Educating Folks On The Demiurge And Collecting And Smoking Sage

Never judge a book by it’s cover… [purchase_link id=”31637″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] People ASSume that if you are conventionally houseless that you don’t know shit but these two – a couple with one nevet going to the indoctrination centres known as “schools” BUT YET CAN STILL SPEAK WELL (He is an artist) KNOW SO MUCH and were willing to let me preach to them about god aka the Demiurge and how the Buy-Bull stole from ALOT of real spirutual systems… Here is his art (Very nice and reminds me of mine with the colors, etc.): Speaking of which, when I

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The Story of My Spiritual Journey From Beginning To End

I think that the visit by the forest ranger the other night was a bit of foreshadowing… [purchase_link id=”31616″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] – I also saw some traditional hippies early in the day as well… [purchase_link id=”31621″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Along with the visit by the sheriffs earlier in the day (they were very nice and just wanted to check up on me πŸ˜‰ [purchase_link id=”31627″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] That said, down below I talk about my entire spiritual journey from start (when I started to shed my old Self physically and transition to the new which is symbolic of

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