That being said I had a series of dreams – and actual veritable experience – where I get fucked with by the illuminati along with Maria Parafin:
That being said one night I was asleep and I saw in the astral plane the royal family and numerous tables set up and it had a dark eerie shadowy like look about it.
That said if my consciousness wasn’t so fucked up I woulda been able to to see what was going.
I later learned that what I was being screened from seeing was Prince Charles raping a young woman, black woman, and torturing her.
He look like an evil rat faced ass morherfucker.
Imma say this, I learned during this curse that there is a place called Geeta’s in downtown LA – I believe one here at 425 Broadway St Los Angeles CA 90013. Sincerely I sense it’s this place that looks like a former movie theater to adjacent to the Planet Fitness where I used to frequent and embraced just to get my mind – and consciousness – off this bullshit!
I keep hearing it’s here but use 694 hz, 695 hz of your third eye to see:
That being said I was a big fan of Eli Roth’s Hostel. That man professed it was a true story.
She look MK Ultra.
From what I understand the reason why she never or really hardly smiles is cause they put her through a sex ritual like what happened to Angelina Jolie:
Speaking of which – I know I sound schizo – mind you I have heavy shit so when you see bits of elucidation coming from me, I am fighting it. And know the shit I say is my truth. But I will always verify it’s veracity.
That said I went on Instagram posting my spiritual truths and I want y’all to note the interesting reactions to my “schizo” posts which I concede looks crazy:
Couple of em mention defamation. Why say that to a schizo post? I sense that they are hired agents that peruse comments on social media for shit that gets to uncomfortably close to real truths and let folks know they are getting too close for their own comfort before shutting them down cause why – just like when you see poor folks stealing from these big stores – get pissed and threaten defamation for an extremely unjustifiably wealthy mofo who ain’t paying you – unless he is and thus gives you a vested reason to give af about what anonymous and weird mofos say about him online?
There was another message – I don’t know how true it is – concerning he had sex with a woman and had a kid by her and killed her and stole the child and made it look like Beyonce sired her:
With them evil mofos in that world I don’t doubt it.
That said this reminds me I actually did an article foreshadowing a Soul Swap unbeknownst to me at the time, foreshadowing my fate, what happened and in it was unbeknownst to me at the time again were actually record execs (I heard the person occupying my body in that August 22, 2022 timeline – a fat white bitch named Ashley Terrell from Destrehan, La – is a singer like Britney Spears and is with that ugly mayate, Lil Wayne.
Look I got a nice voice but, considering record executives came to me back then – I could see directors cause I would be cool for that shit – but record execs, foh.
Now it all makes sense.
Reptilians Threatening Me In The Dreamscape For Not Being Recruited By Them
I wanna mention too as well I used to wonder why I could never get famous off my topless protest shit. I felt at the time a major media hush, like keep a tight lid and now I surmise why. Them witches in Hellyweird knew a Soul Swap was coming and not to taint my future false self – with a false person occupying my body (I even saw in the astral plane for her Soul consciousness is shown a deceptive female facing away with her back exposed and only that, not the truth) – with my past, really, real Self.
That’s some evil shit to take in and that’s why I reject that shit.
I think this is screen shit. I believe he learned from someone who knows about it about it’s existence and from what I understand Jay Z, Rhianna, Elon Musk (I heard he paid to beat somebody up and rape a woman at one point) and nem been there.
From what I heard the scenes of torture that go on and the way the building looked – that’s why I think despite hearing it could be that bike shop I feel it’s more than likely an abandoned movie theater there but I could be wrong. My sources don’t lie – looks just like that.
Big, ominous, and almost no way out.
That said from what I understand the shit they offer is some of the most evil shit I ever heard: I heard and saw they allow you to rape, commit pedophilia, torture, murder – some of the worst shit I heard – I heard Jay Z who sexually initiated his child Blue Ivy – I heard they won’t touch Rumi – hence why she looks morose and sullen:
Attended a show where little LIVE girls were turned into living mannequins ala like a grotesque beauty pageant!
Reminds me of this No Sleep Reddit story where a young kid went to the underworld to find his pops – who looked like my past life Swedish father who has helped me alot during this curse. I didn’t know it at the time but they were one of the first and many – them, Cleopatra, Nefertiti, my grandmother Dorothy on my mom’s side:
Astral Vision Reveals Shit Blocking My Crown Chakra Goes Back To A Past Life
That Swedish past life – one of the more recent with the Vietnamese past life being the most recent – is strong. I thought they were morons but we were Swedish settlers in Oklahoma. I recall having a dream reminiscent of the film Midsommer where they were dancing around a giant doll.
