Somebody About To Find Out I Ain’t One To Mess With

Somebody About To Find Out I Ain’t One To Mess With

Remember this methhead here….

White LA Methhead Michael Pataky And Son Raise Hell Cause I Won’t Give Them No Black Pussy

After writing ALL the racist shit you can see in the article above, this sick ass methhead threatens to fuck with my shit IF I don’t unblock his calls….

LOL I just…. I’m at a lost.

These pee-pole ARE reeeal fucking dumb to be fucking with me. You think – this crackhead meth-od man crakkka REALLY thinks he gonna bully me into accepting him after he physically threatened me for not entertaining his methhead son via email who also disrespected my race.

I got kills under my belt:

TOPLESS IN LA EXCLUSIVE: I Killed A Man’s Ma Cause He Refused To Give Me A Jump

The Museum of Da ‘Woke

Drag Me To Hell Is REAL And These WETBACKS Are About To Find Out

….I got plenty more…..

I just – wonder – where these folks are fooling themselves into thinking they can intimdate me, like I am one of these infinitely forgiving folks who you can just play around with and yo yo in and out of with your fuckery.

Do these mofos not Sea ??? my track record:

TOPLESS IN LA EXCLUSIVE: I Killed A Man’s Ma Cause He Refused To Give Me A Jump

The Museum of Da ‘Woke

Drag Me To Hell Is REAL And These WETBACKS Are About To Find Out

Since he a methhead, somebody about to die of an overdose…..

Let me get to ‘woke ??‍♀️??

He bout to join his dealer.

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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