Is This A Fucking Goblin or Something Else

Is This A Fucking Goblin or Something Else

– The featured image looks like Willow o’ Wisp huh?

You can REALLY hear it here:


And you may be able to hear it here:


Tf is this ??‍♀️

Shid look at the numbers….. 222 and 333

When you listen, listen for a feminine voice that goes, “Hey.” I once heard it fully speak and it was cackling like a goat, kinda like this:

It then transitions to hooting like an owl – I tried to capture it on tape but, as if it KNEW I was gonna tape it shut up – and then I hear a REAL owl’s voice accompanied by the fake one.

I also felt whole extensive areas that were unusually cold that when you would walk an inch it all of a sudden became warm!

TF is this!

I touched on it here:

King of Wands Confirmed As Yellow Eyed Entity and Experiences With Goblins And Other Forest Elementals

I recall hearing an entity speakath in Medieval English where it was saying something to the owl, telling it to “shut up” then “I can do better than you” then starts hooting like an owl ?

What figure in so called mythology does this fit with?

I have heard of Minerva possessing an owl, all sorts of Roman Gods and Goddesses but, this is weird.

It ain’t no reptilian cause as discussed here…..

Wetbacks Get PISSED That I Reject One Of Their Ugly Old Reptilian Influenced Demon Seeds

They ran them OUT! So that’s not them!

It also started walking to my car while I ignored it (it left me alone when I confronted it). I also heard LARGER footsteps, like that witch ??‍♀️ commeth from a giant.

I wonder what cryptid this is. I think goblin but not sure!

I won’t lie; I like this shit! Rather deal with this any day than with the mundane world. I happened to have found a haunted house on instagram:

– You can see in the last pic it’s haunted!

Everyone was saying it’s haunted. It’s also a steal at $98,000!

It looks alot like these houses in the poorer subdivisions of New Orleans East I used to see while driving to UNO.

That said, if I wanted to live sedentary, I would live there! I like being in places with deep, deep spiritual energy, places like in the forest, that are far away from folks!

I’d rather deal with spirits then with people but shit can get tricky if you go that route, like what happened here:

Demon Alters Timeline And Navy Shows Me The Matrix In Astral Vision

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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