Here is Nefertiti and I learned a lot about my Khemetian ancestors – them, Anubis, have protected me alot during this curse.
I recall whole buildings in my part of the astral plane were being removed which is a mad serious matter.
I recall them taking me in and seeing a post saying “African” them “Egypt”.
It was a bunch of people at the beginning of the curse – way back in Miracle Mile when I started seeing giant roaches – from what I understand that was the start of it – that came to help. Here is Nefertiti’s shadow appearing in place of mine. Note her staff and the fact I got an afro while the shadow wears a pharaoh’s hat:
And my grandmother Dorothy on my mom’s side. I heard when I was little – she always wanted to see me when I was a kid – that she passed away in her sleep. From what I understand she ended up in the hell realms of one of the future entities that attacked me due to this curse:
Imma say this right now. When people pass away, the method of death doesn’t correlate to where they arrive.
It’s a well known fact that folks – as what happened to my parents at the start of this curse who ended up in a roach realm (I later saw my dad drawing his lil gun, which he has A LOT of faith in, riddled with giant cockroach bites, looking like the elephant man, in an attempt to defend him and my mom. Before then I heard their cries when they arrived in that hell realm. They got placed in a spirit jar. Use 156 hz to get folks out of spirit jars) – folks astral project and don’t make it back, as nearly what happened to me during this curse – if it wasn’t for them roach spirits I got I wouldn’t of made it as a few good friends and allies in the spirit plane. People do drugs and that opens you up to evil shit, drink. Usually it could herald a curse. Speaking of which it reminds of how poor Elegua, whose real name is Elizondo Salazar, a black man and I think slave, passed after some evil Spanish spic and cspan crakkkas cursed him to steal his great spiritual powers and much like Geeta’s as referenced – this hurts to say as much to see (use 694 hz, 695 hz to see) – got placed in a fucking living furniture hell realms where his consciousness was almost forever (me and my roach spirits helped him as we do Soul rescue for others). Again use 3517 hz, 3571 hz to revive a spirit body and for physical bodies – use 117 hz combined with 800 hz. Your ancestors and entity attachments of friends, family live on in our bodies – which is in part how folks become schizophrenic due to an evil ancestor using an entity attachment of them in you to fuck with you, so as I say you can always be revived. Frequency is key.
Here is my grandmother Dorothy:
Use 125 hz, 1185 hz (which transmutes hell realms and I have seen it) to free folks from hell realms.
Speaking on my grandmother, I had a vivid dream while being chauffeured by a black man and his kids – reminiscent of how my dad would drive me and my brothers in his DA car as kids:
– This me as an ugly baby and my dad.
That said here is the reddit post I am talking about that correlated to what Jay Z saw.
Talks perfectly about the underworld and living furniture hell realms like what I saw with the Swami Brothers which – if my shit was alright – I would talk about in astral world.
That being said that’s how lil girls were displayed and that’s what Jay Z was lusting after.
I couldn’t be around them damn people.
That being said it looks just like Hostel and as Cathy O’ Brien, an mk ultra sex slave was saying, they throw you off the “freedom train” or process of life at the age of 30 in the mk ultra victimization world, of which she and her daughter were almost victims:
She wrote the book “Trance-formation of America” which details which she and her daughter endured.
That said, the night before, I keep having timelines by Maria Parafin, the highest self of these people here at 8704 Broadway in South Central I keep talking about, stealing em with two major ones connected to my lifeline and Soul consciousness – which she has removed (and get taken back by ancestors and roach spirits) – which has nearly killed me, which is her aim. I keep mysteriously hearing her say, “I want her to stay dead” and, when something terrible happened to me on May 1, 2024, I saw the grim reaper not long after.
I talk more about what this people have done to me – which this is an account of, here:
I say that to say when I dream the places where I go – which is supposed to be a juxtaposition of your physical experiences, instead has other people and shit that I haven’t seen.
That said, I was homeless. I was back in Malibu in a way but walking city, LA streets. I saw some homeless who energetically seemed familiar but weren’t. Then I ended up here in this place of the Rothschild’s.
Here are pics from their 1970s Satanic/Baphomet gala.
I saw the goat’s head, Baphomet – it felt mad dark and ominous.
This looks like Cernunnos, a Celtic God who is great to work with.
