Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump: https://toplessinla.org/2021/01/09/the-covid-destruction-of-businesses-is-meant-to-set-up-for-the-great-reset-aka-hunger-games/ Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things..... I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time. So I am not a simple person.
When A Person Talks Shit On Ya Behind Your Back CUT EM OFF

When A Person Talks Shit On Ya Behind Your Back CUT EM OFF

How…. why….. why is it that a strong womban like myself attract these misogynistic, self loathing sociopaths who feel like they got the right to gas light me but I am not supposed to say shit to their overt – and I mean overt gaslighting….. I cut these mofo….. This is a faggot. You can’t tell me any differently. This mofo got gay tendencies, bitch tendencies to be more accurate (like most all latin males)….. mad effeminate but, I mean…. it’s like how do I attract this, like fucking how….. This is an insult to me. It ain’t cause the

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Laying Grass Rug and A Mural In My Van

Laying Grass Rug and A Mural In My Van

If you notice I haven’t been writing as much cause I am happy ? Here is what I been doing….. Can’t get over that I am finally winning over animals now that thru healing I can show my Soul: Call me Snow White: ….And buying tools for my project….. I laid all that grass carpet on my own…… I also did this….. I plan to put glitter there and make it look cuter….. ? Peep the triangle in my night light…..

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Black Bitch With Possible Abandoned Kids Pepper Sprays Me For Showing Concern

Black Bitch With Possible Abandoned Kids Pepper Sprays Me For Showing Concern

* Now they got it painted gold ? Fucking nigger. I ‘woked this black bitch. Both them won’t have dem keeds for long. I don’t like how the sheriffs treated me here. This is why I am well versed (spellcasting) in black magick and won’t hesitate to put it on mofos…. including keeds….. but not in this case here. I knew shit was gonna happen cause that fucking nigger voodoo loa baron samedi been around me. I need a god like Thor or my own abilities (I have actually defeated him before) to defeat him: This mofo comes around and

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Now It Makes Sense……

Now It Makes Sense……

Holy shit that selenite wand is legit glowing….. The drinking urges, the subliminal feeling of a “need” to mingle with pee-pole…. It all makes sense. As I said here: This Is Why My Soul Could Never Fit In With Any Group or Anybody I’m different. Way different than most people. Even as a child subliminally I semsed that I was a Soul, not a spirit, having a human experience in which from time to time I would just like to indulge in the human experience and “relate” to most people in a way by allowing myself to descend to their

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Aztec Skantè Warrior TRIES To Attack Me Then Comes At Me With A Knife

Aztec Skantè Warrior TRIES To Attack Me Then Comes At Me With A Knife

They ALWAYS wanna attack black womben but let a brother be there….. Motherfucker I took taekwondo as a kid don’t come at me like that. He told me he used to get his ass whooped in South Central by blacks for selling drugs in their gang territories. I also heard thru the grapevine a dude looking to kill him for stealing “his” girl ?? At one point when I jumped up and did a karate kick right before he could put his hands on me he stopped and said, “Imma get my girlfriend.” ?? That said, envy is a motherfucker…..

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Reptilian Electronic Harassment

Reptilian Electronic Harassment

I’m near healing….. There is so much shit I gotta exorcise out of me – plus I gotta mend my Soul as well – it just….. it just….. I have been hearing for some years now a phantom ring of a cellphone and thru my third eye I saw it was coming from a white reptilian….. That mofo I saw also contributes to the alcohol urges (there is nothing wrong with alcohol but when you got something influencing urges in you – then that is a problem – I also saw a demonic female clown occupying the right side of

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Aunt Jemima Unclean Spirit Black Bitch Gets ‘Woked By The Ancestors ✊???

Aunt Jemima Unclean Spirit Black Bitch Gets ‘Woked By The Ancestors ✊???

That’s what you get for being a sellout, bitch, and now they done fucked up your vehicle and nan – of those wide and wed-bawks who asses you be kissing can help you: I mean looka this crazy looking ass bitch: You can see literally that she is po-ssessed by the spirit of Uncle Coon: That said I call this bitch a coon cause I cause this mangy demon kissing these wed-bawks, and caucks asses going “Thank you sir” all loud as if to act as a foil against me since I don’t act like that with them. I don’t

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Two Swinger Perv Wedbawks Run When I Call I.C.E.

Two Swinger Perv Wedbawks Run When I Call I.C.E.

If you see these two please call I.C.E. at 866-347-2423….. That said, why folks do this to themselves. I think they have some association with this pervert weirdo here who likes taking pics of young girls and women scantily clad on the beach: Beaner Bag ILLEGAL Fruit Seller Talks Shit About Me Then Gaslights When I Confront Fruit Vendor On Landside of PCH Takes Pics Videos of Me And Young Girls And Shows To Male Clients I guess these mofos came to see me shirtless (I know that pos that be taking pics of young girls showed him shit), but

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Wayne Bush’s Interview With Near Death Experiencer Breaks Down The Demiurge And His Realm

Wayne Bush’s Interview With Near Death Experiencer Breaks Down The Demiurge And His Realm

This is some profound shit: http://www.trickedbythelight.com/tbtl/nde-transcript.html#demiurge I saved some excerpts in case the site goes dark….. It basically breaks down how the demiurge fashioned our realm from darkness, he comes from a place of light. How the place where original Souls derive, The Source, is feminine aka the divine feminine and how very much analogous to the book Report From Iron Mountain the world is set to 2/3 light and dark with darkness being allowed to take over a lil more to allow the Demiurge’s game to continue. Oh yes, we are the fallen angels ???

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