Florida Wetback RV Methheads Haul Ass After ‘Woke By LA Sheriffs

Florida Wetback RV Methheads Haul Ass After ‘Woke By LA Sheriffs

I talked on em here (I heard those toxic methhead mofos talking shit about me all night – must be da ‘woke ??‍♀️??)….. https://toplessinla.org/2021/09/29/tweaking-wetbacks-in-florida-rv-selling-drugs-right-out-of-trap-rv-on-topanga-canyon-blvd/ #WokeOnWetbacks Sheriffs did tit do…… – I notice on many nights them mofos be taking off in their lil white (unpaid for near repossessed) car. I honest think them demons shadow people and reps ? I beset on them are tearing em UP loool ????‍♀️?? hissssss???? BTW they got wayyyy too many RVs at the front clogging up space (along with some methheads from the past)…..

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How To Defeat Pallet Numbre And Hekate

Lately both Pallet Numbre and a “goddess” named Hekate have been on my heels in the astral plane, vowing to keep me stuck in hell realms because they want me as a sacrifice! I wonder if it is because of a deal they made with Barbara Reina and David Reina in order to keep my powers, blessings and other things stolen from me as part of this curse. David Reina keeps sending entity attachments made of my brother Kristen, who he has placed in terrible hell realms, to keep me from procuring my abilities and blessings back. That said both

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Cutty Black Sow Got ‘Woked Flees When It Sees Me

…..”I’m wide awake, wide awake…..” Racist Arab Seller Makes Good On Threat And Sends The Cutty Black Sow and Casper The Methhead Hoe In Sprinter Van They Stole My Way – That has to be THE. UGLIEST face in history, ever known…… I put ‘woke on that creature (shoulda put a beauty spell on Quasimodo’s face) and as can be seen in the video bitch was FLEEEEEING…… I remember him. He has mental problems. He used to be on the pch, acting like a tough guy, only to get his ass whooped…. When you look at the vids in the

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Coming Back To Do Tarot And Spiritual Facts I Learned During This Curse

That being said I made two videos about this: That said as I have said before in many videos I have some very wicked, evil people who put some very evil, wicked shit on me, roach attachments, namely using this entity attachments here: Whose name is Alex Nacimento, to commandere then pilfer my consciousness, hoping to control it (they like to take control of your various entity attachments and use them against you and lately they have been using an entity attachment, a roach attachment of Baron Samedi, to viciously attack me and take control). Lately I have been getting

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Something Weird Going On With Zendaya (Hollywood Sacrifices)

Something Weird Going On With Zendaya (Hollywood Sacrifices)

I just made this video showing a clip stating that she has some type of “imposter syndrome” going on as well as folks coming up off of sacrifices – especially of Angus Cloud – on “Euphoria” the show: Powered by youtube embed video generator They accuse her of having “imposter syndrome” which sounds like MK ultra. I keep hearing in the spirit world that she was stuck in the roach realm and grew up – as seen through my third eye – under latent mk ultra, spiritual mk ultra. I got 7172 Niagara Way in the astral plane where she

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VERY Important Info Coming and Important Spiritual Information To Tell June14, 2024 Reading

VERY Important Info Coming and Important Spiritual Information To Tell June14, 2024 Reading

Powered by youtube embed video generator That said I say something spiritually in the video that could get me fucked up and killed in my sleep regarding the demiurge, the Gooru system, a sacrificial realm named Istanbul and the evil schitt the people who put this curse on me are under, what they war-ship. That factoid about Istanbul may especially get me killed so please do send good energy my way, pray for me. I may talk more about it tomorrow. Here are some articles speaking on the parasitic system I mention: The Kingdom of God Is A Kingdom of

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