Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump: https://toplessinla.org/2021/01/09/the-covid-destruction-of-businesses-is-meant-to-set-up-for-the-great-reset-aka-hunger-games/ Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things..... I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time. So I am not a simple person.
Wetback Bitch and Cholo Boyfriend with Future Gangbangers In Tow Make Big Deal About Topless Woman on Hauser Blvd

Wetback Bitch and Cholo Boyfriend with Future Gangbangers In Tow Make Big Deal About Topless Woman on Hauser Blvd

These BITCHES with her lil gangbangers in tow…. Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29030″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] …had the NERVE to make a big deal about my being topless on MY BLOCK! I can’t stand it when fucking TRASH have the nerve to be moralizing yet it is painfully obvious that this bitch is more than likely NOT MARRIED, with all those fucking kids OUT OF WEDLOCK with a cholo ass boyfriend who probably stays at Twin Tower’s central men’s jail like it is a second home, laying up on her (notice he is in the PASSENGER SIDE as she drives him,

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I Will Amend the Federal Lawsuit Against The LAPD For Violation of My Topless Rights

I Will Amend the Federal Lawsuit Against The LAPD For Violation of My Topless Rights

In light of what just had happened today, which you can see here:   I will go ahead and amend the complaint to my civil lawsuit in which I am pursuing in federal court for violation of my rights based on gender to be female and topless in public!   Here below are screenshots of my complaint sent to the main decision makers: Captain Howard Leslie of the LAPD Wilshire station and Chief Charlie Beck who overseas operations for all of LAPD all throughout the city!  

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5th Incident of Harassment by LAPD for Being Female and Topless In Public In L.A.

5th Incident of Harassment by LAPD for Being Female and Topless In Public In L.A.

Alright, I thought that this shit would NOT persist after I filed my federal lawsuit but it is: Buy all 3 dem vids here [purchase_link id=”29026″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] You can see here where I filed my lawsuit against the LAPD for this SAME, EXACT THING: For being topless in public, which you can read here: http://dockets.justia.com/docket/california/cacdce/2:2014cv04803/593138   Just today, as I was working out in front of, well, near my home you see, I got approached by a bunch of LAPD officers – MOSTLY MALE and I am noting this as well to note the inherent sexism in this abuse

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Difference In How LAPD Treats Man Pissing In the Bushes Vs A Woman Who Is Topless and Supposedly Pissing

Difference In How LAPD Treats Man Pissing In the Bushes Vs A Woman Who Is Topless and Supposedly Pissing

Alright, a while back, I recall an incident which you can see right here: Buy the vid here [purchase_link id=”29017″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] ….where a man, a gay man, was pissing in front of my apartment building (presumably). Well, he had his dick out and I caught it on tape. Well, I recall the dispatcher – a lady – saying that, “Well, he could be pissing,” to EXCUSE herself and the boys and girls in blue from coming out to investigate and do their jobs. Now, as you can listen here below:   Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29022″ text=”Purchase” style=”button”

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Dr Fluegel Chiropractic Associates of Beverly Hills Attempted to Pat Down Woman Illegally For Drug Test

Dr Fluegel Chiropractic Associates of Beverly Hills Attempted to Pat Down Woman Illegally For Drug Test

Since Google wants to take my blog posts down, I’LL PUT THEM BACK UP HERE WHERE THEY CAN’T DO SHIT ABOUT EM!   Here is what happened. I don’t believe in staying silent and the misogynist folks at Google want me too so FUCK EM and here is what happened based on a letter I wrote to the State Chiropractic Board of California on Monday 6, 2012 at around 12:34pm (I wish I had my camera phone the so I could have taken pics and video of this): “On Monday 6, 2012, at around 12:34pm, I went to Donald R.

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Night of the Crakkkas

Night of the Crakkkas

This is some funny shit! Buy both vids here [purchase_link id=”29013″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] The second video took place outside the 99 cent store on Fairfax Ave. by Wilshire Blvd. 6121 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA (323) 939-9991 Basically, this crakkka beast in the second video called me and my best friend “girls” and what you see in the tape is what ensued, lol!

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Kris Benveniste Calls Me The N Word After Calling Him Out On Possibly Sexually Harassing A Woman

Kris Benveniste Calls Me The N Word After Calling Him Out On Possibly Sexually Harassing A Woman

This nigga thinks he is GOD’S GIFT TO WOMEN: This ugly bitch look like he can pose as “twinses” with this ugly mofo right here, Randall Flagg from that Stephen King film, “The Stand”: See, they’re TWINSES! This crakkka KIKE crypto beast came to my attention when I noticed him staring lecherously at ALL – INDISCRIMINATELY -(NIGGA AIN’T GOT NO PREFERENCE) AT WOMEN WEARING SHORT SHORTS JUST LIKE MOST JEWS – AND NIGGAS – WOULD DO (MOST OF MY CLIENTELE ARE KIKES, SO I SHOULD KNOW 🙂   Anyways, I saw this bitch looking me with a look of disgust,

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Scott Leiken of Home Made Simple and Green Harbor Productions Thinks Incest, Rape and Harassing Sex Workers Is Okay With Video Inside

Scott Leiken of Home Made Simple and Green Harbor Productions Thinks Incest, Rape and Harassing Sex Workers Is Okay With Video Inside

This guy is a sick fuck:   Last night he called me and it reminded me of the message which he sent me HERE which you can see down below which he got vanished strangely and mysteriously from my youtube channel when I posted it which is UNDENIABLE PROOF THAT HE IS A SICK ASS, MAKING FUN OF RAPE AND MOLESTATION VICTIMS!           He called me with a very sickening and shocking request which I thus so outright REFUSED cause I was so DISGUSTED WITH WHAT HE SAID – but as you can see above the

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Having A Bully For A Neighbor

Having A Bully For A Neighbor

UPDATE: HER NAME IS TIYANNA (AKA TIYANA) OSORIO AND I HAVE REASON TO BELIEVE THAT HE MAY BE COMMITTING WELFARE FRAUD AND HERE IS WHY: I BELIEVE THAT HE IS STILL LIVING WITH HER BOYFRIEND/ HUSBAND. NOW, UNDER WELFARE GUIDELINES, YOU HAVE TO REPORT THAT YOU LIVE WITH THE OTHER PARENT: http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/free-books/living-together-book/chapter4-9.html and here: http://www.shouselaw.com/welfare_fraud.html and in many instances PEOPLE LIE, THEY DON’T DO THIS O THEY CAN GET MORE BENEFITS WHICH IS WHAT THEY PROBABLY DID so feel free to report here: http://www.cdss.ca.gov/cdssweb/PG21.htm She performed in some po dunk film named, “Dysfunctional Friends,” which I can tell was never released: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm6010499/ NOTE:

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RAADDRR-VAN aka Rondell Darden of Wu-Tang Clan Threatens To Rape A Woman

RAADDRR-VAN aka Rondell Darden of Wu-Tang Clan Threatens To Rape A Woman

This is why people shoot NIGGERS, most predominantly black “men”: Now, I don’t know how many times I have stated on my ads and my websites that I AM NOT ATTRACTED TO BLACK MEN, yet the black hordes keep coming to me, and harassing me and even calling my so called “afrocentric features” ugly while pushing me to like black “men” by saying: “You are an uncle tom and a sell out for not wanting to date your own race” (well, I guess the same can be said for you all since most of you homophobes won’t touch another brother,

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