism…. I killed 3 (one was a spiritual miscarriage) so this will be a 4th ?? Last time I saw this, I was pregnant and I ran to the abortion clinic so fast ??‍♀️…. Imma get a medically induced abortion so it can privately at “home” come out and I can eat it like I did the last one, like here…..   Hear ??? a better version ?   Draco squad heaux ????? Eggs came out GOODT ???? tho…..

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Amanda From Soft White Underbelly Is A Victim of MK Ultra Gangstalking

Amanda From Soft White Underbelly Is A Victim of MK Ultra Gangstalking

You can’t tell me any different…. At 8:54 YOU CAN SEE – and this has happened to me – a wound on her third eye which is a psychic attack: At 10:43 she speaks on EXACTLY the type of gangstalking I have faced where, to reiterate, dudes who I am not spiritually and physically compatible with seem to develop this obsessive tendency towards me, like they are addicted to my very presence. It is NOT the same as ordinary stalking or have the same reasons. Again, a guy even told me that he did not understand why he was being

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Why The Hell Trifling People Think They Can Give Homeless People Their Scraps Like We Are Fucking Dogs

Why The Hell Trifling People Think They Can Give Homeless People Their Scraps Like We Are Fucking Dogs

….Looka this shit that I done cooked for myself: Look, I even got NEW healthy drinks to go with it…. That said, WHY give me your fucking trifling ass leftovers as if I am not even human? These are the assholes who did it: Here their instagram (driving a BRAND NEW suv but you gonna pull this shit): Like what they do with blacks – prob on there to steal shit. Looking at that second photo he probably a wetback! I peeped THAT WETBACK laughing as he drove away…. People got some FUCKED UP ass ways of seeing the

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The REAL Reason Why Other Races Hate Blacks But Want To Be Around Us

The REAL Reason Why Other Races Hate Blacks But Want To Be Around Us

This chart, which you can see here: Basically explains that the reason why all other races wanna be around us while treating us like shit is cause we have more testosterone – both black men and women – hence the hypersexual stereotyles, the desire to invade our spaces which is bourne out of fear of our physical – and other strenghts and thus the desire out of a major inferiority complex to “tame” so they won’t be as intimidated: This whole “taming of the uncivilzed black animal” trope can be seen in other films where blacks are brought in,

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I Have Completely Healed

I Have Completely Healed

RIGHT BEFORE I WAS GONNA PUBLISH THIS ARTICLE LOOKA THIS BITCH HERE   These nasty ass sacral chakra stealing sexual energy vampires…. I break the shit down in the blog! I’m 37…. pushing 40! Anyways, looka the pic above. I look young, huh!? Finally! I can’t believe this day has come. It took a long time, 19 years to be exact, but I have healed. The healing process ain’t fucking easy either. I can’t tell you all the disruptions I faced like, take a look at this wetback motherfucker here named Raymond: – Don’t he look like Charles Manson? Alright,

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