Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump: https://toplessinla.org/2021/01/09/the-covid-destruction-of-businesses-is-meant-to-set-up-for-the-great-reset-aka-hunger-games/ Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things..... I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time. So I am not a simple person.
My Demons Snatching Up Wetbacks Who Fuck With Me And Say The N Word

My Demons Cause A Gang of Wetbacks To Hit A Wall After Calling Me A Nigger

  Boi my demons got jokes lol ????? looool….. Trump would be proud of dat ‘woke boi…. This is why I post this here….. UNLESS YOU ARE HYPERINTUITIVE LIKE ME do not judge right off the bat. The spirit world is real and you don’t know what’s around a person. – Also very recently I saw that death ? protects me in the spirit realm…. – I got real deep dark shit around me…. ??‍♀️?? Early this morning a very powerful demon that is ALWAYS around me (I can’t get rid of his ass for the life of me) told

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Is Transracial Just As Legit As Transgender

Is Transracial Just As Legit As Transgender

I was searching for a pic of a transwoman when I came across this article….. https://www.ebar.com/news/latest_news//302364 And this pic here….. Look at the pic to your right…. it’s starting….. ?? That said, just listen:   I notice that as gays rejected the transgenders as they went mainstream, so too are the transgenders doing to the next up and coming rejected and misunderstood – like they themselves still are – group in an effort to maintain the meager acceptance they are now getting from the lamestream (still gotta looong way to go tho. ???️‍⚧️)…… I make some DAMN good points but

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There Is A Big Difference Between Being Transracial And A Bedwench

There Is A Big Difference Between Being A Transracial White Woman And A Bedwench

This is not me….. Bedwench Christelyn Karazin BEGS Homeless RACIST White Bum For A Compliment There is a difference between me and her and I expound on it here…..   These people are like me…. Exactly….. This is what the transracial black gentleman was trying to say (many, including transgenders) can’t put into words what is truly going on with them and why they are the way they are….. My Soul is white but my outer PHYSICAL appearance is black. I break down what it truly means to be transracial. Here is a flag I came up with representing black

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Wetbacks Racially Attack Asians And Why I Feel Crakkkas Are Putting Them Up To It

Wetbacks Racially Attack Asians And Why I Feel Crakkkas Are Putting Them Up To It

– Notice who helped him….. Very much like who helped this Jewish man (✊???) from an animalistic wetback attack….. BUT note – who the crakkka controlled media tries to blame (this is why I don’t care for nor trust crakkkas)….. And looked who helped him Asè ✊??? This is like the second time hearing of an unprovoked attack on an asian by a wetback cause awhile back they did it to a woman while not robbing her (of course the demon seeds will target a woman cause it is in their reptilian dna to hate us hence their culture of

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Out Enjoying The Beautiful California Sunshine While Expatriated Californians In Texas Deep Freeze ???❄

Out Enjoying The Beautiful California Sunshine While Expatriated Californians In Texas Deep Freeze ???❄

Just saw this! TOLD YA! Many folks are leaving Cali cause other places are cheap but as ole boy say here Texas ain’t cheap! https://www.mysanantonio.com/lifestyle/travel-outdoors/article/California-man-blasts-Texas-dystopia-in-Op-Ed-15887614.php I’m petty ?? Here are my FAV pics….. I weightlifted (hence how I’m getting biig)….. – No I’m not drunk….. I am getting healthier….. Even met interesting pee-pole….. And talked shyte ? That said let’s talk about Californians who emigrated to Tex-ass who are now quite possibly regretting that move….. This is shit you saw on tv back in the 80s in the eastern European communist blocs on tv…… With that being said for weeks

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This Is What I Do To Males Who Leer At Me Or Try To Ask Me Out

This Is What I Do To Males Who Leer At Me Or Try To Ask Me Out

Hold up! Looka that shadow here…. Don’t that look like the grim reaper…. Scicle and everything…… Holy shit – looka this subliminal I found while Googling images on the Grim Reaper….. He at a beach, just as I be at lol….. Based on what I saw with my third eye, it must have something to do with this….. Breaking Free of The Contract To Be The Antichrist Raven Masterson Named Abaddon In A Dream …..And peep this out, after ‘wokeing the food truck I saw a death’s head, a skull resembling the T-800 (Arnold Schwarzenegger in “Terminator”) appear near it…..

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My Third Eye Spies A Possible Street Racing Disaster Involving An Old White Ford Mustang On The PCH Tonight

My Third Eye Spies A Possible Street Racing Disaster Involving An Old White Ford Mustang On The PCH Tonight

IT LOOK JUST LIKE THIS….. Sans the black stripes….. I see that car alll the time! I think it could be 70s or 80s but here is what my third eye spies…..   I’m trying to avert it and I can see the entity that will be behind it: a giant version of my head comprised of insects, I think flies or bees, that is really a reptilian bitch in disguise…. Could be old gal here: Deceitful Reptilian Biracial Bitch Comes To Wreak Havoc on My Golden Era of Happiness Hopefully someone else who isn’t “stuck” like me can avert

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Deceitful Reptilian Biracial Bitch Comes To Wreak Havoc on My Golden Era of Happiness

Deceitful Reptilian Biracial Bitch Comes To Wreak Havoc on My Golden Era of Happiness

I hate these mofos….. I was near gonna snap this bitch’s neck off if she came up to me – or sent me another email – again. That said, you can see she a lying bitch in that she sends me an email after I ran her up the street accusing me of “scamming her out of money”….. Now watch this short excerpt from a longer video which will be posted in which she offered me money to which I refused….. Then, via email she claims she didn’t claim that…. The more I read it, the more I wanna hurt

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Today Is The Start of A New Golden Age In Happiness For Me

Today Is The Start of A New Golden Age In Happiness For Me

It was a beautyfull day ?   When your Soul is solidified, no demons, reptilians, evil shit can penetrate you:     – Can’t get that energy…… I had a bitch roll up – I saw what was controlling her, what her soul was, a real deceptive bitch – and try to take my joy and I will drop that article tomorrow! Looka this synchronicity:   Look at the colours bursting forth from this sun ray ? Look up tetrachromacy! Look at all the colors we usually don’t see in the light spectrum conventionally allotted to most people. Those with

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