Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump:
Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things.....
I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time.
So I am not a simple person.
Before I begin let me start off by saying that the demon seeds of Quetzalcoatl otherwise known as the wetback strikes again: ….With their feeble minded, low IQ asses. So I guess they don’t realise that their threats (wouldn’t say that shit if I were white) only proves my point….. esp. the audience I am trying to reach….? Look you fucking wetbacks stay off my platforms and stay out of black folks’ spaces. Your racist, demonic low IQ asses aren’t wanted, nor desired or needed ????? ✊? #trump2020 With that being said, let me address what went on in the
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They just removed the comments…. But I screenshot EVERYTHING…. Here the vid link: https://www.instagram.com/p/CCZxsXxAX_K/?igshid=19gci5wituhke Here how the owner of the site look: https://instagram.com/planetofthefoos?igshid=12r9ys2w2n3t6 And we blacks still want to unify with them while this happens…. Black people, we need to get our priorities straight and understand our true enemy: Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians
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THIS was the simple minded child like glib “deflection” type style arguments I made the point of wetbucks throwing out when they are confronted: – I mean, look at this demonic Lisa Simpson he got up here (which is consistent with their cult of death based on reptilian cult-ure which I talk about below)….. LOL I broke all that down here: Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians BTW I AM HAPPY that more folks are awakening to these hostile reptilian demon seed’s true nature: – Peep while trying to bullshit “rally” me into hating whites this
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Instead of black lives matter protesting against whites they need to be protesting against the demon seed of Quetzalcoatl which I break down here: Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians And stop the las cucarachas brown ? invasion of OUR NATION! This all started cause this fat ILLEGAL wetback threw something at my car and – like the bully they are – got pissed cause I threw something back at him! [purchase_link id=”37672″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] Also this mofo was FARRRR so why was he down here? It wasn’t for the beach cause there are
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I was drunk ass hell yesterday…. Here full vid of a dude shitting in an porta potty with no door on it and more crazy shit! Here me taking a spiritual bath: Can’t believe they ain’t fixed the door on the porta potty…. I saw a lil mouse run in it earlier…. Here is how I spent my day…. That’s my day…..
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Before I begin, I wanna show you what folks call a white liberal racist: Anyways, now that I got that out the way, let me break down what this article is about…. I have never had any illusions about these thangz (I will NOT refer to them as human due to the points I will make in this article). I have always seen them for what they are: racist, low vibratory, hateful, destructive, demonic, deceitful, sexual predators, an unnatural obsessiveness with sex (from my experience if you just have a hole it will do and same for the females –
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Before I begin my sermon, look at this anti white crime these wetbacks did: To a 13 year child I am quite certain tried to rape her. Ya’ll need to check out grendall’s channel (I’m not a conservative but I see ? what’s going on with them): https://www.youtube.com/user/grindall61 I can not get over the absolute and utter and complete SELFISHNESS and ARROGANCE of them. They have been attacking blacks for being black in a war of ethnic genocide: But yet get pissed when some silly black kids mess with an elote man…. And this foo’ says we stole rap and
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As I go thru this healing phase alot of bad shit is bubbling up the surface. Thus I shoulda been aware (but emotions take over) that bad, lecherous people – who are sent on a spiritual level to throw me off my path – will come. That happened today! [purchase_link id=”37348″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] Here he is with a knife in hand Here some other photos…. Naw I’m the last person to complain about nudity…. Showing Off Pictures of My Naked Body To Help The Sheriffs I Decide To Run Naked To Run Folks Out In Midst of Corona
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It was an UGLY motherfucker and FOR YEARS really tried to stop me from coming into my power…. He look just like this motherfucker….. – What a FUCKING subliminal representing this topic! I got the screenshot from 2Circles channel on Youtube. That is his video up above. Check him out cause he is the premier youtuber on the subject of reptilians. He (the reptilian) was one of the ones who tried to come to me in the spirit realm and claim he “related” to me (while committing incest?)! [purchase_link id=”35366″ text=”Download” style=”button” color=”blue”] ….My phone started fucking up as I
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****UPDATE: GOT THEIR LICENSE PLATE**** CA license plate #6APL755 I heard from folks that it was a sepia green Ford Explorer with a grill like a jeep at the front and a sort of slant at the back which is what I saw! You can see here: I Found The Wetbacks Who Ran Over My Foot I FUCKING PREDICTED THIS!!!! Fucking wetback ass so called “male” wants to fight me…. ….And they ran over my foot while COLLECTIVELY throwing shit at me! Fucking cowards! ****UPDATE**** I was drunk ass hell last night and I thought the black car you see
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