Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump:
Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things.....
I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time.
So I am not a simple person.
This is why I am thankful that my friends have been gay men…. and even they can be on some shit….. This is a baby boy….. Black Ass Crip Gangmember Attempts To Rape Me And Attacks Dude This nigger is the type who hates women and esp. strong womben ?? – like me – but just “gotta be” around us to leech off our strenght, even trying to attack us in a rapist manner, just as these niggers leeched off they ma’s tithe aka tit ? Here another one….. You can see the misogyny and desire to control women seething
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I just saw those niggers via my third eye are planning to come to my vehicle late at night, get me out and try to pull me into their car. I gotta do something about them. ??♀️?? Fucking niggers. This fucks with my head…. And the crazy thing is the dude I was talking with (he has a bad alkie-hole demon on him) was just talking about seeing a demonic dude in a grey van parked right behind me, moving his head as if to control an urge 2 years ago….. I got pure demonic energy off of these dudes
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Like I said here men are predators! Men Are Innate Predators This Is Why I Say That Men Are Innate Natural Predators I won’t let you think you can play me, fool me! I call ya asses OUT! The truth is the truth and that’s all that matters to me, like with here….. See old basturd run (even the term basturd got misogynist connotations denoting that a man gotta claim a child for the child to be “legit” – womben and grrls we gotta re-christen it) when I pulled ‘dat weight ??♀️ And this mofo here – why he
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Whoa that look like a fucking eye….. This is not a tour of my minivan but a tour into my mental state and my Soul…. ….And someone just had to test me and prove my point. Fucking predator. I’ll make him a sacrifice for sure = fumes of e-vile from him ??♀️????? = ??=☠⚰? Soon. I have been in many RVs, minivans ?? (kidding) and I notice a common theme of how the person’s mind state mirrors their living space. This has been said over and over like on real hoarder videos….. In these people’s cases, they got
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LOL that thumbnail look funny, like I am INTENT on taking a bath lol…. Anyways I think I’m just gonna spritz using tea tree oil (to kill bacteria – I already use it for brushing my teeth), peppermint oil and lavender oil (to keep bad spirits away) and just scrub the vagina, behind the booty cheeks and underarms so bacteria don’t accumulate there (that is where bad body odor comes from) and then wash the hurr (hair) on Sunday cause it is too much of a big production – just as a loss of water – to do this
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It was some lil haus on the prairie shit: It wasn’t as lively as this but it was some Little House On The Prairie shit! Imma explain later but looka this shit, more shit I got from this ghost app: I met a demon named Shiba – mofo looked JUST like a demon too, actually like this mofo….. Demon Alters Timeline And Navy Shows Me The Matrix In Astral Vision who promises wealth and shit which sounds really plausible as I long sensed something is around me to suppress my spiritual growth and so thus my ability to manifest so
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I didn’t like these mofos when I first saw em – a real odd couple – really, the wetback! Wanna bang on a woman (wonder why I proselytize against your asses) esp. a black woman but need my help! Honest, if the brother was by himself I woulda helped but diss wetback, this wetback – he’ll take your shit for granted and will spit on you as I have had these demon seeds do to me! When the wetback left and the brother was by himself the energy totally changed and I was ready to go over and help
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They did it to us in South Central, Watts and Compton….. I can’t stand those demon seeds cause they ARE demonic vessels for evil entities due to their bloodline as proven here….. Note he says reptilian demonic “god” surrounded by Mayan architecture ?? I am sooo never wrong….. I Am REALLY FUCKING CONVINCED That Wetbucks and South and Central Americans Are Some Evil Demonic Reptilian Spawns Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians Just early this morning the minute I did major healing
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I love how I look I look so mad 90s… and I actually grew up in that era ✊? I got fucking proof….. I told you dumb ass dudes that the lust energy you are getting “from me” is not from my masculine ass but a demon trying to get you to fuck with me so I can ‘woke you then sacrifice you to terrible ass powers (then have you in hell when you die)….. Her name Virgaon, a demon of lust. When I searched it it came back to Asmodeus, a demon who also runs lust (many of these
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I am never wrong. Cause of my intuitive, psychic senses…. you can’t tell me shit cause I am always right! Cause of this….. As I was adjusting myself in my minivan I caught these half bred, looking like Wally Szczerbiak from the Minnesota Timberwolves and his darker skinned knee-grow pal jump up, anticipating see “the topless lady.” Instead they got a militant feminazi (yeah, call me that, niggaz) who called they asses out on their expression of male patriarchl misogyny…. and got the fuck right after ???? Then these mofos….. I SWEAR to the Goddess (Me) I heard them arguing
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