That’s what I low key believe the deer antler horns rep.
Goats horns, Baphomet witch alot of folk on LSD see or Amun, the first real monotheistic God worshipped in ancient Khemet which is “amen” derives:
With that being said, I woke up to a physical attack by them.
I won’t go into too much detail – I learned a lot during this curse about the illuminati and my relation to them:
I Saw The Horrible Fate of The Rothschilds’ Afterlife In A Vision
– There was an article involving an entity that looked like her here that is connected to the illuminati that visited me in the past. I gotta look it up!
When I lived in Malibu I ran into a lot ofmk ultra victims out there.
Proof That G The Illuminati Uses Homeless MK Ultra Victims Against Me In Malibu
It’s funny I have a black cube as my pic here cause in the astral I saw that by my head after May 1, 2024 due to something happening at the hands of these people meaning death:
The Illuminati Still Trying To Recruit Me For Their Perverted Agenda
That being said – Imma say this right now. My parents died in that timeline. They got taken out their bodies by the people who took it over and replaced, as happened to I. I have seen their Soul consciousnesses alone in torment and stuck in hell realms. My dad’s entity attachment connecting to that timeline told me the date of death was August, 23, 2023 or June when they could not get back in. Maybe July.
I recall in Louisiana I saw foreshadowing, portends of this curse, this disaster to come.
I remember when going to UNO, stopping at a gas station and seeing my dad driving a nice pimpin’ car – similar to what Baron Samedi has in the astral – with a crazed, glazed, “Not totally there look.”
I remember at the beginning of this curse, when I was in that timeline, hearing my dad and mom out of body, having their minds fucked with and destroyed – I saw my mom’s intelligence etc get taken out by the two people who first put this curse on me going back to the PCH – I got an Ingrid Hibert, a German woman. I even note my mom’s whole voice changed here.
Here is the after:
That being said I saw that the two people – I got an Ingrid Hibert and used to get calls from her too – and her husband who is supposed to look like George Jefferson but white mixed with wetback – had CIA written at the top of their appearances, well mainly the man when I have seen him in the dreamscape.
That being said I say this to say I had a dream of government agents, scientists, experimenting on them and turning them into grotesque monsters. From what I have seen of them, the illuminati has taken them and made entity attachments of them in their heads, starting with Jay Z, who is in my timelines due to from what I understand a deal made between my God going back to when I was small who sold him my Baphomet – which we all have inner connections to – use 694 hz, 695 hz to see – in which was used to keep me under dark, heavy curses – from what I understand I was supposed to be an art prodigy when young – while he gets great material blessings.
Starting in 1991 I used to have recurring dreams or astral visions as I call em where I and a group of other kids would get waiting backstage after his concerts which I took to be rape. Rape in the spirit plane means somebody stole your shit and during this curse I learned he did that to me.
Also of note he didn’t blow up until 1997 so a small child like me at the time in Louisiana – he from NY – shouldn’t of known about him.
From what I understand I woulda been a child art prodigy if it weren’t for him.
That being said he was first placed in his consciousness – then these people here, Maria Parafin the highest self of one of these people who are protecting them at that 8704 Broadway Botanica – where they are cut up every single night and because this Maria Parafin is in my energy, spirit body – from what I understand the people in that August 22, 2022 timeline who are my higher selves – I got an Ingrid Hibert made a deal with them to sacrifice me.
I have also heard – use 694 hz, 695 hz to see – one of the tarot reader’s – this woman here – went to somebody to get a reading on me then sacrifice me.
That said – I hear their cries – they are constantly cut up in their consciousnesses every night to the point of spirit death while Maria Parafin manipulates her connection to the illuminati to turn my entity attachments and Soul consciousness against me, turning it into entity attachments – in one instance cutting up my spirit lungs which has your timelines so I could not get back to them.
She was made – or parasitically took over – my highest self in that timeline.
From what I understand she a Mexican with a bulbous nose but likes to use my powers to change her appearance so use 694 hz, 695 hz to see what she truly is or 925 hz to change her back.
She in my spirit and energy body is like ,a fucking virus that mutates or quickly gets rid of like automaton robots your entity attachments in your Soul consciousness and replaces it quickly with her entity attachments of ancestors etc. She has lit removed my Soul consciousness. It is a nightmare to deal with. And when you get Soul swapped – I noticed my archangels, spirit guides are small and way too easily accessible as entity attachments which they should not be, which is just one of many signs I am not in my body.
