Educating Folks On The Demiurge And Collecting And Smoking Sage

Educating Folks On The Demiurge And Collecting And Smoking Sage

Never judge a book by it’s cover…

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People ASSume that if you are conventionally houseless that you don’t know shit but these two – a couple with one nevet going to the indoctrination centres known as “schools” BUT YET CAN STILL SPEAK WELL (He is an artist) KNOW SO MUCH and were willing to let me preach to them about god aka the Demiurge and how the Buy-Bull stole from ALOT of real spirutual systems…

Here is his art (Very nice and reminds me of mine with the colors, etc.):

Speaking of which, when I go into the bathroom stalls I notice that gangs like the Crazy Riders of MacArthur Park (one of the places where I lived) in L.A. have written graffitti on the walls of the porta potties which is interesting…

– Shit look like Arab writing (with an upside down pentagram in the middle which represents the merkaba but in backwards meaning “Triumph of the material over the spirit” since the merkaba symbol represents unity of mind, body and spirit) and interestingly that’s where the Spanish side of them from hence the misogyny and violence AND ESPECIALLY LOOKS – PEEP HOW THEY LOOK EXACTLY LIKE MEXICANS – COMES FROM (AIN’T TRYING TO PUT ANYBODY DOWN, just calling out what I observe cause all folks, all arabs ain’t the same and I NEVER had any personal problems with em):

* BTW they had EVERY RIGHT to run those christians from that festival. I wish ALL THESE MAJOR PATRIARCHAL RELIGIONS – THEM AND CHRISTIANITY – WOULD END!!!!

– Somebody writing over OTHER gang graffiti, lol:

Here my goofy ass self:

I keep seeing “SX3” pop up – reminds me of Saks Fifth Avenue or a name for a cologne (there is an idea) but I KNOW it means a gang since I see it all throughout the schitty…

Let me give my thoughts on them…

IT IS SOOO STUPID TO CLAIM TERRITORY YOU NEVER OWNED, DON’T OWN! You ain’t the Rothschilds (NOW THEY OWN SHIT!)! I rem. when I lived in MacArthur Park I heard they would bully store owners – THEY OWN PEOPLE – outta the lil bit of hard earned money they earned but I bet they wouldn’t go up against the Rothschilds WHO COULD FUCK THEY ASSES UP – LEGALLY, SPIRITUALLY AND PHYSICALLY, esp. in the afterlife as revealed here in this case down below:

THAT IS THE MARK OF A COWARD! As I experienced here with this bully WHO I CAN TELL WAS A “GANGSTER” BASED ON HIS TATTOOS, wanting to challenge aka FIGHT a small dimunitive womban for just being me and living my life as I discuss here:

…many are cowards! ONLY A COWARD picks on and fight those who can’t and won’t. I heard from vids posted from back in the day how they would MURDER people at those 90s ditch parties (lol) cause they got KICKED OUT! I would hear people call them cowards and now based on my personal experience I can’t help but see them as such unfortunately now (I once had respect!)!!!! What I do with the topless thing due to societal ostracism and esp. exacerbated by the fact that most people misunderstand me:

Now here I am, collecting wild sage (instead of buying them) and waiting for them to dry as well as smoking them….

Also, look at how YOUNG I look and I am only 35!

Here more photos of this BEAUTIFUL DAY…

Awhile back I found what I guess to be a pebble of a rose quartz that someone probably lost (I knew what it was based on the mica deposits in it) after taking my spiritual bath at the beach…


I already own one and here it is:

And I take this to be special and symbolic giving my almost finishing my spiritual journey as I discussed here:

…but I found BEAUTIFUL pink flower petals on the ground (like you would at a wedding ceremony)…

…And behind me…

One thing I wanna say is look how the Sun = Ra is crowning me (look like a nuclear mushroom):

Today was good day and made me happy to be alive!

– THAT TAKES GUTS but picking on weaker people makes you a COWARD!

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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