Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump:
Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things.....
I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time.
So I am not a simple person.
This guy’s an idiot…… Fool ironically made that video to disprove my article here I sense….. Don’t Take That Covid Shot: Man DIES After Taking Covid 19 Flu Shot Let me tell you about Colton Wood….. Colton Wood got mistreated by some rich, hypo-christian adopted parents who mighta stole him (he said that there was no trace of him in the system when he went to apply for services as an adult). They wouldn’t as rich as they were give him new shoes as he says here….. These people were also conspiratards as he calls em….. That said Colton is
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…..like for organic portals and incarnated demons like this mofo here, Toby Bronson, who I saw in the astral early this morning is a rapist murderer who starved to death a 13 year old child he kidnapped….. Actor Toby Bronson Shoots At Black Woman He Sexually Harassed The Asshole Who Shot At Me Is A Hellyweird Child Sacrificing Actor Named Toby Bronson Could Actor Toby Bronson Have Kidnapped Raped And Murdered A Little 13 Year Old Girl? I was thinking of Lil Nas’ new satanic shoe line…… NOTE how they are barely getting any attention on ig tho a famous
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Full video here: Best to read the article tho…. I told ya people who fuck with me are deliberately sent to me to become sacrifices….. https://toplessinla.org/2021/04/05/you-will-not-come-around-here-and-treat-me-like-i-am-some-sideshow-spectacle/ HOLY SHIT I just realized something…. The Asshole Who Shot At Me Is A Hellyweird Child Sacrificing Actor Named Toby Bronson BEFORE I SAW THIS ASTRAL VISION I SAID THIS MOFO WAS A HELLYWEIRD CHILD SACRIFICING OCCULTIST MOFO….. FUCK how right I was! Daaaaammmmmmnnnn……. I said that shit to be facetitious but didn’t know it would be real! Damn…. That being said, this is why that mofo couldn’t hurt me (when I heard
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I almost wanna say light = Lucifer as Lucifer means “light bringer”. This is what illuminati, freemasons strive to achieve (but fall short and instead succumb to just war-shipping these demiurge archetypes in futile capituation). It’s what shamans acquire by creating artifical tests of strenght where you endure near death experiences – yes, lit – to get there! In my cases, satanism brought me ’round! What I Like About Being A Dark Satanic Witch Having A Spiritual Husband: Lord Satan ?? I think I fucked up cause – as one tarot card reader pointed out – I think this mofo
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Oh yeah, these mofos here – this low self esteem ghetto low IQ nigger bitch and her wetback ass beau….. Bedwench Wants To Fight Me After Calling Out Her Wetback Fake Boyfriend Who Wolf Whistled At Me Well, they got ‘woked! Saw their asses living in a piece of shit car early this morning – had their belongings in there so I know they living in it – and he looked like he had AIDS (didn’t even recognise him) and I heard her last night saying, lamenting “You shoulda let me beat her.” Bitch, I oughta kill your ass! I
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You all have to read this book! https://www.docdroid.net/zQkwwYu/johnellizz-vs-the-all-seeing-eye-pdf Here are some excerpts I am using to buttress what I am about to say that I have endured with these things which are reeeeally in sync with his experiences….. That being said as I have said before they – the reptilians, the skeletal archon entity, the archons period – do something to alter your brainwaves and energy body thus using you to unwittingly carry out self sabotaging and destructive things designed to undermine me…… That’s the cause behind why I unwittingly absorb folks’ energies….. Has Anyone Else Had Issues Entities Attaching
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Before I begin, I have arrived….. I had an astral vision in which I saw a white woman with reddish blonde hair wearing military garb who worked for the US military. I saw that she was hunting to kill an Asian female activist who I saw who looked like your typical Asian – round face, her skin was The Simpsons yellow tho. and wearing a white night gown flowy summer dress….. Anyways I saw that the lady had ran into some barracks which turned into a vacation spot where I sighted some hunters all talking about their vacation – and
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Somebody asked me if I was gonna take that ??? Leave that shit alone….. https://abc7.com/tim-zook-covid-19-vaccine-death-can-the-kill-you-coronavirus/10105246/ A nurse also got sick from it, deathly ill from taking a vax and she got sacked for speaking on it from said hospital she worked: They are – as the bible predicted – gonna start mandating people take this shit, which has a microchip in it aka the “mark of the beast” the buy-bull predicted….. This is per the Great Reset where no one will own anything and where we will be placed on Universal Basic Income (hence why they are using
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The night after “talking” with that evil skeletal archon entity he tried it….. You can’t associate with everybody….. As pointed out here….. I Got PROOF That A Skeletal Archon Entity And A Demon of Lust Are Around Me Fucking With Me Some people got demons on they asses – which will transfer onto you – like it is no one’s business so you gotta protect yourself esp. as you heal! The crazy thing is…. when I first separated from these dudes – I mean CRAZY synchronicities been getting set up to unite me with these douches – I
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