Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump:
Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things.....
I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time.
So I am not a simple person.
I talked about this bitch here: https://toplessinla.org/2018/07/07/just-because-i-go-topless-does-not-mean-i-want-sex/ Here is his picture: Here his license plate: California 5LUC574 THIS THE SAAME demon possesed bitch with the thin purple and black aura who KEPT INSISTING I SLEEP WITH HIM, trying to push sexual advances on me. When I called him out, he said, “AWWW YOU TOO SMART” with a tinge of aggression AND KEPT COMING BACK AND COMING BACK, LIKE HE WAS POSSESSED! MANY TIMES HE KEPT GRABBING AT ME! He also the same crazy mofo who said that he likes stealing from stores and feels no guilt! I had to pull
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IMMA START BITING DICKS OFF, SERIOUSLY!!!  Make a human hot dog: ….turn the dick into a hotdog, the DELICIOUS BLOOD into the “ketchup” and the balls into the buns… WE ALL KNOW I LOVE TO DRINK MY OWN PERIOD BLOOD:  – this here kinda reminds me of a hanging dick being dipped in blood, mmmmm ? * Protip: WE ALL know what’s in here… … – Maybe biting dicks off will be a great way to get blood in between periods since I do have an addiction for it: Do not be like these fucking idiots here… –
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Whoa….. Told ya ?? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shurpanakha Here I talk about the occult origins of the burqa and kkk outfits, hence the terms “Grand Wizard” and “Grand Dragon“: [purchase_link id=”31594″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Here I explain how what I witnessed what shadow beings doing shows how tai chi comes from them: [purchase_link id=”31598″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] These are the type of outfits some types of em even wear (though they have no face and are fully covered head to toe like the demons in Jacob’s Ladder). BTW before I begin let me show you a ghost I saw on Willie D’s facebook
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Okay, the spirit world’s been sending me messages of this, confirmation that is VERY similar to the “Antichrist” messages/ visions I would get when I was parked in Miracle Mile. One thing I will say is that when I made a deal with the devil when I was 16, this was in 1999 – I noticed that I started seeing the “Mandela Effect” when I looked at my old childhood “BerenstEin Bears” book and noting that instead of it saying BerenstEin it said BerenstAin. I believe my deal set back the timeline. I recall when I called on it I
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Just looking at this guy’s profile (he was one of the ones involved), he looks like a fucking demon SHOWING WHAT SPIRIT IS IN HIM: Imma say this… I kinda wonder if somebody put some shit on me cause ever since I went toe to toe with another witch it’s just been bad shit happening out the ordinary… I’m protected, mind you (esp. in terms of what you will hear about what happened from yesterday which was ASTOUNDING – HAD TO BE AN ANGEL!) but that said a couple of weeks ago, interestingly AFTER my online skirmish with the three
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I SWEAR when you starting fighting off your demons they starting coming back LIKE THESE TWO POOR MOUTHING ASSHOLES MAKING DEMANDS ON WHAT I SHOULD DO WHEN THEY AIN’T PAYING FOR SHIT LIKE THIS STARTE CHRIST MOFO (THAT NUT I ALREADY COVERED) AND THIS KIERA BITCH: – Thank GOODNESS youtube BLOCKED THEY ASSES! …AND THAT’S HOW IT ALLLL STARTS! They cause problems so that YOU WILL FEEL COMPELLED TO RESORT TO THEM FOR PROTECTION! It’s like a protection racket! That’s how I know Sell-ebs get “somewhere” with them. Anyways, this gonna be a short one: while in between sleep and
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Okay, I’m just gonna throw the WHOLE ENTIRE CONVERSATION SINCE IT IS CHOCK FULL OF CONTRADICTIONS AND BS which this person is TRYING TO USE to steal my energy which I am noticing that, as I ascend, I AM GETTING MORE OF THEM LIKE THIS MOFO FROM YESTERDAY: https://toplessinla.org/2018/07/01/cussing-out-a-crakkka-christ-worshipping-crakkkaroach/ I CAN FEEL THE SMARMINESS, THE EVIL ENERGY, THE PETTY, JEALOUS energy emanating from these two profiles who all of a sudden upped and started harassing me. Here is a listen: with e energy vampires DO NOT FOCUS ON WHAT THEY SAY (Cause via their mind games THAT is how they
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The screenshots alone ARE GOLD!!! ??? LOOK AT THIS FUCKING LITERAL TRAILER APE: This bitch talking about “put a shirt on” YET HIS FAT NASTY BELLY AND FUNKY, UNWASHED ASS ARE STICKING OUTTTT! His nasty STANKIN ass is either about to hold on to them small ass, too small for him jeans he wearing or else he playing with his dick! – This fat white ass PIG LOOK LIKE HE BEEN ROLLING AROUND IN MUD, LOL! And the bitch he with, looka those eyes… Nobody home. That’s a creepy crakkka ass bitch. That’s a CREEPY CRAKKKA ASS COUPLE! THEY BOTH
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Okay, I held out on writing this yesterday so I’ll go ahead and post this today… I ain’t gonna lie tho. I know we in mercury retrograde so shit’s gonna be off. I also noted when I threw cards that a “queen of pentacles” – I feel it is a live person, a woman who is white, manipulating shit on a spiritual level. Thank goodness tho. after seeing a feather yesterday my spirit guides, archangels, protection are protecting me. – That’s why I say if the Queen of Pentacles aka Ann is reading, I’M PROTECTED! That said, I had a
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I don’t know why but I am ALWAYS having these “revelation” dreams early in the morning… Let me talk about it. The first segment (cause they manifest in segments) occurred when I was in a classroom. There was an indian dude (or I think a spick wetback who had fucked over me) who stated that I “smelled like death.” I thought it was odd given that he coulda said anything else – I’ve smelled my underarms when I hadn’t put baking soda and water under it which smells like onions and for some reason when I airdry my clothes, and
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