Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump:
Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things.....
I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time.
So I am not a simple person.
He done changed cars but here his license plate: This mofo is a serial rapist as me and my friends cards showed and he will strike again TONIGHT and, I hate California rules on self defense. It’s a shame the good get in trouble for defending themselves. Here is a primer on him: Chasing My Rapist He goes by William Smith III and from what I heard in the astral his real name might be Billy Crumper. Here is me talking about the impact this has had on me and how my third eye sees he is gonna keep on
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I’m the type of mofo to kill the kids and cut your dick off you walk away from me…. That path ain’t meant for everybody….
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Here is this mofo’s license plate: California license plate #5SVE309 He goes by William Smith and claims he from Chicago, which is interestingly the same name of a Kennedy who raped numerous women in Chicago. There is something evil protecting his ass cause I can’t spiritually do SHIT to get him! That being said, here is the video I took after all this happened: Looking in hindsight (cause at first since I couldn’t see the license plate I didn’t know if it was his ass or not and the car would pass at night making me wonder whether it
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Before I begin talking on it, LET ME TALK ABOUT THE HATRED THESE MOFOS GOT FOR ME IN MALIBU THAT I SAW IN THE ASTRAL REALM EARLY THIS MORNING: I ‘woked these two bitches. That’s why their reactions towards me done changed and they are more respectful. That’s why I got a problem with people having a problem with me practising black magick and ‘wokeing people: I use black magic to keep mofos in line and I’ll ‘woke the mofos, too, who got a problem with it! That being said, early this morning, I was in the astral realm,
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This looks power-full ???? They keep proving me right…. UPDATE Just now, I am recognizing I SAY NO FUCKING LIES! I just saw those demon ass WETBACKS pass by in cars in an intimidating manner, with one calling me a “bitch” not too long after I dropped this article! This means that everything I said is THE TRUTH and they are trying to get me to suppress speaking the truth, which I won’t (I will ‘woke they ass if need be, even collectively) AND that they are working towards fucking up my spiritual development cause, as I said, they are
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THIS ESP. APPLIES TO THE WETBACKS – WHO I DO NOT LIKE, PERIOD AND LOOK FORWARD TO ‘WOKEING! Wetbucks Are Now Getting They Deserved Due For What They Have Been Doing To Blacks Ase ✊??? ????? Imma get back to exposing you reptilian demon seeds of Quetzalcoatl, soon! You can see my work, here: TOPLESS IN LA EXCLUSIVE: I Killed A Man’s Ma Cause He Refused To Give Me A Jump And here: The Museum of Da ‘Woke I’ve killed people and fucked up others spiritually so don’t fuck with me. There will be no learing, no projection of
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The guy up above is Bill, who started and was big in the so called “True Forced Lonliness” community which was a predecessor to the INCELS of today, smdh! Roger Elliot was one.. – Nigga look like he shoulda trying been trying to nail bois! Also, don’t Elliot Roger – who was the son of a famous producer (means they groomed him to be a mk ultra psyop patsy) look like the so called “Youtube Killer”, exactly like her…. They even got them side by side with each other when you search her! That tell’s you ALOT! There’s a reason
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That’s how folks be dying in they sleep….
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Oh the fucking liberal irony… This bitch got a fucking protest message complaining about a black man – who pistol whipped a pregnant woman and robbed homes for crack money – getting “murdered” by the police while calling the police on a black woman who ain’t doing shit other than looking fine ass hell ? She must be one of these white heauxs who love the black cock ?? and hate black women cause she see us aa competition for it. This bitch look like my old friend, Allen: Look, I ain’t trying to push shit – I have no
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That shit is SO fucking degrading and disrespectful to me: to put me in such a suppressed box – which is EXACTLY where he wants me to be – where my voice, who I am is restrained…. I covered his ass here as being a government agent (his government name is Robert A. Smith and he lives in I believe South Florida): My Boy Fellow Youtuber Gardener Earth Guy Admits He Worked For The Navy To Troll 1st Amendment Auditors I made a promise that if he keeps this shit up….. Imma end his fucking line. I heard thru
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