Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump: https://toplessinla.org/2021/01/09/the-covid-destruction-of-businesses-is-meant-to-set-up-for-the-great-reset-aka-hunger-games/ Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things..... I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time. So I am not a simple person.
What Happened to Los Angeles City Prosecutor Keith De La Rosa

What Happened to Los Angeles City Prosecutor Keith De La Rosa

I swear, last time I went to court – AND THAT SHIT WAS BY ACCIDENT which I discuss here: https://toplessinla.org/2018/06/29/crazy-court-mix-up-that-got-me-with-a-false-court-date/ I SWEAR, I mean you can hear it in the video them calling this dude here “Keith De La Rosa CITY PROSECUTOR”: Here that vid: [purchase_link id=”31547″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] THAT LOOKS NOTHING like the Keith De Lz Rosa that I saw a couple of months back here: Here a side by side comparison: Here another picture of the “old” Keith De La Rosa from a side angle (just as the “new” Keith De La Rosa is shown as) so

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Crazy Court Mix Up That Got Me With A False Court Date

Crazy Court Mix Up That Got Me With A False Court Date

Okay, this shit was kinda weird… Before I begin to speak on weirdness, I wanted to note this “moon portal” I saw the night before which was weird on it’s own… – That one you must admit looks WEIRD! [purchase_link id=”31534″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] And looka this weird shit with the sun… – Notice there is alot of light but it is not coming from the sun… I heard that they got me mixed up as “Raven Martinez” which I honestly sense is pormenteau of my friend’s name – Donna Martinez – and my name. You can hear them talk

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Why I Would Never Want To Be A Star In Hellyweird

Why I Would Never Want To Be A Star In Hellyweird

…Or better yet a SELL-eb which is more accurate. Where do I begin? Okay, I had a vision early this morning that I was – as always – back at my old house. There was a storm from what I can recall severly hitting the dinning room table which I have seen IN ALOT of my 4D visions/astral travels what have you. That said, I recall and I think it was influenced by this VERY good story I read off of reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/7gse46/my_friend_has_been_living_in_an_alternate_reality/ In which there was a giant that was lurching around looking for me – I think it

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Becoming A Light Being And Ascending

Becoming A Light Being And Ascending

I feel sooo ebullient (Here is my favourite meditation song): That said, here is what happened: I had this crazy dream this morning where I had excess extensions in my hair that didn’t make sense being there. Some of em were red and blue colored and weren’t even dreaded. The final straw were plastic and blue fake extensions. I got rid of those and came back to my natural hair and when I saw myself in the mirror my hair was blonde and my eyes were white – they were glowing. It was so weird… I looked like a child,

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Men’s Womb Envy

Men’s Womb Envy

I had to write this cause some CRAKKKAROACH (Like anybody want those feminine, no testosterone having PLAY bois – I mean they got the same bone density as BLACK WOMBEN PROVING their lack of testosterone against other REAL RACES OF REAL MEN: https://depts.washington.edu/bonebio/bonAbout/race.html WHITE bois AIN’T GOOD FOR ANYTHING OUTSIDE OF TRICKING!): Then got the AUDACITY to call me an ape when they the GREAT WHITE CAVE APES: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22129542-600-neanderthal-human-sex-bred-light-skins-and-infertility/ http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-25944817 – And their genetic DEFECTIVE RECESSIVE bloodline intermixed with ours leading to a myriad of DISEASES into the HUE-msn gene pool! That’s why I would NEVER pollute my genes with

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Tariq Nasheed Is Protected And A Vision Of Moving To Rwanda

Tariq Nasheed Is Protected And A Vision Of Moving To Rwanda

I always say that ANYONE who is BIG in the public eye IS PROTECTED! About Tariq Nasheed – I’m not a fan of him and I wrote about him AND Syntheteia G (WHO IS NOT spiritually protected as she has no soul to protect) here: https://toplessinla.org/2018/06/21/how-i-knew-tariq-nasheed-and-cynthia-g-are-agents/ I BEEN sensed they are both agents and are creating disruption to 1) make blacks feel they can never believe in a leader (same thing “Brother” Polight did). That’s why I say blacks need to stop looking to (government orchestrated) leaders and movements for help and start looking within. With all the vibrational shifts

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South Americans And Mexicans Are Organic Robotoids Created By The Draco Reptilians To Be Worker Bees

South Americans And Mexicans Are Organic Robotoids Created By The Draco Reptilians To Be Worker Bees

That’s why Mexicans work so HARD (Notice I said NOT SMART πŸ™‚ That said, I think I found my answer to this blog I wrote a while back: https://toplessinla.org/2017/12/29/why-president-trump-was-right-to-say-mexican-men-are-rapists/ See, I’m a natural anthropologist. I have a natural knack for it. I’m so good at it that I aced anthropology when I went to college yearrrs ago without studying. I sit back and I observe people. I am very astute and intuitive. That said, this thought has been rummaging in my mind for quite some time. That said, I notice that Mexicans, South Americans are SIMPLE MINDED BUT SPIRITUAL PEOPLE!

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You Bicyclists That Be Riding The PCH NEED TO STOP FUCKING WITH ME

You Bicyclists That Be Riding The PCH NEED TO STOP FUCKING WITH ME

You all need to stop fucking with me. Early this morning when I woke uo I heard a giant ass “thud” hot the top of my car which I only know can come from a rock. You need to let people fucking be or else one day you all will come across the wrong person. I know I stand out. I know I walk around topless. But I ain’t nobody’s fucking fool or foot stool. I’ve always stood up for myself and unlike you cowards who gotta ride in numbers for strenght I’ve stood up at least to mofos bigger

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Why I Have No Tribe

Why I Have No Tribe

People like myself with the spiritual gifts I have – I have no tribe: No “black, white…” NONE OF THAT SHIT! EVERYBODY hates people like me because of the special, outta this world spiritual gifts we have. They note on some level that I may look the same but on some level know that I am “different” and that is because I am ABOVE THEM in the spiritual world! – To add, I find the most WOKE people are the “reprobates” of (sick) society: people I met in jail, homeless folks – amongst them (cause it’s not ALL PEOPLE) I

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