I noticed this coming from one of my videos I posted up yesterday and here below is the screenshot… I can’t believe how RICH my supernatura life is. Even other spirit workers I know and have seen from what I can tell don’t have the wide berth of experiences Β I have… This is sheer proof I havepsychic abilities for any doubters out there! The Fae or “the little people” don’t just come to anyone…
Read moreAuthor: Raven Ray
The Illuminati Trying To Recruit Me To Be The Antichrist
I did a blog article a while back in which I made the correlation that the film, “The 5th Element”, revealed that Jesus aka Christ the Reedemer will be a womban as discussed here: https://toplessinla.org/2017/05/17/the-fifth-element-film-reveals-christ-the-redeemer-will-be-a-black-woman/ That said, these illuminati/freemason (WHO I HATE CAUSE THEY ARE TRULY EVIL) mofos along with some elusive “senator” bitch who has been “following” me (I know why, bitch) for quite some time are trying to recruit me (by spiritually causing all these traumatizing things such as here: https://toplessinla.org/2017/06/12/lapd-are-really-out-to-get-me/ to happen) for evil and I won’t let it happen … Here is why: Buy vid
Read moreJericho 2006 TV Series Reveals U.S. Government Staged Terrorist Attacks To Bring Armageddon
When I attended a sex workers’ rights conference in 2006, a sex worker/ speaker that George W. Bush (The U.S. President at the time) and the U.S. government were planning to bring Armageddon to the planet… And she was right as revealed by this 2006 tv series (that went defunct ostensibly due to “poor ratings”) “Jericho”: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jericho_(2006_TV_series) Nevermind the fact it starred hot Skeet Ulrich: Let’s look at another picture: Alright, let’s talk about the tv series: Basically it takes place in a post apocalyptic America in which the U.S. government itself as later found out took it upon itself
Read moreThe Video Youtube BANNED: Tarot Card Reading Showing Seth Rich IS NOT DEAD
A while back Youtube (prudetube in this case) banned this video down below for showing “nudity”… > Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29416″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Yet they got this on their channel network: Hell, in the past I’ve shown my breasts (which are not sexual to me – fuck I get no feelings out of em) on Youtube plenty of times along with plenty of others… Personally I think it’s a problem with THE TRUTH, NOT WITH BOOBS (THAT OLE SILLY SHIT)! Anyways, here is why… Look at his family: WHO DA FUCK GONNA LAUGH WHEN THEY CHILD IS DEAD???
Read moreLAPD Harass Visionary So Called Schizophrenic Kid
*To note, the funny thing is I ran into a MEXICAN MAN with electric blue eyes earlier that day too (you can see him here: https://toplessinla.org/2017/06/11/lapd-steals-homeless-peoples-stuff-by-destroying-homeless-encampment/) who was part of the “clean up crew” eradicating or in other words STEALING homeless people’s SOLE POSSESSIONS, further dehumanizing them. That said how ironic this spiritual HOMELESS young man had the same type of eyes (a truly rare eye color). I wonder what is the spiritual significance of that… In a smarter society, elders would be able to teach this young man how to HONE HIS GIFT cause he does have a gift:
Read moreBeautiful Pictures of Me Going From Blonde to Redhead Transformation
*This is kinda a semi follow up to the “bloodbath” I did back in December 2014. Cause the plug in the motel room WAS NOT WORKING – couldn’t do it! Here are pictures of me, blonde, before I underwent my transformation at a motel I rented just for the night (just to kinda “splurge” on myself given the HELL I just been through after getting out of jail): Nice! Anyways, here are below pictures of my “redhead” transformation! Enjoy! Here are some other pictures I took at another place: Here are some more picture of me NON NUDE
Read moreLAPD Are REALLY Out To Get Me: The Artist Loft Incident
CHECK THIS OUT!!! WITH REGARDS TO THE “ARTIST LOFT” CASE, NOTE THEY SAY I WAS “CONVICTED” YET ON THE SAME PIECE OF PAPER SAY “CHARGES DISMISSED PURSUANT TO 1385PC”: READ IT AND SEE IT X100: MEANING THEY KNOW THEY DID SOME FOOOUL SHIIT!!!! These mofos are REALLY out to get me. Anyways, I explain here (it is hard for me to recount her cause it is just too painful…): Fuck it, I’m gonna do it anyways. ANYWAYS, if you are wondering about my absence for about a week (close to two since I was released from jail last week), I
Read moreLAPD Steals Homeless People’s Stuff By Destroying Homeless Encampment
I didn’t have time to listen to that bitch’s BULLSHIT… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29408″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] She claimed they gave those people a 72 hour notice but if you watch the vid below the guy say they DIDN’T! I warn some other folks beforehand about LAPD coming to get them. I think it might be that Santilini bitch, I forgot her last name, who fucked with me back in 2013 and threatened to TAKE ME TO JAIL FOR DEFENDING (I SWEAR these cops are straight PREDATOR ENABLERS) MYSELF FROM A NIGGA WHO WAS SEXUALLY HARASSING ME… Anyways, this
Read moreLAPD Has CPS Steal Black Woman’s Kids From Her Because She’s Homeless
This is a fucking shame and it is cold hearted evil… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29400″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Imagine you give birth AFTER NINE FUCKING MONTHS and go through all that excruciating pain just to have someone STEAL YOUR KIDS FOR BEING HOMELESS!!! They don’t provide social programs (the ones they have are BULLSHIT and nothing more than profit revenue generating centres) to REALLY help the homeless (other countries – even “poor” ones like Cuba – make sure their people have the basic necessities like food and housing, etc.) yet they pull SHIT LIKE THIS (I almost feel it
Read moreGod Is Satan: The Demiurge
You wanna know WHY you can never get anywhere in life… You do all the right things you’re supposed to: you are nice (practically a doormat), good hearted and kind. You go outta your way to help those in need but yet YOU are the one who lives in a bed full of pins and needles while scum sucking son of a bitches who rape and molest kids as revealed thru #pizzagate like John Podesta and The Rockefellers run this world… Here is why… I originally grafted this article from another article which I made which you can read here:
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