Here are my parents:
– You can see my mom is a much different looking person due to this curse.
I heard in that timeline my two parents got taken out their bodies, left Covington, La, where they were, packed up in a white car, am left for California after “I” made it big just like Kanye West got bigger money wise after he got Soul swapped. In the astral plane I heard folks helped him out. BTW 808 hz can get you back into your body.
I notice nobody been going to his concerts since he came out of that UCLA MK Ultra 5150 hold and got Soul swapped:
This guy whose last name is interesting West,
Louis Jolyon West, used to run MK Ultra experiments at UCLA UK that way:
The entity he Soul swapped with is admitting he should of never been in there:
Due to a heavy curse by this bald headed entity who is associated with the German woman who put the curse on me – I got an Alex Nacimento – they were struck with a heavy drug and alcohol curses that would schizo affectively kill their consciousness if they did not give in so they gave in. And were homeless in that timeline with my brother Kerry being the last one left.
That being said from what I understand with my brother Kristen – who died in that timeline as well and is in-between worlds – I wrote an article noting that he hasn’t updated his Twitch account since 2022, when the curse hit and I got Soul swapped.
My Brother Kristen’s Twitch Page Confirms That I Got Soul Swapped
I noticed something interesting when I look up his name “BigBrotherGnE”:
It comes up he’s dead, stuff insinuating death.
I had him come to me in a dream begging for help where I saw him stuck in an ultra violent place in the astral plane where it was constant violence every day from what he told me and he was glad to see me.
When I look up his two most recent posts dating back to 2024 that shows a silhouette of a man, a shadowy figure much like how folks say in that August 22, 2022 my Soul consciousness looks like, but it is a woman in a cocktail dress with her back exposed – nothing pops up:
It reminds me how a dead person, when they peruse familiar things, find weird shit.
This is how I look, my Soul consciousness, in that August 22, 2022 timeline:
I heard in that timeline as part of a rite of blood ritual the illuminati, basically Prince Andrew, who was at Epstein Island threw my brother Kristen Williams so the bitch who took my body could curry favour with them. I heard they keep her decaying body smelling like cinnamon so no one knows what is going on. The truth.
He got placed in hell realms his own self. My brother.
Anyways I was told this picture taken in 2015 – when I first started seeing giant roaches in my old neighborhood of Miracle Mile – 637 Hauser Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90037 Apt. #5 (funny where I am at now is Apt # 408 which reminds me of my favourite film, Room 1408) would become the fate of my father stuck in the roach realm:
I had a dream of my mother in a hospital filled with roaches begging for help and I had a dream of my dad, a vision once, of him filled with roaches and my parents with razor blades in their mouths, like I saw last night.
When I was 8 I had a brief vision of my dad in the house filled with roaches and from what I understand that was to be his future due to this curse. I another night had a dream of him appearing as a demon and I have been seeing him appear as a demon more and more in my dreams so something ain’t right is going.
I even saw an entity attachment of her, torn up in the torso and all.
I learned that this entity behind my brother was to become my father in the future due to this, who with a fucked up consciousness due to this curse, took him as a cop and took him to jail and thus to hell:
I was told in a couple of timelines via Maria Parafin and her ties to the illuminati in the spirit plane – who made them a sacrifice – she, they were going to have them stuck and tormented in hell realms, with my dad being turned into an entity named Theriel:
From what I understand she made a deal with them so she can come up on them as a blood sacrifice to be in novelas on Telemundo etc and so her lower self can have riches.
Again use 3517 hz to revive a spirit body, 3571 hz as well,and 117 hz combined with 800 hz on both spirit and physical bodies. 694 hz, 695 hz to see where they at.
From what I understand they are destined to be in hell realms as per this curse if I don’t do something about it.
To keep me from doing anything I had my front consciousness stolen by Maria Parafin the other night. You can use 295 hz, 295hz combined with 695 hz, or 1715 hz or 1714 to get something back.
Maria Parafin stole my dad’s whole entire Soul Consciousness at one point – which can kill a person – and she keeps throwing them out their timelines so she can feed on them as a sacrifice. She is constantly trying to kill them off as a blood sacrifice and distance me from seeing them and helping them and anybody else and making it hard to get to a better place then.
That said this evil bitch – using their powers of the illuminati – torments me day and night. My consciousness is shown fucked up I can’t even articulate or describe accurately what is going on.
That said use 1248 hz to defeat them.