That’s Katy Perry in the opposite pic split: I was just showing how dichotomously reptilian hybrids who go along with the program are rewarded materially while mugs like myself are punished materially. Finally explains why for all of you I got great spiritual power but can’t make shit materially manifest. Like I care ??♀️? There are other non humans amongst ya’ll, too. Tell me she don’t look like the sightings of the old hag: Shit is just NOW all starting to make sense and come together. I keep seeing triangles ever since I started my spiritual journey: That was the
Read moreAuthor: Raven Ray
The Mexicans South Americans and Central Americans Are Under A Reptilian Curse
It explains why they are under the oppression of and more susceptible to: drinking, self destructive thus self loathing attitudes and behaviors, the cult-ure of machismo and many other reptilian traits despite being actually really good people deep down – like me: – Look close at that one That being said, I talk about this here: [purchase_link id=”35419″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] I peep they more spiritual then any other group out here (and always had mad respect for them for that ✊?) and hence why they CAN know more about black spirituality then blacks! – This Damballah Weddo of
Read moreThese Fucking Reptilians Are Really FUCKING WITH MY ASS
As an aside some wetbucks played some reggaeton last night ?? (I actually like that and it reminds me of NYC): Also I overheard some wetbucks in a nice new grey car (they stole) say mockingly: “She blame her ancestors”, etc. Let me send some reptilians your way and let’s see you SURVIVE dealing with the shit ALL THAT – ancestors, etc. – put me threw! I’ve done it to folks and they come back looking crazy and fucked up like all the other folks I put ‘woke on here: The Museum of Da ‘Woke Anyways, I awoke early
Read moreCutting The Etheric Chords To Toxic Ancestors
This guy here some type of fucking spiritual sign ✌? [purchase_link id=”35392″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] This like THE SECOND TIME he appeared and, it’s funny cause it was direct across from me. I think a spirit told him to do this because I saw him “talking to himself” meaning he is conversing with a higher dimensional entity we can’t see. That being said, I can tell he wasn’t cool with the topless thing and mumbled something about it but then gave me the peace sign cause his spirit told him to ✌? That’s why I took it as a
Read moreBreaking Free of The Reptilian Curse
I don’t know what the fuck these mofos want from me! I’ve talked about them numerous times…. [purchase_link id=”35357″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] [purchase_link id=”35359″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] When I trace back when shit went downhill, it can be traced back to them. They are trulty the masters of deception and deflection. Just like here when they pretended to come along to help: [purchase_link id=”35362″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] I saw early this morning in the spirit realm that when I tried to cut they ass off – after all when I exposed them on my biggest
Read moreSending My Ancestors To The Underworld
I gotta figure this shit out! Based on an astral vision I had early this morning, and what I now realise I am truly wrestling with – I don’t think it’s all my ancestor’s fault. [purchase_link id=”35333″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] I gotta figure it out!
Read moreRunning Wetback Biker Gang Up The Skreet With 6000hz Frequency
Dealing with these mofos is no different than dealing with the reptilians, I swear. It’s spiritual warfare with them! That being said, as I used on these morons here: [purchase_link id=”35319″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] Who again were talking shit. Looka how I clear out places….. [purchase_link id=”35322″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] There was also sorta a fire in Malibu yesterday: [purchase_link id=”35325″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] As I breakdown here: Those mofos are certifiably evil. They are not people. President Trump has tried to articulate it: But unlike him I have been given the third eye vision and
Read moreMy Boy Fellow Youtuber Gardener Earth Guy Admits He Worked For The Navy To Troll 1st Amendment Auditors
I kinda touch on his trolling methods here: I was watching a Anderson Henderson livestream here: – Gardener Earth Guy aka GEG kinda cutee ? Always says stupid lil shit in my comments: LOL! Anyways, in this clip from said show you can hear him admit – and he sounds honest – that the navy hired him to troll 1st amendment auditors on youtube: I do too (and will be exposing they frauditor asses too)! Anyways, he kinda cutee! Got the Jack Nicholson smile: Kinda reminds me of the Jack Nicholson smile by grandfather on my dad’s side had
Read moreRacist Inbred Crakkka Named Aron ‘O Muireagan Reveals White People’s Fears of Black Self Confidence
Just look at the texts he posted on his ig account here: This how that creature looks: Tell me he don’t look like the cutty black (white sow) or Alf: – That mofo, the cutty black sow, used to scare TF outta my ass as a child. He was on an episode of “Tales From The Darkside” show. I miss my childhood. Anyways here is the full blown convo.: – That being said, this basically affirms what Dr. Francis Cress Welsing (who write the famous underground book “The Theory of Color Confrontation) and numerous other TRUE illuminatis aka illuminators
Read moreStorytime: The Time A Cult Tried To Recruit Me
::UPDATE UPDATE:: Dese weird-heauxs just posted up at the Malibu beach where I used to stay right after I called they asses out, lol: – Fucking “gods”. Yeah right, real gods don’t follow other fucking peepole. He trying to get a lil harem started like Nature-kneegrow here: – At least he cutee Looka this shit: – So apparently cause a womban dared spoke up and called his insecure ass OUT she “insecure” ? He says “Black Wives Lives Matter” yet his black ass with this asian girl here: And both his “wives” got European styled long hurr: I got a
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