Are We In A Level 3 Universe Hence the BerenstAin Effect

Are We In A Level 3 Universe Hence the BerenstAin Effect

In case you’re wondering here it is: A level 3 univserse as defined here: …is where the laws of physics is RADICALLY different from what we are used to, hence the astral aka “dream” realms we enter into at night – our real reality! That said, I thought about it after listening to one of Bobby Hemmitt’s lectures here: THAT SAID, I firmly believe that the 3 vibrational shifts we went through – CERN may have had a hand in em – one which occurred in 1983 (the year I was born), there was another one in 2012, the

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9 to 5 Jobs Are A Humiliation Ritual

9 to 5 Jobs Are A Humiliation Ritual

This is an oldie but a greatie: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29868″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Basically, they are a smaller and less profitable but nonethless spiritually sacrificing aka spiritually draining (Even though hers is MORE and her fate in the afterlife will be MUCH MUCH WORSE – cause from what a seer told me – they spiritually sacrifice these people as they did to Kanye) process no different than what Cardi B did here: It is designed to keep you SOOO BUSY focusing on your survival and FORCING you to earn fiat money to maintain it: You can read up

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This shit has been CRAZY and I’ve been coming across hurdles ALLL day looong to achieving my objectives! Look at this here: – HOW THE FUCK CAN I NOT “CUSTOMIZE” MY OWN FUCKING SITE??? As a matter of fact, when I just tried to ppst that screenshot just now, “something” was not letting me! Well, basically – a couple of hours before – I came under spiritual attack – severe – after trying to devise what numerological numbers will work best to help me achieve wealth and spiritual accomplishments with regards to accessing my spirirual gifts, etc. There was a

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